Jonathan Graves

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Jonathan Graves shares his time between the Swiss Plasma Center in EPFL where he is a Senior Scientist, and the University of York, where he is Professor of Physics and Chair in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasmas. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the journal Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. He achieved first class joint honours in Electronic Engineering and Mathematics from the University of Nottingham, UK in 1996. During his Ph.D. (Theoretical Mechanics, University of Nottingham 1999) he was based in at Culham Laboratory, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, developing kinetic models of plasma instabilities, and participating in deuterium-tritium experimental analysis in the Joint European Torus. After a short time in industry he took a position at the Swiss Plasma Center at EPFL, becoming a Senior Scientist in 2014. In 2015 he became a member of the EUROfusion Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) and a member of the EUROfusion DEMO Technical Advisory Group. He became Director of the Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop in Theory of Fusion Plasmas in 2020. In 2022 he became Chair in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasmas, Professor of the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, University of York, UK. And he became Editor-in-Chief of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion in 2023.Research Interests
Magnetohydrodynamic confinement and stability of tokamak plasmas, linear and non-linear resistive instabilities, long wavelength kinetic instabilities in tokamaks, kinetic theory, fast particle physics, 3D Alfvenic and Wave codes (LEMan code), guiding centre theory and codes (VENUS-LEVIS code), ion cyclotron resonance heating in 3D (SCENIC code), impurity transport in 3D rotating plasmasPublications
Infoscience publications
Graves j.
News and announcements from the Editor-in-Chief for 2024
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2024-02-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ad163b.Interplay of plasma resistivity and rotation on β limits in free boundary diverted tokamaks
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2024-01-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ad0b35.Equilibrium β-limits dependence on bootstrap current in classical stellarators
Journal of Plasma Physics. 2023-09-20. DOI : 10.1017/S0022377823000910.Occam's razor on the mechanism of resistive-wall-mode-induced beta limits in diverted tokamaks
Physical Review E. 2023-05-08. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.107.055203.Equilibrium pressure limits in stellarators
Lausanne, EPFL, 2023. p. 221. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-10070.Numerical tools for burning plasmas
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2023-06-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/acce68.Fast ion generation by combined RF-NBI heating in W7-X
Journal Of Plasma Physics. 2023-04-27. DOI : 10.1017/S0022377823000302.Fast ion generation with ICRF waves and beams in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
Lausanne, EPFL, 2023. p. 153. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-10130.Exploration of the parameter space for the excitation and saturation of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
Lausanne, EPFL, 2023. p. 195. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-9763.Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation
Nuclear Fusion. 2022-04-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ac47b4.Overview of the TCV tokamak experimental programme
Nuclear Fusion. 2022-04-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ac369b.Understanding JET-C quiescent phases with edge harmonic magnetohydrodynamic activity and comparison with behaviour under ITER-like wall conditioning
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2022-04-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ac4d3a.Heavy impurity transport in tokamaks subject to plasma rotation, NTV and the influence of saturated ideal MHD perturbations
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2022-01-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ac3964.Modeling of saturated external MHD instabilities in tokamaks: A comparison of 3D free boundary equilibria and nonlinear stability calculations
Physics Of Plasmas. 2022-07-01. DOI : 10.1063/5.0090008.Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X
Nuclear Fusion. 2022-04-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ac2cf5.Finite magnetic well effects on resistive and drift-resistive ballooning modes in a shaped tokamak
Nuclear Fusion. 2022-07-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ac5f7c.Stellarator optimization for nested magnetic surfaces at finite β and toroidal current
Physics of Plasmas. 2022-04-21. DOI : 10.1063/5.0080809.Heavy impurity transport in the presence of 3D MHD ideal perturbations
Lausanne, EPFL, 2022. p. 144. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-8940.Verification and validation of linear gyrokinetic and kinetic-MHD simulations for internal kink instability in DIII-D tokamak
Nuclear Fusion. 2022-03-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ac48a6.EUROfusion-theory and advanced simulation coordination (E-TASC): programme and the role of high performance computing
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2022-02-08. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ac44e4.Pressure driven long wavelength MHD instabilities in an axisymmetric toroidal resistive plasma
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2022-01-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ac3496.Edge harmonic oscillations in plasmas with a separatrix and the effect of edge magnetic shear
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2021-12-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ac2d77.ICRF modelling in 2D and 3D magnetic configurations using a hot plasma model
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2021-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ac11b2.Towards understanding reactor relevant tokamak pedestals
Nuclear Fusion. 2021-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ac12e9.Computation of multi-region, relaxed magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with prescribed toroidal current profile
Journal of Plasma Physics. 2021-07-12. DOI : 10.1017/S0022377821000520.Ion cyclotron resonance heating with shifted separatrix
Nuclear Fusion. 2021-04-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/abdfdc.Sawtooth control with modulated ICRH in JET-ILW H-mode plasmas
Nuclear Fusion. 2020-12-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/abb424.Anisotropy and shaping effects on the stability boundaries of infernal ideal MHD modes in tokamak hybrid plasmas
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2020-11-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/abb2e4.Validation of the BEAMS3D neutral beam deposition model on Wendelstein 7-X
Nuclear Fusion. 2020-07-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab8e61.Identification of an Optimized Heating and Fast Ion Generation Scheme for the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator
Physical Review Letters. 2020-04-15. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.155001.Kinetic-MHD stability of virtually collisionless plasmas
Lausanne, EPFL, 2020. p. 177. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-10142.A power-balance model of the density limit in fusion plasmas: application to the L-mode tokamak
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-12-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab3b31.Interpretative and predictive modelling of Joint European Torus collisionality scans
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-11-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab2f45.Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium-tritium operation with the ITER like-wall
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-11-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab2276.Ion cyclotron resonance heating scenarios for DEMO
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-10-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab318b.Control of the hydrogen:deuterium isotope mixture using pellets in JET
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-10-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab3812.A new mechanism for increasing density peaking in tokamaks: improvement of the inward particle pinch with edge E x B shearing
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-10-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab31a4.Modification of the Alfven wave spectrum by pellet injection
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-10-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab382b.Novel method for determination of tritium depth profiles in metallic samples
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-10-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab3056.A wall-aligned grid generator for non-linear simulations of MHD instabilities in tokamak plasmas
Computer Physics Communications. 2019-10-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.cpc.2019.05.007.Deep neural networks for plasma tomography with applications to JET and COMPASS
Journal Of Instrumentation. 2019-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1748-0221/14/09/C09011.Role of fast ion pressure in the isotope effect in JET L-mode plasmas
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab2d4f.Erosion, screening, and migration of tungsten in the JET divertor
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab2aef.Gyrokinetic analysis and simulation of pedestals to identify the culprits for energy losses using 'fingerprints'
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab1fa2.First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful fusion power predictions for JET and ITER
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-08-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab25b1.Adaptive learning for disruption prediction in non-stationary conditions
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-08-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab1ecc.Direct gyrokinetic comparison of pedestal transport in JET with carbon and ITER-like walls
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-08-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab25bd.Current Research into Applications of Tomography for Fusion Diagnostics
Journal of Fusion Energy. 2019-08-01. DOI : 10.1007/s10894-018-0178-x.Beryllium melting and erosion on the upper dump plates in JET during three ITER-like wall campaigns
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-08-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab2076.Simulation of neutron emission in neutral beam injection heated plasmas with the real-time code RABBIT
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-08-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab1edd.Energetic ion losses 'channeling' mechanism and strategy for mitigation
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-08-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab27fd.Self-consistent pedestal prediction for JET-ILW in preparation of the DT campaign
Physics Of Plasmas. 2019-07-01. DOI : 10.1063/1.5096870.Micro ion beam analysis for the erosion of beryllium marker tiles in a tokamak limiter
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms. 2019-07-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nimb.2018.08.028.The software and hardware architecture of the real-time protection of in-vessel components in JET-ILW
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-07-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab1a79.Impact of fast ions on density peaking in JET: fluid and gyrokinetic modeling
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-07-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab1e65.EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of the influence of isotope effects and anomalous transport coefficients on near scrape-off layer radial electric field
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-07-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab1629.Geodesic acoustic mode evolution in L-mode approaching the L-H transition on JET
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-07-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab1e73.On a fusion born triton effect in JET deuterium discharges with H-minority ion cyclotron range of frequencies heating
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-06-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab19f5.COREDIV numerical simulation of high neutron rate JET-ILW DD pulses in view of extension to JET-ILW DT experiments
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab0c47.The effect of beryllium oxide on retention in JET ITER-like wall tiles
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.02.022.Diagnostic of fast-ion energy spectra and densities in magnetized plasmas
Journal Of Instrumentation. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1088/1748-0221/14/05/C05019.Investigation of deuterium trapping and release in the JET divertor during the third ILW campaign using TDS
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.03.012.Comparison of the structure of the plasma-facing surface and tritium accumulation in beryllium tiles from JET ILW campaigns 2011-2012 and 2013-2014
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.02.011.Improved ERO modelling of beryllium erosion at ITER upper first wall panel using JET-ILW and PISCES-B experience
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.03.016.Dynamic modelling of local fuel inventory and desorption in the whole tokamak vacuum vessel for auto-consistent plasma-wall interaction simulations
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.03.019.First mirror test in JET for ITER: Complete overview after three ILW campaigns
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.02.009.Modelling of the effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W divertor of JET
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.03.013.RF sheath modeling of experimentally observed plasma surface interactions with the JET ITER-Like Antenna
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.03.009.Investigation of deuterium trapping and release in the JET ITER-like wall divertor using TDS and TMAP
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.02.031.Deposition of impurity metals during campaigns with the JET ITER-like Wall
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2018.12.024.Radial variation of heat transport in L-mode JET discharges
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab03e1.Approximate analytic expressions using Stokes model for tokamak polarimetry and their range of validity
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab09c2.Long-lived coupled peeling ballooning modes preceding ELMs on JET
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab0031.Recurrence Plots for Dynamic Analysis of Type-I ELMs at JET With a Carbon Wall
Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 2019-04-01. DOI : 10.1109/TPS.2019.2901313.Determination of isotope ratio in the divertor of JET-ILW by high-resolution H alpha spectroscopy: H-D experiment and implications for D-T experiment
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-04-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab0000.Analysis of deposited layers with deuterium and impurity elements on samples from the divertor of JET with ITER-like wall
Journal Of Nuclear Materials. 2019-04-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.11.027.Population modelling of the He II energy levels in tokamak plasmas: I. Collisional excitation model
Journal Of Physics B-Atomic Molecular And Optical Physics. 2019-02-28. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6455/aaf703.Analysis of the outer divertor hot spot activity in the protection video camera recordings at JET
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2019-02-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.12.079.Improved neutron activation dosimetry for fusion
Fusion Engineering and Design. 2019-02-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.01.002.Heavy impurity transport in tokamaks with plasma flows and saturated 3D perturbations
2019. The 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan, Italy, July 8 - 12, 2019. p. P2.1082.Modelling of non-linear edge harmonic oscillations and the effect of non-axisymmetric magnetic coils
2019-07-08. 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan, Italy, July 08-12,2019. p. P1.1051.Advanced RF heating schemes in preparation for ICRF heating and fastion experiments in the W7-X stellarator
2019-07-08. 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan, Italy, July 8-12, 2019.Suprathermal electron driven fishbone instability in the TCV tokamak
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2019-11-20. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab5147.Current and pressure gradient triggering and nonlinear saturation of low-n edge harmonic oscillations in tokamaks
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-08-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab2444.Beryllium global erosion and deposition at JET-ILW simulated with ERO2.0
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.01.015.Impact of ICRF on the scrape-off layer and on plasma wall interactions: From present experiments to fusion reactor
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2018.11.017.Determination of tungsten sources in the JET-ILW divertor by spectroscopic imaging in the presence of a strong plasma continuum
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2018.12.009.Modelling of tungsten erosion and deposition in the divertor of JET-ILW in comparison to experimental findings
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.01.004.An assessment of nitrogen concentrations from spectroscopic measurements in the JET and ASDEX upgrade divertor
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2018.12.012.Material migration and fuel retention studies during the JET carbon divertor campaigns
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2019-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.10.002.Full-orbit and drift calculations of fusion product losses due to explosive fishbones on JET
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-01-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aaea1e.Measuring fast ions in fusion plasmas with neutron diagnostics at JET
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-01-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/aad8a6.Reduced models for parallel magnetic field fluctuations and their impact on pressure gradient driven MHD instabilities in axisymmetric toroidal plasmas
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2019-10-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab368b.Physics research on the TCV tokamak facility: from conventional to alternative scenarios and beyond
Nuclear Fusion. 2019. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab25cb.Scenario development for D-T operation at JET
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-07-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab1cca.A locked mode indicator for disruption prediction on JET and ASDEX upgrade
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2019-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.11.021.Tritium distributions on W-coated divertor tiles used in the third JET ITER-like wall campaign
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2019-01-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2019.01.001.A Variable Structure Control Scheme Proposal for the Tokamak a Configuration Variable
Complexity. 2019-01-01. DOI : 10.1155/2019/2319560.Helical equilibrium magnetohydrodynamic flow effects on the stability properties of low-n ideal external-infernal modes in weak shear tokamak configurations
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-06-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab0f0b.Guiding-centre theory for kinetic-magnetohydrodynamic modes in strongly flowing plasmas
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-07-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab1d21.Singular global components and frequency shift of the geodesic acoustic continuum modes in shaped tokamaks
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2019-07-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab1d22.Excitation Mechanism of Low-n Edge Harmonic Oscillations in Edge Localized Mode-Free, High Performance, Tokamak Plasmas
Physical Review Letters. 2019-04-19. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.155003.Fast ion synergistic effects in JET high performance pulses
Nuclear Fusion. 2019-05-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/ab02ae.Non-linear modelling of saturated internal and external MHD instabilities in tokamaks
Lausanne, EPFL, 2019. p. 150. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-9155.Development and optimisation of advanced auxiliary ion heating schemes for 3D fusion plasma devices
Lausanne, EPFL, 2019. p. 198. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-9167.Tritium retention characteristics in dust particles in JET with ITER-like wall
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2018-12-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2018.11.001.Impact of electron-scale turbulence and multi-scale interactions in the JET tokamak
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-12-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aae0a8.Thermal desorption spectrometry of beryllium plasma facing tiles exposed in the JET tokamak (vol 133, pg 135, 2018)
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-12-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.08.007.Propagating transport-code input parameter uncertainties with deterministic sampling
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2018-12-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/aae80b.Assessment of the baseline scenario at q(95) similar to 3 for ITER
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-12-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aade57.Identification of BeO and BeOxDy in melted zones of the JET Be limiter tiles: Raman study using comparison with laboratory samples
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2018-12-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2018.11.008.On the role of finite grid extent in SOLPS-ITER edge plasma simulations for JET H-mode discharges with metallic wall
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2018-12-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2018.10.013.Heat flux analysis of Type-I ELM impact on a sloped, protruding surface in the JET bulk tungsten divertor
Nuclear Materials And Energy. 2018-12-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nme.2018.10.009.3D non-linear MHD simulation of the MHD response and density increase as a result of shattered pellet injection
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-12-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aae614.Plasma-wall interaction on the divertor tiles of JET ITER-like wall from the viewpoint of micro/nanoscopic observations
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.01.051.Dust generation in tokamaks: Overview of beryllium and tungsten dust characterisation in JET with the ITER-like wall
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.03.027.Characterisation of neutron generators and monitoring detectors for the in-vessel calibration of JET
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.01.071.Modelling of the neutron production in a mixed beam DT neutron generator
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.04.075.Activation material selection for multiple foil activation detectors in JET TT campaign
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.04.052.Generation of a plasma neutron source for Monte Carlo neutron transport calculations in the tokamak JET
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.04.065.Assessment of the strength of kinetic effects of parallel electron transport in the SOL and divertor of JET high radiative H-mode plasmas using EDGE2D-EIRENE and KIPP codes
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/aae0a0.Preparation for commissioning of materials detritiation facility at Culham Science Centre
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.05.019.Determination of 2D poloidal maps of the intrinsic W density for transport studies in JET-ILW
Review Of Scientific Instruments. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1063/1.5046562.Shutdown dose rate measurements after the 2016 Deuterium-Deuterium campaign at JET
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.05.006.Shutdown dose rate neutronics experiment during high performances DD operations at JET
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.05.053.Testing of tritium breeder blanket activation foil spectrometer during JET operations
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-11-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.02.005.Equilibrium reconstruction at JET using Stokes model for polarimetry
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-10-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aad751.14 MeV calibration of JET neutron detectors-phase 2: in-vessel calibration
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-10-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aad4c1.An improved model for the accurate calculation of parallel heat fluxes at the JET bulk tungsten outer divertor
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-10-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aad83e.The upgraded JET gamma-ray cameras based on high resolution/high count rate compact spectrometers
Review Of Scientific Instruments. 2018-10-01. DOI : 10.1063/1.5038839.Development of a new compact gamma-ray spectrometer optimised for runaway electron measurements
Review Of Scientific Instruments. 2018-10-01. DOI : 10.1063/1.5038803.Instrumentation for the upgrade to the JET core charge-exchange spectrometers
Review Of Scientific Instruments. 2018-10-01. DOI : 10.1063/1.5037639.Neutron emission spectroscopy of D plasmas at JET with a compact liquid scintillating neutron spectrometer
Review Of Scientific Instruments. 2018-10-01. DOI : 10.1063/1.5038549.TLD calibration for neutron fluence measurements at JET fusion facility
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment. 2018-10-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.nima.2018.07.050.Synthetic spectra of BeH, BeD and BeT for emission modeling in JET plasmas
Journal Of Physics B-Atomic Molecular And Optical Physics. 2018-09-28. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6455/aad6d0.On the Use of Transfer Entropy to Investigate the Time Horizon of Causal Influences between Signals
Entropy. 2018-09-01. DOI : 10.3390/e20090627.Activation of ITER materials in JET: nuclear characterisation experiments for the long-term irradiation station
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aacca0.First principle integrated modeling of multi-channel transport including Tungsten in JET
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aac780.Neutral pathways and heat flux widths in vertical- and horizontal-target EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of JET
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aacf0f.Observations and modelling of ion cyclotron emission observed in JET plasmas using a sub-harmonic arc detection system during ion cyclotron resonance heating
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aace03.Review of recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aad0aa.Alpha heating, isotopic mass, and fast ion effects in deuterium-tritium experiments
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-09-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aaca04.Escaping alpha-particle monitor for burning plasmas
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-08-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aab676.MHD spectroscopy of JET plasmas with pellets via Alfven eigenmodes
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-08-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aabb67.Overview Of Neutron Measurements In Jet Fusion Device
Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2018-08-01. DOI : 10.1093/rpd/ncx174.Thermal desorption spectrometry of beryllium plasma facing tiles exposed in the JET tokamak
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-08-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.05.075.Activation Inventories After Exposure To Dd/Dt Neutrons In Safety Analysis Of Nuclear Fusion Installations
Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2018-08-01. DOI : 10.1093/rpd/ncx262.Dependence of the turbulent particle flux on hydrogen isotopes induced by collisionality
Physics Of Plasmas. 2018-08-01. DOI : 10.1063/1.5045545.Scaling of the geodesic acoustic mode amplitude on JET
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2018-08-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/aac980.Inter-ELM evolution of the edge current density in JET-ILW type I ELMy H-mode plasmas
Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2018-08-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/aac7a9.Analysis of plasma termination in the JET hybrid scenario
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-07-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aac526.Correlation of surface chemical states with hydrogen isotope retention in divertor tiles of JET with ITER-Like Wall
Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-07-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.04.124.Observation of enhanced ion particle transport in mixed H/D isotope plasmas on JET
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Contributions To Plasma Physics. 2018-07-01. DOI : 10.1002/ctpp.201700118.W transport and accumulation control in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER
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Physical Review A. 2018-05-04. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.052501.Effect of the relative shift between the electron density and temperature pedestal position on the pedestal stability in JET-ILW and comparison with JET-C
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Nuclear Fusion. 2018-05-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aaaf9c.Investigation into the formation of the scrape-off layer density shoulder in JET ITER-like wall L-mode and H-mode plasmas
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-05-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aaad78.Maximum likelihood bolometric tomography for the determination of the uncertainties in the radiation emission on JET TOKAMAK
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Fusion Engineering And Design. 2018-04-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.02.041.Sub-millisecond electron density profile measurement at the JET tokamak with the fast lithium beam emission spectroscopy system
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Physics Of Plasmas. 2018-04-01. DOI : 10.1063/1.5020122.ICRH antenna &ITS&IT-matrix measurements and plasma coupling characterisation at JET
Nuclear Fusion. 2018-04-01. DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aaace3.Neutron spectroscopy measurements of 14 MeV neutrons at unprecedented energy resolution and implications for deuterium-tritium fusion plasma diagnostics
Measurement Science And Technology. 2018-04-01. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6501/aaa675.Correlation of the tokamak H-mode density limit with ballooning stability at the separatrix
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2018-01-01. World Automation Congress (WAC), Stevenson, WA, Jun 03-06, 2018. p. 253-258. DOI : 10.23919/WAC.2018.8430383.ERO modeling and sensitivity analysis of locally enhanced beryllium erosion by magnetically connected antennas
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2018-01-01. International Conferences on Research and Applications of Plasmas (PLASMA), Warsaw, POLAND, Sep 18-22, 2017. p. 012009. DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/959/1/012009.Integrated modelling of H-mode pedestal and confinement in JET-ILW
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2017. 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Prague, CZ, September 05-09,2017. p. 535-540. DOI : 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2017.05.023.Overview of the JET results in support to ITER
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Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2017. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/aa5f71.Heavy Impurity Confinement in Hybrid Operation Scenario Plasmas with a Rotating 1/1 Continuous Mode
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Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2017. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/aa6633.Mitigation of divertor heat loads by strike point sweeping in high power JET discharges
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Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion. 2017. DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/aa72a4.Overview of the TCV tokamak program: scientific progress and facility upgrades
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2016. Joint Lausanne-Varenna Workshop, Varenna, August 27, 2016. p. 012002. DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/775/1/012002.Perturbed vacuum magnetic field and global m=2 components associated with geodesic acoustic modes in tokamak
2016. 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, Belgium, July 4-8, 2016. p. P2.046.Modelling the Fast-ion RF-Pinch Effect with a Toroidally Localised ICRF Antenna
2016. 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, Belgium, July 4-8, 2016. p. P2.008.Modelling of ICRF fast ion generation in 2D and 3D plasma configurations
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2016. 7th International Workshop on Stochasticity in Fusion Plasmas, Bad Honnef, Germany. p. 092006. DOI : 10.1088/0029-5515/56/9/092006.ICRH induced particle losses in Wendelstein 7-X
2016. 20th International Stellarator-Heliotron Workshop, Greifswald, Germany, 5 - 9 October 2015. p. 074004. DOI : 10.1088/0741-3335/58/7/074004.Neoclassical tearing mode seeding by coupling with infernal modes in low-shear tokamaks
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Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2016. DOI : 10.1088/0741-3335/58/6/064002.Optimization of ICRH for core impurity control in JET-ILW
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2015. 57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Savannah, USA, November 16-20, 2015. p. 063032.Suprathermal electron dynamics and MHD instabilities in a tokamak
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2015. 25th Fusion Energy Conference (FEC), Govt Russian Federat, St Petersburg, RUSSIA, OCT 13-18, 2014. p. 104008. DOI : 10.1088/0029-5515/55/10/104008.ELM frequency feedback control on JET
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Lausanne, EPFL, 2015. p. 195. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-6636.Extended MHD simulations of infernal mode dynamics and coupling to tearing modes
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2014. 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Divison Plasma Physics, Savannah, USA, October 13-19, 2014. p. GP8.00054.Linear hybrid kinetic-MHD model of rotating plasmas via the interface of MINERVA stability and VENUS-LEVIS delta-f PIC codes
2014. 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Divison Plasma Physics, Savannah, USA, October 13-19, 2014. p. GP8.00051.Global structure and magnetic components of geodesic acoustic modes in shaped tokamak plasmas
2014. 41st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin, 23-27 June 2014. p. P2.047.Sawtooth Control in JET with ITER relevant low field side resonance ICRH and ITER like wall
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2014. THEORY OF FUSION PLASMAS JOINT VARENNA - LAUSANNE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP, Varenna, Italy, September 1-5, 2014. DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/561/1/012006.VENUS-LEVIS and its spline-Fourier interpolation of 3D toroidal magnetic field representation for guiding-centre and full-orbit simulations of charged energetic particles
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2014. 20th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Sorrento, IT, 25-28 June 2013. p. 161-166. DOI : 10.1063/1.4864515.Self-consistent Simulations of ICRH with the Background Equilibrium in Tokamaks and Stellarators
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2013. EPS on Plasma Physics (40th), Espoo, Finland, 1-5 July 2013.Tokamak MHD Equilibria with 3D Distortions
2013. EPS on Plasma Physics (40th), Espoo, Finland, 1-5 July 2013.Study of suprathermal electron dynamics by energy-resolved tomography of hard X-ray emission on the TCV tokamak
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Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2013. DOI : 10.1088/0741-3335/55/7/074009.Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
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2013. 18th International Stellarator Hellotron Workshop and 10th Asia Pacific Plasma Theory Conference. p. 014005. DOI : 10.1088/0741-3335/55/1/014005.Exploitation of a general-coordinate guiding centre code for the redistribution of fast ions in deformed hybrid tokamak equilibria
2012. Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Joint Varenna-Lausanne Int. Workshop, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy, 27-31 August 2012. p. 012020. DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/401/1/012020.MHD properties in the core of ITER-like hybrid scenarios
2012. 13th Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on the Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, ITALY, AUG 27-31, 2012. p. 012003. DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/401/1/012003.Bifurcated Helical Core Equilibrium States in Tokamaks
2012. 24th FEC - 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego CA (USA), 8-13 October 2012.Equilibrium and stability in a heliotron with anisotropic hot particle slowing-down distribution
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2011. 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, F, June 27 - July 1, 2011. p. P1.080.Individual Sawtooth pacing by synchronized ECCD in TCV
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2011. Joint Varenna-Lausanne Workshop on the Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Italy, August 30 - September 3, 2010. p. 054002. DOI : 10.1088/0741-3335/53/5/054002.Magnetohydrodynamic properties of nominally axisymmetric systems with 3D helical core
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2011. 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, France, 27 June - 01 July 2011. p. 124005. DOI : 10.1088/0741-3335/53/12/124005.Interaction Between Fast Ions and Microturbulence in Thermonuclear Devices
Lausanne, EPFL, 2011. p. 166. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5164.Macroscopic Stability of High Beta MAST plasmas
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2010. 17th International Stellarator/Heliotron Workshop, Princeton, NJ, Oct 12-16, 2009. p. 713-717. DOI : 10.1002/ctpp.200900501.Magnetic Reconnection Triggering Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities during a Sawtooth Crash in a Tokamak Plasma
Physical Review Letters. 2010. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.255002.Empirical scaling of sawtooth period for onset of neoclassical tearing modes
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2010. VARENNA - Lausanne International Workshop, Theory Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Italy, 30 August - 03 September 2010.Influence of fine scale turbulence on the transport of high energy populations in burning plasmas
2010. 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, 21-25 June 2010.Neoclassical equilibria as starting point for global gyrokinetic microturbulence simulations
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2010. 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon, Korea, 11-16 October 2010.Drift stabilization of ballooning modes in an inward-Shifted LHD configuration
2010. 17th Int Stellarator/Heliotron Workshop + 6th CWGM, Princeton PPL, NJ, US, 12-16 October 2009. p. 713. DOI : 10.1002/ctpp.200900001.Tokamak Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium States with Axisymmetric Boundary and a 3D Helical Core
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2005. 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Tarragona, Spain, 27 June 2005.Internal kink stabilisation and the properties of auxiliary heated ions and alpha particles
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2003. 45th Annual APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting 2003, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, October 2003.The internal kink mode in an anisotropic flowing plasma with application to modelling neutral beam injected sawtoothing discharges
2003Influence of asymmetric energetic ion distributions on Sawtooth stabilization
2003The internal kink mode in an anisotropic flowing plasma with application to modeling neutral beam injected sawtoothing discharges
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2002Sawtooth control in view of controlling NTM seed islands
2002. Proceedings of 10th European Fusion Physics Workshop.Critical Behaviour of Fast Particles Induced by NBI in Sawtooth Stability Modelling
2002. 29th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics.The effects of anisotropy and plasma rotation on the stabilisation of the internal kink mode by NBI
2002. Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas ISPP-20, Varenna, Italy, August 27 - 30, 2002. p. 291-296.The Rôle of Clustering Effects in Interpreting Non-diffusive Transport Measurements in Tokamaks
2002. Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas ISPP-20, Varenna, Italy, August 27 - 30, 2002. p. 345-350.The role of clustering effects in interpreting nondiffusive transport measurements in tokamaks
Physics of Plasmas. 2002. DOI : 10.1063/1.1464148.Research
Magnetohydrodynamic confinement and stability of tokamak plasmas, linear and non-linear resistive instabilities, long wavelength kinetic instabilities in tokamaks, kinetic theory, fast particle physics, 3D Alfvenic and Wave codes (LEMan code), guiding centre theory and codes (VENUS-LEVIS code), ion cyclotron resonance heating in 3D (SCENIC code), impurity transport in 3D rotating plasmasTeaching & PhD