Katerina Argyraki

Associate Professor
katerina.argyraki@epfl.ch +41 21 693 81 32 http://nal.epfl.ch
BC 126 (Bâtiment BC)
Station 14
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Web site: https://nal.epfl.ch/
+41 21 693 81 32
Web site: Web site: https://ic.epfl.ch/page8797.html
Web site: Web site: https://dms.epfl.ch/DOCS/E/CDS
Fields of expertise
I'm an associate professor of Computer Science at EPFL, heading the Network Architecture Lab. My focus is network transparency and predictability. Prior to joining EPFL, I was an early employee at Arista Networks and I got my PhD from Stanford University (2007).Awards
2022 : Polysphère IC Teaching Award : By the student association, for excellence in teaching.
2020 : IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize : Recognizes the best recent results in applied networking, interesting new research ideas of potential relevance to the Internet standards community, and upcoming people that are likely to have an impact on Internet standards and technologies.
2019 : Polysphère IC Teaching Award : By the student association, for excellence in teaching.
2018 : IC Teaching Award : By the department, for excellence in teaching.
2016 : Jochen Liedke Young Researcher Award : Recognizes junior European researchers who have demonstrated exceptional creativity and innovation in systems research.
2014 : NSDI Best Paper Award : For the "Software Dataplane Verification" paper, with Mihai Dobrescu.
2014 : IC Teaching Award : By the department, for excellence in teaching.
2014 : Starting Grant : By the Swiss National Science Foundation.
2009 : SOSP Best Paper Award : For the "RouteBricks" paper, with Dobrescu et al.
Teaching & PhD
Communication Systems
Computer Science