Jessica Verheij
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory of Landscape Development (LAND). My research focuses on spatial conflicts in growing cities, mainly in relation to urban greening and densification. I am interested in understanding the political processes behind the implementation of sustainability goals and the role of planning and property in urban development.I hold a PhD degree in Geography from the University of Bern. In my PhD research, I analysed how cities can combine urban greening with densification goals in a context of land scarcity, based on case studies from the Netherlands and Switzerland. I particularly focused on 'access to green spaces' to address the social and political dimensions of urban development.
I previously conducted research in Lisbon (Portugal) and hold master’s degrees in Urban Planning (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) and Human Geography (University of Amsterdam).
Selected publications
Verheij, J., Gerber, J-D., Nahrath, S. Geoforum, 2024, vol. 152 |
Commoning the compact city: The role of old and new commons in urban development |
Verheij, J., Ay, D., Gerber, J-D., Nahrath, S. Planning Theory & Practice, 2023, vol. 24 (3) |
Ensuring Public Access to Green Spaces in Urban Densification: The Role of Planning and Property Rights |
Verheij, J., Corrêa Nunes, M. Local Environment, 2021, vol. 26 (3) |
Justice and power relations in urban greening: can Lisbon’s urban greening strategies lead to more environmental justice? |
Other publications
Academic publications
Verheij, J. (2024) “Planning the Dense and Healthy City for All - Access to Green Spaces in Densification Projects”. Routledge Handbook for Greening High-Density Cities. Routledge.
Falanga, R., Verheij, J., Bina, O. (2021) “Green(er) Cities and Their Citizens: Insights from the Participatory Budget of Lisbon”. Sustainability, 13(15), p. 8243.
Other publications
Falanga, R., Verheij, J. & Berardi, F. (2020) “Marvila: vazios urbanos, cheios de passado, presente e futuro”. Jornal Público 14.06.2020.
Verheij, J. (2020) “Cidades mais sustentáveis e.... justas”. Goethe Institut (Lisbon, Portugal).
Verheij, J. (2020) “Urban Greening in Marvila: Challenges and Opportunities for the Future.” Policy report. Lisboa: ROCK (Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities). Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa.
Teaching & PhD
Projeter ensemble ENAC