Katarzyna Zuleta Estrugo

Web site:  Web site:  https://sma.epfl.ch/

Administrative data

Teaching & PhD




Mathématiques générales I (pour BIO PHA)

The goal of this course is to introduce the basic mathematical knowledge necessary to pursue studies in the fields of biology and pharmaceutical sciences. It is intended for the first-year students of the Faculty of biology of the University of Lausanne.

Mathématiques générales II (pour BIO)

The goal of this course is to introduce the basic mathematical knowledge necessary to pursue studies in the fields of biology. It is intended for the first-year students of the Faculty of biology of the University of Lausanne.

Mathematics for Geosciences

The goal of this course is to introduce the basic mathematical knowledge necessary to pursue studies in the fields of geography, geology and environmental sciences. It is intended for the first-year students of the Faculty of geosciences and the environment of the University of Lausanne.