Jeroen Jaap van Hunen

Head of Service
BI A2 443 (Bâtiment BI)
Station 7
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Web site:
+41 21 693 48 22
Web site: Web site:
Fields of expertise
Data Mining and Customer Relationship Management in Finance
Doctoral Education
Research Funding and Management
EPFL's Research OfficeBiography
Jeroen van Hunen studied physics at the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. The research for his MSc thesis "Lifetimes of excited atomic states" was performed at the University of Alberta in Canada. After his MSc degree (August 1994) he received an European fellowship (Human Capital and Mobility) and worked at the University of Coimbra in Portugal on radiation detectors for medical applications and high energy physics. At the beginning of 1996 he obtained a PhD position at NIKHEF, the Dutch National Institute for Nuclear and High Energy Physics, and defended his PhD thesis "Deep Inelastic Scattering of 14N" at the Utrecht University in the Netherlands in March 2000. His work concerned the analysis of nuclear effects in deep-inelastic scattering and the construction of a large Micro Strip Vertex Detector at DESY, Hamburg.After his PhD degree Jeroen van Hunen worked as CERN Research Fellow for the ALICE Silicon Pixel detector. This work continued until April 2002, at which time he started a NIKHEF research position to work at CERN on Monte Carlo studies of the physics performance of the LHCb experiment. From September 2004 until April 2007 he worked for the EPFL on a large silicon strip detector for the LHCb experiment and the preparation of the LHCb experiment for physics analysis.
From May 2007 until December 2012 Jeroen van Hunen worked in the field of finance at Credit-Suisse in Zürich. Here he and his team developed statistical models on the buying and transaction behavior of private banking clients. These models were used for marketing and client retention purposes (Customer Relationship Management). Statistical models and other complex analysis were furthermore used for strategic purposes, such as the development of business opportunities in different markets.
From January 2013 until September 2021 Jeroen van Hunen has been running the EPFL Doctoral School, and has launched together with the EPFL Reseach Office two COFUND projects (funded by the European Commission) namely EPFLinnovators and EPFLglobaLeaders. From October 2021 until June 2023 Jeroen van Hunen was deputy dean at the EPFL School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Since June 2023, Jeroen van Hunen is head of EPFL's Research Office