Jean-Paul Kneib

Full Professor
ERC Advanced project: Light on the Dark
Despite impressive progress in cosmology over the last decade, our understanding of the universe is still limited particularly in some Dark Areas: Dark Matter, Dark Energy & Dark Ages, where progress is particularly difficult. My goal is to assemble a focused research group in a unique environment at the crossroad of astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics, to shade new Light on the DArk (LIDA) using new analysis techniques and new observations coming from on one side: wide field imaging and spectroscopy galaxy surveys, and on the other side: deep multi-wavelength survey of massive galaxy clusters. If interested to join or learn more, do not hesitate to contact me!
Observatoire de Sauverny
1290 Versoix
+41 22 379 24 73
+41 21 693 04 63
BSP 320
SAUV 352
Web site: Web site:
PPH 335 (Bâtiment PPH)
Station 13
1015 Lausanne
+41 22 379 24 73
+41 21 693 04 63
PPH 335
Web site: Web site:
Web site: Web site:
+41 21 693 04 63
Web site: Web site:
Fields of expertise
Current work
* Former Principal investigator of the SDSS-IV eBOSS project. This is an international project assembling more than 150 participants located mainly in Europe, USA and China. This project will observe 1.5 million galaxy and quasars over 2014-2020 to accurately measure the expansion history of the Universe. * Member of the DESI collaboration. DESI is a future generation spectroscopic survey that will start in 2020 and will observe 40 millions of galaxy and quasars to probe the cosmological world model. In this project I have developed the emission line galaxy targeting and also participating in the design of the Fiber-Robot Positioner System. This robotic system is developed in collaboration with two other EFPL laboratories: LSRO (Laboratory of robotic systems) and REACT (Coordination and interaction system group). * Exploiting the Hubble Frontier Fields data. The frontier field is a public observing campaign with Hubble conducting deep images of strong lensing clusters, with the goal of using these massive cluster of galaxies to probe the very early universe. Recent results can be found here * Co-lead of the "Strong Lensing" working group of the ESA Euclid space mission. Euclid is a european-led space mission to conduct a major imaging and spectroscopic survey of the distant Universe. It regroups one thousands scientists and engineers throughout the world. * Co-Principal investigator of the CFHT-Stripe 82 project. This is an international project assembling about 20 participants located in Europe, Canada Japan and Brazil. This project has imaged 170 square degree of the equatorial sky to measure the mass distribution of structures using weak gravitational lensing.Professional course
Professor, ERC Advanced Laureate
Directeur de Recherche @ CNRS / Head of Cosmology group
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille
Charg� de Recherche @ CNRS
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille
Visiting Professor
Departement of Astronomy
Charg� de Recherche @ CNRS
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse
Marie Curie fellowship
Institute of Astronomy
University of Cambridge
Fellow / Support Astronomer
La Silla Observatory
Toulouse University, France
Astrophysics, Geophysics & Space Technics
Toulouse University, France
Engineer degree
Aerodynamics & Space Technics
Ecole Nationale Sup�rieur de l�A�ronautique et de l�Espace
Other publications
Most significant recent publications
Atek, H., Richard, J., Kneib, J.-P., and 8 colleagues. Probing the z>6 Universe with the First Hubble Frontier Fields Cluster A2744. ApJ 786, 60. (2014) Comparat, J., Kneib, J.-P. and 23 colleagues. Investigating emission-line galaxy surveys with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey infrastructure. MNRAS 428, 1498 (2013) Shan, H., Kneib, J.-P., and 8 colleagues. Weak Lensing Measurement of Galaxy Clusters in the CFHTLS-Wide Survey. ApJ 748, 56 (2012) Anderson, L., and 76 colleagues. The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: baryon acoustic oscillations in the Data Release 9 spectroscopic galaxy sam- ple. MNRAS 427, 3435 (2012) Kneib, J.-P. & Natarajan, N, Cluster Lenses, A&ARv, 19, 47 (2010) [review article] Jullo, E., Natarajan, P., Kneib, J.-P. and 4 colleagues, Cosmological Constraints from Strong Gravitational Lensing in Clusters of Galaxies. Science 329, 924 (2010) Leauthaud, A., Finoguenov, A., Kneib, J.-P. and 27 colleagues. A Weak Lensing Study of X-ray Groups in the Cosmos Survey: Form and Evolution of the Mass-Luminosity Relation. ApJ 709, 97. (2010) Tasca, L., Kneib, J.-P. and 57 colleagues. The zCOSMOS redshift survey: the role of environment and stellar mass in shaping the rise of the morphology-density relation from z ~ 1. A&A 503, 379 (2009) Full Publication: 351 publications, ~24,300 citations, h factor: 81 (from ADS)Publications
ADS Service: Publication List Research ID: A-7919-2015 ORCID: 0000-0002-4616-4989Press Releases
2014 July 24; New mass map of a distant galaxy cluster is the most precise yet: stunning new observations from Frontier Fields 2014 July 15: Large number of Dark Matter peaks found using Gravitational Lensing 2014 June 19: Small but significant: Astronomers use Hubble to study bursts of star formation in the dwarf galaxies of the early Universe 2014 May 1: Hubble astronomers check the prescription of a cosmic lens: First ever gravitation- ally lensed Type Ia supernovae discovered 2014 April 8: Astronomers from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Make the Most Precise Measurement Yet of the Expanding Universe see EPFL/LASTRO news 2014 February 7: Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes Find One of the Youngest Galaxies in the Universe 2012 October 16: Dark Matter Filament Studied in 3D for the First Time 2011 April 12: First galaxies were born much earlier than expected 2010 August 19: Astronomers take a step towards revealing the UniverseTeaching & PhD
PhD Students
Guitton Mathilde Julia, He Shengyu, Irureta-Goyena Chang Belén Yu, Kincaid Robert Daniel, Krishna Shreyam Parth, Rachith Elisabeth Andréa Cécile, Tregidga Ethan Daniel, Verdier Aurélien Thomas Mathieu,Past EPFL PhD Students
Angelopoulos Vasileios , Beauchesne Benjamin Emmanuel Nicolas , Forero Sanchez Daniel Felipe , Hausammann Loïc , Hörler Philipp , Juillard Michaël Yannick , Kronig Luzius Gregor , Lucchesi Romain Ely Roland , Macktoobian Matin , Rappaz Yoan , Rexroth Markus , Rüede Anne-Marlene , Schäfer Christoph Ernst René , Spérone-Longin Damien Louis Alexandre , Tamone Amélie , Variu Andrei , Yu Jiaxi ,Courses
Robotics practicals
- Teaching Robots to Accomplish a Manipulation Task
- Experimenting with haptic interfaces
- Controlling a serial robot ABB IRB 120
- Control of the Micro Delta Direct Drive robot
- LiniX, linear axis, assembly and control