Jérôme Chappellaz
EPFL Valais Wallis
Route des Ronquos 86
1951 Sion
Web site: Site web: https://sense.epfl.ch
EPFL Valais Wallis
Route des Ronquos 86
1951 Sion
Web site: Site web: https://www.epfl.ch/schools/enac/about/organization/
Domaines de compétences
Directeur de Recherche au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Ancien Directeur de l'Institut polaire français Paul-Emile Victor (IPEV)
Président de la Fondation Ice Memory
Principaux domaines d'intérêt scientifique : paléoclimats, composition de l'atmosphère et cycles biogéochimiques, glaciologie, sciences polaires, géochimie isotopique, océanographie instrumentale
Publications Infoscience
Good enough: Intermediate complexity atmospheric models improve the representation of processes affecting seasonal snow
Lausanne, EPFL, 2024. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-10825.2023
A 2000-year temperature reconstruction on the East Antarctic plateau from argon-nitrogen and water stable isotopes in the Aurora Basin North ice core
Climate Of The Past. 2023-06-07. DOI : 10.5194/cp-19-1125-2023.Synthesis Report on the Environmental Impacts of Polar Research and Logistics in the Polar Regions
2023Southern Hemisphere atmospheric history of carbon monoxide over the late Holocene reconstructed from multiple Antarctic ice archives
Climate of the Past. 2023. DOI : 10.5194/cp-19-2287-2023.Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Snow on Central Arctic Sea Ice and its Implications
Lausanne, EPFL, 2023. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-10233.2022
Northern Hemisphere atmospheric history of carbon monoxide since preindustrial times reconstructed from multiple Greenland ice cores
Climate of the Past. 2022-04-01. DOI : 10.5194/cp-18-631-2022.2021
CH4 and N2O fluctuations during the penultimate deglaciation
Climate of the Past. 2021-08-03. DOI : 10.5194/cp-17-1627-2021.Antarctic surface temperature and elevation during the Last Glacial Maximum
Science. 2021-06-04. DOI : 10.1126/science.abd2897.2020
Continuous in situ measurement of dissolved methane in Lake Kivu using a membrane inlet laser spectrometer
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems. 2020-04-20. DOI : 10.5194/gi-9-141-2020.The SUBGLACIOR drilling probe: Hydraulic considerations
Annals of Glaciology. 2020-11-27. DOI : 10.1017/aog.2020.79.Millennial-scale atmospheric CO2variations during the Marine Isotope Stage 6 period (190-135 ka)
Climate of the Past. 2020-11-14. DOI : 10.5194/cp-16-2203-2020.Estimation of gas record alteration in very low-accumulation ice cores
Climate of the Past. 2020-03-11. DOI : 10.5194/cp-16-503-2020.Antarctic air bubbles and the long-term ice core record of CO2 and other greenhouse gases
Past Antarctica: Paleoclimatology and Climate Change; Elsevier, 2020. p. 27-50.Abrupt CO2 release to the atmosphere under glacia and early interglacial climate conditions
Science. 2020-08-20. DOI : 10.1126/science.aay8178.2019
High-resolution underwater laser spectrometer sensing provides new insights into methane distribution at an Arctic seepage site
Ocean Science. 2019-08-13. DOI : 10.5194/os-15-1055-2019.Simultaneous detection of C2H6, CH4, and δ13C-CH4 using optical feedback cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy in the mid-infrared region: Towards application for dissolved gas measurements
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2019-06-12. DOI : 10.5194/amt-12-3101-2019.Isotopic constraint on the twentieth-century increase in tropospheric ozone
Nature. 2019-06-01. DOI : 10.1038/s41586-019-1277-1.2018
Sub-Ocean: Subsea Dissolved Methane Measurements Using an Embedded Laser Spectrometer Technology
Environmental Science & Technology. 2018-08-16. DOI : 10.1021/acs.est.7b06171.2017
Is there 1.5-million-year-old ice near Dome C, Antarctica?
Cryosphere. 2017-11-02. DOI : 10.5194/tc-11-2427-2017.Glacial/interglacial wetland, biomass burning, and geologic methane emissions constrained by dual stable isotopic CH4 ice core records
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017-07-03. DOI : 10.1073/pnas.1613883114.Analytical constraints on layered gas trapping and smoothing of atmospheric variability in ice under low-accumulation conditions
Climate of the Past. 2017-12-13. DOI : 10.5194/cp-13-1815-2017.2016
Permafrost carbon as a missing link to explain CO 2 changes during the last deglaciation
Nature Geoscience. 2016-08-22. DOI : 10.1038/ngeo2793.Local artifacts in ice core methane records caused by layered bubble trapping and in situ production: A multi-site investigation
Climate of the Past. 2016-04-26. DOI : 10.5194/cp-12-1061-2016.Comparative carbon cycle dynamics of the present and last interglacial
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2016-04-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.01.028.2015
The relative importance of methane sources and sinks over the Last Interglacial period and into the last glaciation
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2015-03-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.01.004.Revision of the EPICA Dome C CO2 record from 800 to 600-kyr before present
Geophysical Research Letters. 2015-01-23. DOI : 10.1002/2014GL061957.2014
A simplified permafrost-carbon model for long-term climate studies with the CLIMBER-2 coupled earth system model
Geoscientific Model Development. 2014-12-18. DOI : 10.5194/gmd-7-3111-2014.The SUBGLACIOR drilling probe: Concept and design
Annals of Glaciology. 2014-01-01. DOI : 10.3189/2014AoG68A026.NGRIP CH4 concentration from 120 to 10 kyr before present and its relation to a δ15N temperature reconstruction from the same ice core
Climate of the Past. 2014-04-30. DOI : 10.5194/cp-10-903-2014.High resolution measurements of carbon monoxide along a late Holocene Greenland ice core: Evidence for in situ production
Climate of the Past. 2014-05-22. DOI : 10.5194/cp-10-987-2014.Atmospheric Composition and Biogeochemical Cycles over the Last Million Years
Treatise on Geochemistry; Elsevier, 2014-01-01. p. 305-326.2013
A first chronology for the north greenland eemian ice drilling (NEEM) ice core
Climate of the Past. 2013-12-05. DOI : 10.5194/cp-9-2713-2013.High-resolution glacial and deglacial record of atmospheric methane by continuous-flow and laser spectrometer analysis along the NEEM ice core
Climate of the Past. 2013-11-14. DOI : 10.5194/cp-9-2579-2013.A new Himalayan ice core CH4 record: Possible hints at the preindustrial latitudinal gradient
Climate of the Past. 2013-11-08. DOI : 10.5194/cp-9-2549-2013.Where to find 1.5 million yr old ice for the IPICS "Oldest-Ice" ice core
Climate of the Past. 2013-11-05. DOI : 10.5194/cp-9-2489-2013.The Antarctic ice core chronology (AICC2012): An optimized multi-parameter and multi-site dating approach for the last 120 thousand years
Climate of the Past. 2013-08-01. DOI : 10.5194/cp-9-1733-2013.An optimized multi-proxy, multi-site Antarctic ice and gas orbital chronology (AICC2012): 120-800 ka
Climate of the Past. 2013-08-01. DOI : 10.5194/cp-9-1715-2013.Glacial-interglacial dynamics of Antarctic firn columns: Comparison between simulations and ice core air-δ15N measurements
Climate of the Past. 2013-05-02. DOI : 10.5194/cp-9-983-2013.Two-phase change in CO 2, Antarctic temperature and global climate during Termination II
Nature Geoscience. 2013-10-20. DOI : 10.1038/ngeo1985.The response of atmospheric nitrous oxide to climate variations during the last glacial period
Geophysical Research Letters. 2013-05-15. DOI : 10.1002/grl.50380.Methane Studies
Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science; Elsevier, 2013-01-01. p. 334-341.Evaluation of biospheric components in earth system models using modern and palaeo-observations: The state-of-the-art
Biogeosciences. 2013-12-16. DOI : 10.5194/bg-10-8305-2013.Eemian interglacial reconstructed from a Greenland folded ice core
Nature. 2013-01-01. DOI : 10.1038/nature11789.Continuous methane measurements from a late Holocene Greenland ice core: Atmospheric and in-situ signals
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2013-04-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.02.034.Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica
The Future of Nature: Documents of Global Change; Yale University Press, 2013. p. 348-358.Can the carbon isotopic composition of methane be reconstructed from multi-site firn air measurements?
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2013-07-24. DOI : 10.5194/acp-13-6993-2013.A 60 yr record of atmospheric carbon monoxide reconstructed from Greenland firn air
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2013-08-06. DOI : 10.5194/acp-13-7567-2013.2012
On the gas-ice depth difference (Δdepth) along the EPICA Dome C ice core
Climate of the Past. 2012-08-02. DOI : 10.5194/cp-8-1239-2012.The isotopic record of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric carbon monoxide since 1950: Implications for the CO budget
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2012-05-16. DOI : 10.5194/acp-12-4365-2012.Regional imprints of millennial variability during the MIS 3 period around Antarctica
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2012-08-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.05.023.Continuous measurements of methane mixing ratios from ice cores
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2012-05-09. DOI : 10.5194/amt-5-999-2012.Carbon isotope constraints on the deglacial CO2 rise from ice cores
Science. 2012-05-11. DOI : 10.1126/science.1217161.Atmospheric impacts and ice core imprints of a methane pulse from clathrates
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2012-10-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.06.052.A global picture of the first abrupt climatic event occurring during the last glacial inception
Geophysical Research Letters. 2012-08-04. DOI : 10.1029/2012GL052656.2011
The last deglaciation: Timing the bipolar seesaw
Climate of the Past. 2011-06-24. DOI : 10.5194/cp-7-671-2011.Abrupt rise in atmospheric CO2 at the onset of the Boølling/ Alleroød: In-situ ice core data versus true atmospheric signals
Climate of the Past. 2011-05-04. DOI : 10.5194/cp-7-473-2011.TALDICE-1 age scale of the Talos Dome deep ice core, East Antarctica
Climate of the Past. 2011-01-10. DOI : 10.5194/cp-7-1-2011.Variations of air content in Dasuopu ice core from AD 1570-1927 and implications fore climate change
Quaternary International. 2011-05-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.quaint.2010.05.026.On the suitability of partially clathrated ice for analysis of concentration and δ13C of palaeo-atmospheric CO2
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2011-07-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.05.007.2010
Millennial and sub-millennial scale climatic variations recorded in polar ice cores over the last glacial period
Climate of the Past. 2010-06-09. DOI : 10.5194/cp-6-345-2010.Greenhouse gases and their isotopes in firn air and ice cores
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 2010-06-01.Synchronising EDML and NorthGRIP ice cores using δ18O of atmospheric oxygen (δ18Oatm) and CH4 measurements over MIS5 (80-123 kyr)
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2010-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.07.014.Possible role of wetlands, permafrost, and methane hydrates in the methane cycle under future climate change: A review
Reviews of Geophysics. 2010-12-23. DOI : 10.1029/2010RG000326.Millennial-scale variability during the last glacial: The ice core record
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2010-10-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.10.013.Large variations in southern hemisphere biomass burning during the last 650 years
Science. 2010-12-17. DOI : 10.1126/science.1197257.Expression of the bipolar see-saw in Antarctic climate records during the last deglaciation
Nature Geoscience. 2010-12-05. DOI : 10.1038/ngeo1026.EPICA Dome C record of glacial and interglacial intensities
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2010-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.09.030.Constraint of the CO2 rise by new atmospheric carbon isotopic measurements during the last deglaciation
Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2010-06-01. DOI : 10.1029/2009GB003545.Changes in atmospheric CO2 and its carbon isotopic ratio during the penultimate deglaciation
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2010-08-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.05.002.Atmospheric nitrous oxide during the last 140,000years
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2010-11-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.09.027.Abrupt change of antarctic moisture origin at the end of termination II
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2010-06-21. DOI : 10.1073/pnas.0914536107.A 70 ka record of explosive eruptions from the TALDICE ice core (Talos Dome, East Antarctic plateau)
Journal of Quaternary Science. 2010-08-25. DOI : 10.1002/jqs.1427.A 108.83-m ice-core record of atmospheric dust deposition at Mt. Qomolangma (Everest), Central Himalaya
Quaternary Research. 2010-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.yqres.2009.09.005.2009
More constraints on the causes of the CO2 deglacial rise based on its stable carbon isotopic ratio : Results and applications for last and penultimate deglaciations
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 2009-06-01.Shifting gear, quickly
Science. 2009-04-24. DOI : 10.1126/science.1172001.Chemical and isotopic analysis of hydrocarbon gas at trace levels. Methodology and results
Chemical Geology. 2009-07-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2009.04.013.2008
Orbital and millennial-scale features of atmospheric CH4 over the past 800,000 years
Nature. 2008-05-01. DOI : 10.1038/nature06950.Changing boreal methane sources and constant biomass burning during the last termination
Nature. 2008-04-01. DOI : 10.1038/nature06825.2007
The EDC3 chronology for the EPICA Dome C ice core
Climate of the Past. 2007-08-17. DOI : 10.5194/cp-3-485-2007.Synchronization of ice core records via atmospheric gases
Climate of the Past. 2007-06-18. DOI : 10.5194/cp-3-325-2007.Summer temperature trend over the past two millennia using air content in Himalayan ice
Climate of the Past. 2007-02-07. DOI : 10.5194/cp-3-89-2007.Orbital and millennial antarctic climate variability over the past 800,000 years
Science. 2007-08-10. DOI : 10.1126/science.1141038.New constraints on the gas age-ice age difference along the EPICA ice cores, 0-50 kyr
Climate of the Past. 2007-08-28. DOI : 10.5194/cp-3-527-2007.Marine isotope stage (MIS) 8 millennial variability stratigraphically identical to MIS 3
Paleoceanography. 2007-02-21. DOI : 10.1029/2006PA001345.Ice core methods | Methane studies
Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science; Elsevier, 2007-01-01. p. 1199-1207.Evidence for a CO increase in the SH during the 20th century based on firn air samples from Berkner Island, Antarctica
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2007-01-19. DOI : 10.5194/acp-7-295-2007.CO2 isotopes as tracers of firn air diffusion and age in an Arctic ice cap with summer melting, Devon Island, Canada
Journal of Geophysical Research. 2007-01-03. DOI : 10.1029/2006JD007471.2006
One-to-one coupling of glacial climate variability in Greenland and Antarctica
Nature. 2006-11-01. DOI : 10.1038/nature05301.Gas isotopes in ice reveal a vegetated central Greenland during ice sheet invasion
Geophysical Research Letters. 2006-12-20. DOI : 10.1029/2006GL028424.Gas age-ice age differences and the chronology of the Vostok ice core, 0-100 ka
Journal of Geophysical Research. 2006-11-14. DOI : 10.1029/2005JD006488.Constraints on N2O budget changes since pre-industrial time from new firn air and ice core isotope measurements
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2006-02-16. DOI : 10.5194/acp-6-493-2006.20th century trends and budget implications of chloroform and related tri-and dihalomethanes inferred from firn air
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2006-07-12. DOI : 10.5194/acp-6-2847-2006.2005
delta C-13 of carbon dioxide in ancient air from ice core samples
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 2005-05-01.Trends of halon gases in polar firn air: Implications for their emission distributions
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2005-08-08. DOI : 10.5194/acp-5-2055-2005.Records of the δ13C of atmospheric CH4 over the last 2 centuries as recorded in Antarctic snow and ice
Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2005-04-02. DOI : 10.1029/2004GB002408.Rapid climate variability during warm and cold periods in polar regions and Europe [Variabilité climatique rapide pendant les périodes chaudes et froides aux pôles et en Europe]
Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 2005-08-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.crte.2005.04.001.Modeling past atmospheric CO2: Results of a challenge
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 2005-01-01. DOI : 10.1029/2005EO380003.Atmospheric science: Atmospheric methane and nitrous oxide of the late pleistocene from Antarctic Ice Cores
Science. 2005-11-25. DOI : 10.1126/science.1120132.2004
What was the surface temperature in central Antarctica during the last glacial maximum?
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2004-02-01. DOI : 10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00672-1.Quantification of rapid temperature change during DO event 12 and phasing with methane inferred from air isotopic measurements
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2004-08-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.06.009.On pre-industrial variations of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 [Sur les variations préindustrielles du CO2 et du CH4 atmosphériques]
Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 2004-06-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.crte.2004.02.004.N2O and CH4 variations during the last glacial path epoch: Insight into global processes
Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2004. DOI : 10.1029/2003GB002122.High-resolution record of Northern Hemisphere climate extending into the last interglacial period
Nature. 2004-09-01. DOI : 10.1038/nature02805.Eight glacial cycles from an Antarctic ice core
Nature. 2004-06-01. DOI : 10.1038/nature02599.Comment on "greenland-Antarctic phase relations and millennial time-scale climate fluctuations in the Greenland ice-cores" by C. Wunsch
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2004-10-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.05.002.Combined element (H and C) stable isotope ratios of methane in carbonaceous chondrites
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2004-01-21. DOI : 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2004.07251.x.Atmospheric methane during the last four glacial-interglacial cycles: Rapid changes and their link with Antarctic temperature
Journal of Geophysical Research. 2004-01-01. DOI : 10.1029/2003JD004417.Age of Himalayan bottom ice cores [2]
Journal of Glaciology. 2004-01-01. DOI : 10.3189/172756504781829981.A continuous record of temperature evolution over a sequence of Dansgaard-Oeschger events during Marine Isotopic Stage 4 (76 to 62 kyr BP)
Geophysical Research Letters. 2004-11-01. DOI : 10.1029/2004GL021193.2003
The attenuation of fast atmospheric CH4 variations recorded in polar ice cores
Geophysical Research Letters. 2003-01-01. DOI : 10.1029/2003GL017093.Marine isotope stage (MIS) 11 in the vostok ice core: CO2 forcing and stability of East Antarctica
Geophysical Monograph Series; American Geophysical Union, 2003-01-01. p. 27-40.A tentative reconstruction of the last interglacial and glacial inception in Greenland based on new gas measurements in the Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) ice core
Journal of Geophysical Research. 2003-01-01. DOI : 10.1029/2002jd003147.A novel method to study the phase relationship between Antarctic and Greenland climate
Geophysical Research Letters. 2003-09-01. DOI : 10.1029/2003GL017838.2002
Isotopic study of CO(2)and CH4 out-gassed from argillites investigated for radioactive waste repository
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 2002-08-01.Relative timing of deglacial climate events in Antarctica and Greenland
Science. 2002-09-13. DOI : 10.1126/science.1074257.Indirect relationship between surface water budget and wetland extent
Geophysical Research Letters. 2002-01-01. DOI : 10.1029/2001GL013929.High-resolution Holocene N2O ice core record and its relationship with CH4 and CO2
Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2002-02-16. DOI : 10.1029/2001gb001417.Atmospheric CO2, CH4 and N2O records over the past60 000 years based on the comparison of different polar ice cores
Annals of Glaciology. 2002-01-01. DOI : 10.3189/172756402781816861.2001
Methyl bromide, other brominated methanes, and methyl iodide in polar firn air
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2001-01-01. DOI : 10.1029/2000jd900511.Estimation of temperature change and of gas age - Ice age difference, 108 kyr B.P., at Vostok, Antarctica
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2001-12-01. DOI : 10.1029/2001JD900145.Changes in the global atmospheric methane budget over the last decades inferred from 13C and D isotopic analysis of Antarctic firn air
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2001-09-01. DOI : 10.1029/2001JD900190.A long-term record of carbonyl sulfide (COS) in two hemispheres from firn air measurements
Geophysical Research Letters. 2001-11-01. DOI : 10.1029/2001GL013958.2000
The ice record of greenhouse gases: A view in the context of future changes
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2000-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/S0277-3791(99)00082-7.Determination of gas diffusivity in polar firn: Comparison between experimental measurements and inverse modeling
Geophysical Research Letters. 2000-02-15. DOI : 10.1029/1999GL010780.Changes in the atmospheric CH4 gradient between Greenland and Antarctica during the Last Glacial and the transition to the Holocene
Geophysical Research Letters. 2000-04-01. DOI : 10.1029/1999GL010873.1999
Variation of CH4 concentrations recorded in Dunde ice core bubbles
Chinese Science Bulletin. 1999-02-01. DOI : 10.1007/BF02885500.Phase lag of Antarctic and Greenland temperature in the last glacial and link between CO2 variations and Heinrich events
1999. 6th International Conference on Paleoceanography, LISBON, Portugal, AUG 23-28, 1998. p. 121-138. DOI : 10.1007/978-1-4615-4197-4_8.Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica
Nature. 1999-06-01. DOI : 10.1038/20859.1998
Ice-core record of atmospheric methane changes: relevance to climatic changes and possible gas hydrate sources
Geological Society Special Publication. 1998-01-01. DOI : 10.1144/GSL.SP.1998.137.01.26.Atmospheric CO2 concentration and millennial-scale climate change during the last glacial period
Nature. 1998-03-01. DOI : 10.1038/32133.Asynchrony of antarctic and greenland climate change during the last glacial period
Nature. 1998-08-01. DOI : 10.1038/29447.1997
Timing of the Antarctic Cold Reversal and the atmospheric CO2 increase with respect to the Younger Dryas event
Geophysical Research Letters. 1997-11-01. DOI : 10.1029/97GL02658.Changes in the atmospheric CH4 gradient between Greenland and Antarctica during the Holocene
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 1997-07-01. DOI : 10.1029/97jd01017.CH4 and δ18O of O2 records from Antarctic and Greenland ice: A clue for stratigraphic disturbance in the bottom part of the Greenland Ice Core Project and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 ice cores
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 1997-11-30. DOI : 10.1029/97JC00164.An interlaboratory comparison of techniques for extracting and analyzing trapped gases in ice cores
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 1997-11-30. DOI : 10.1029/97JC00633.Air content along the Greenland Ice Core Project core: A record of surface climatic parameters and elevation in central Greenland
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 1997-11-30. DOI : 10.1029/97JC01908.1995
Variations in atmospheric methane concentration during the Holocene epoch
Nature. 1995-03-01. DOI : 10.1038/374046a0.Polar Ice - a Note on the Changes Affecting Greenhouse Gases
Houille Blanche-Revue Internationale De L Eau. 1995. DOI : 10.1051/lhb/1995057.Flow‐induced mixing in the GRIP basal ice deduced from the CO2 and CH4 records
Geophysical Research Letters. 1995-01-01. DOI : 10.1029/94GL02863.1994
Polar Ice Bubbles as Recorders of Past Greenhouse-Gas Concentrations
Analusis. 1994-09-01.Changes in the O2/N2 ratio of the atmosphere during recent decades reflected in the composition of air in the firn at Vostok Station, Antarctica
Geophysical Research Letters. 1994-02-01. DOI : 10.1029/93GL03548.Air content paleo record in the Vostok ice core (Antarctica): a mixed record of climatic and glaciological parameters
Journal of Geophysical Research. 1994-01-01. DOI : 10.1029/93jd03223.1993
Climate Instability During the Last Interglacial Period Recorded in the Grip Ice Core
Nature. 1993-07-15. DOI : 10.1038/364203a0.The ice record of greenhouse gases
Science. 1993-02-12. DOI : 10.1126/science.259.5097.926.The atmospheric CH4 increase since the Last Glacial Maximum: (2). Interactions with oxidants
Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology. 1993-07-01. DOI : 10.1034/j.1600-0889.1993.t01-2-00003.x.The atmospheric CH4 increase since the Last Glacial Maximum: (1). Source estimates
Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology. 1993-07-01. DOI : 10.1034/j.1600-0889.1993.t01-2-00002.x.Synchronous changes in atmospheric CH4 and Greenland climate between 40 and 8 kyr BP
Nature. 1993-12-01. DOI : 10.1038/366443a0.Gravitational separation in polar firn
Science. 1993-10-29. DOI : 10.1126/science.262.5134.763.Gravitational Separation in Polar Firm - Response
Science. 1993-10-29. DOI : 10.1126/science.262.5134.764.Extending the Vostok ice-core record of palaeoclimate to the penultimate glacial period
Nature. 1993-07-01. DOI : 10.1038/364407a0.Atmospheric methane, record from a Greenland Ice Core over the last 1000 year
Geophysical Research Letters. 1993-10-22. DOI : 10.1029/93GL02414.1992
Glacial-interglacial evolution of greenhouse gases as inferred from ice core analysis: A review of recent results
Quaternary Science Reviews. 1992-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/0277-3791(92)90020-9.1990
Ice-core record of atmospheric methane over the past 160,000 years
Nature. 1990-05-01. DOI : 10.1038/345127a0.1988
Climatic and CH4 cycle implications of glacial-interglacial CH4 change in the Vostok ice core
Nature. 1988-06-01. DOI : 10.1038/333655a0.Recherche
Principales activités de recherche
Ma contribution à la recherche concerne les rétroactions climat / cycles biogéochimiques, via l’étude de l’évolution de la composition atmosphérique en gaz à effet de serre (GES) grâce aux carottes de glace et à l’air interstitiel du névé polaire, mais aussi par l’étude des GES en milieu aquatique (océans, lacs).
J’ai essentiellement étudié ces rétroactions par la reconstruction des tendances temporelles du rapport de mélange et de certains rapports isotopiques des GES méthane (CH4), dioxyde de carbone (CO2), protoxyde d’azote (N2O), ozone (O3) et certains composés organo-halogénés, mais aussi du monoxyde de carbone (CO) qui joue un rôle essentiel dans la chimie atmosphérique. Mes points focaux ont été à la fois l’ère Quaternaire et la période industrielle. Dans un autre champ d’études, j’ai exploré l'état et la dynamique passée du système climatique en estimant l’évolution des températures et accumulations passées en Antarctique ou encore en évaluant les relations de phase entre climat polaire et évolution des GES. Au cours de ces dernières années, je me suis investi dans le champ de l’instrumentation en milieu aquatique et l’étude de processus biogéochimiques en milieux océaniques ou lacustres par l’analyse in-situ et haute résolution de gaz dissous.
Les avancées les plus importantes que l’on pourrait retenir de ce travail se résument ainsi :
- La reconstruction pionnière des GES dans l'atmosphère étendue jusqu'aux derniers 800.000 ans, démontrant l’importance de l’impact anthropique récent, le fort couplage climat / CH4 aux périodicités orbitales, le rôle majeur des sources de basses latitudes dans son bilan naturel ;
- La quantification de la dynamique des événements climatiques rapides au cours d'une glaciation, dont la mise en évidence de leur étendue globale, et la première démonstration qu’ils impliquent une bascule énergétique bipolaire ;
- Des "premières" dans l'étude des rapports isotopiques des GES et du CO dans le névé et la glace, aboutissant à des conclusions biogéochimiques importantes : identification des sources anthropiques responsables de l’augmentation récente du CH4 (isotopie du carbone) et du N2O (isotopie de l’oxygène et de l’azote) ; mise en évidence d’un rôle majeur de l’océan profond sur l’évolution glaciaire-interglaciaire du CO2 (isotopie du carbone) ; révélation d’une modulation temporelle d'un facteur deux des feux de biomasse dans l’hémisphère sud entre 1600 et 1900 (isotopie du carbone et de l’oxygène du CO) ; démonstration que l'ozone dans la troposphère a augmenté de moins de 40% depuis la période préindustrielle (isotopologue doublement substitué de l'oxygène) ;
- La révolution méthodologique apportée par l’application de la spectrométrie laser OF-CEAS aux analyses des gaz dans la glace et dans les océans : projet ERC Advanced Grant et la sonde in-situ innovante SUBGLACIOR, dépôt d'un brevet CNRS pour le dérivé océanographique de cette sonde (SUBOCEAN) ; projets SATT et ERC Proof of Concept pour concevoir d’autres instruments océanographiques et progresser vers leur industrialisation ; application conduisant à une révision majeure des flux de méthane à l'interface sédiment-océan dans le détroit de Fram.
L'essentiel de mon temps de 2018 à 2022 était consacré à exercer la fonction de Directeur de l'Institut polaire français Paul-Emile Victor (IPEV), en charge de sélectionner puis d’accompagner opérationnellement les projets de recherche français dans les régions polaires. Elle s'accompagnait également de la responsabilité de Chargé de mission aux affaires polaires auprès de la direction générale déléguée à la science du CNRS.
Depuis juillet 2021, j’assure la présidence de la Fondation Ice Memory, qui vise à créer un sanctuaire international d’échantillons de glaciers condamnés à disparaître en raison du changement climatique, stockés en Antarctique pour les générations futures de chercheurs.
Enseignement & Phd
Humanities and Social Sciences Program