Hans Jörg Mathieu

Professeur honoraire
hansjoerg.mathieu@epfl.ch http://people.epfl.ch/hansjoerg.mathieu
The application of surface analysis methods to problems of materials science and engineering is being developed. Methods available at LMCH, some with imaging capabilities, include Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Scanning Auger Microscopy (SAM), X-ray induced Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS, ESCA), and Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (TOF-SIMS). Quantitative in-depth analysis with and without sputtering and computer based methods for the characterization of organic materials by TOF-SIMS are of special interest. Applications include the characterization of thin oxide films (1-10 nanometers) on metals and alloys, the study of adsorption phenomena of inhibitors and additives, the analysis of surface modified structural polymers and of biomaterials. Chemical surface modification of materials is performed to obtain specific functional properties. LMCH provides also service in surface analysis for external laboratories.Biographie
D'origine allemande, H.J. Mathieu est né à Dortmund en 1942. Il est citoyen Suisse de Eschenbach/St. Gall. Après sa maturité latine, il poursuit ses études à l'Université de Tübingen et à l'Ecole Polytechnique de Karlsruhe où il obtient, en 1969, son diplôme de physicien. Il devient assistant en chimie-physique et obtient son doctorat de chimie à l'Université de Dortmund en 1971.Entre 1971-73 il poursuit ses recherches à l'Université de Californie au Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
En 1974 il rejoint l'EPFL et assume la responsabilité du groupe d'analyse des surfaces. Il reçoit en 1976 le prix de l'Association Suisse pour l'Essai des Matériaux. Nommé Privat-Docent à l'EPFL en 1982, le Conseil des Ecoles Polytechniques Fédérales lui a attribué le titre de professeur en 1994.
Ses axes de recherche portent sur l'analyse des surfaces et couches minces des matériaux solides et des biomatériaux. Le prof. H. J. Mathieu était membre de la IUVSTA, président du comité directeur (steering committee) de l'ECASIA et président du GSSI/SAOG (Groupe Suisse Surfaces et Interfaces). Il est auteur de plus que 200 publications scientifiques.
Sélection de publications
H.J. Mathieu Recognition Receptors in Biosensors, (M. Zourob ed.), Springer, New York, ISBN 978-1-4419-0918-3 (2010) |
Analytical Tools for Biosensor Surface Chemical Characterization |
H.J. Mathieu John C. Vickerman & Ian S. Gilmore, 2nd ed., Surface Analysis - The Main Techniques - 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, ISBN - 978-0-470-01763-0 (2009) |
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (ch.2) |
E. Hoque, J.A. DeRose, B. Bhushan, and H.J. Mathieu NanoScience and Technology ISSN 1434-4904, Applied Scanning Probe Methods IX - Characterization, B. Bhushan, H. Fuchs, M. Tomitori (eds.), Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ch. 22, ISBN 978-3-540-74082-7 (2008) |
Self-assembled monolayers on Aluminum and Copper Oxide Surfaces: Surface and Interface Characteristics, Nanotribological proproperties, and chemical stability |
D. R. Barbero, M. S. M. Saifullah, P. Hoffmann. H. J. Mathieu, D. Anderson, G. A. C. Jones, M. E. Welland, and U. Steiner Advances Functional Materials 17, 2419-2425 (2007) |
High Resolution Nanoimprinting with a Robust and Reusable Polymer Mold |
M. Ramstedt, R. Houriet, D. Mossialos, D. Haas, and H.J. Mathieu J Biomed Mater Res, Part B: Appl Biomater 83B: 169-180 (2007) |
Wet silver treatment of endotracheal tubes in order to produce antibacterial surfaces |
G. Coullerez, S. Lundmark, M. Malkoch, H. Magnusson, E. Malmstr�m, A. Hult, and H.J. Mathieu Applied Surface Science 203-204 620-624 (2003) |
Insights from ToF-SIMS analysis of dendritic macromolecules: catonization and PCA to probe their molecular weight on surfaces |
E. Delamarche, C. Donzel, F. S. Kamounah, H. Wolf, M. Geissler, R. Stutz, P. Schmidt-Winkel, B. Michel, H.J. Mathieu, and K. Schaumburg Langmuir 19, 8749-8758 (2003) |
Microcontact Printing Using Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Stamps Hydrophilized by Poly(ethylene oxide) Silanes |
D. J. Balazs, K. Triandafillu, Y. Chevolot, B-O. Aronsson, H. Harms, P. Descouts, and H.J. Mathieu Surf. Interface Anal. 35, 301-309 (2003) |
Surface Modification of PVC Endotracheal Tubes by Oxygen Glow Discharge to Reduce Bacterial Adhesion |
H.J. Mathieu, E. Bergmann, R. Gras Trait� des Mat�riaux, vol. 4, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR), CH-1015 Lausanne, 512 pages, ISBN 2-88074-454-7 (2003) |
Analyse et Technologie des Surfaces - Couches minces et tribologie |
X. Gao, M. Schawaller, H.J. Mathieu and C. Hollenstein 16th Intern. Symposium on Plasma Chemistry ISPC-16, Taormina/I, June 22-27 (2003) Abstracts and Full Papers CD, edited by R. d'Agostino, P. Favia, F. Fracassi and F. Palumbo, 711 (2003) |
Plasma Surface Modified Polystyrene Biochip for Enhanced Biological Coupling |
C. Viornery, Y. Chevolot, D. L�onard, B.-O. Aronsson, P. P�chy, H. J. Mathieu, P. Descouts, and M. Gr�tzel Langmuir 18 (7), 2582 (2002) |
Surface modification of titanium with phosphonic acid to improve bone bonding: characterization by XPS and ToF-SIMS |
J. Kr�ger, R. Plass, M. Gr�tzel and H.J. Mathieu Appl. Physics Lett. 81 (2) 367-369 (2002) |
Improvement of the photovoltaic performance of solid-state dye-sensitized device by silver comlexation of the sensitizer cis-bis(4,4'-dicarboxy-2,2'bipyridine)-bis (isothiocyanato)ruthenium(II) |
H.J. Mathieu Surface and Interface Analysis 32, 3-9, (2001) |
Bioengineered material surfaces for medical applications |
H. J. Mathieu ch. 6 in Non-destructive Elemental Analysis - Z.B. Alfassi (Editor.), Blackwell, Oxon, 201-232, (2001) |
Elemental Analysis by AES, XPS and SIMS |
H. Biederman, F. Carney, P. Chabrecek, J. Vogt, Houriet, R., H. Hofmann, Y. Chevolot, N. Xanthopoulos, and H.J. Mathieu
European Cells and Materials, 2, 60 (2001) |
Plasma Treatment of Solid Surfaces for Biomedical Applications |
S.A. Makohliso, L. Giovangrandi, D. L�onard, H.J. Mathieu, M. Illegems and P. Aebischer Biosensors & Bioelectronics 13, 1227-1235 (1998) |
Application of Teflon-AF� Thin Films for Biopatterning of Neural Cell Adhesion |
L. Ruiz, E. Fine, J. V�r�s, S.A. Makohliso, D. L�onard, D.S. Johnston, M. Textor, and H.J. Mathieu Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, 10(9), 931-955 (1999) |
Phosphorylcholine containing polyurethanes for the control of protein adsorption and specific cell attachment via photoimmobilised laminin oligopeptides |
S.L.S. Stipp, J. Konnerup-Madsen, K. Franzreb, A. Kulik and H.J. Mathieu Nature 396 356-359 (1998) |
Spontaneous Movement of Ions through Calcite at Standard Temperature and Pressure |
H.J. Mathieu, B. Reihl, and D. Briggs John Wiley & Sons, Chichester ISBN-13: 978-0471958994 (1996) |
Ecasia 95: 6th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Montreux, Switzerland, October 9-13, 1995 |
M.P. Seah, H.J. Mathieu and C.P. Hunt Surface Science 139, 549-557 (1984) |
The Ultra-High Resolution Depth Profiling Reference Material Ta2O5 Anodically Grown on Ta |
H.J. Mathieu and D. Landolt Surf. Sci. 53, 228-240 (1975) |
Quantitative Auger Electron Spectroscopy Analysis of Ag-Pd and Ni-Pd Alloys |
R. Schumacher, E. Gegner, A. Schmidt, H.J. Mathieu, and D. Landolt Tribology International 13 (6), 311-317 (1980) |
Auger electron spectroscopy study on reaction layers formed under Reichert wear test conditions in the presence of extreme pressure additives |
H.J. Mathieu, D.E. McClure and R.H. Muller Rev. Sci. Instr. 45 798-802 (1974) |
Fast Self-Compensating Ellipsometer |
H.J. Mathieu, K.K. Reinhartz and H. Rickert Proceedings 10th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Palo Alto, p. 93-97 (1973) |
The Mechanism of the Electrochemical Degradation of Cu2S-CdS Solar Cells |