Klaus Benedikt Schönenberger

Fields of expertise

Science and technology for sustainable development, humanitarian action and peace promotion. 

Teaching & PhD


Environmental Sciences and Engineering


Technology Innovation for Sustainable Development
See video introduction to the course here
Technology innovation can be a great enabler for development in low and middle-income countries. This course presents a methodology and an approach to develop impactful innovations that have the power to foster sustainable development. The course proposes tools to help solve important issues that burden those living in poverty. Through practical examples, we will demonstrate how you can take your initiative from a blank sheet of paper through to large-scale deployment of your technology innovation.
This course is about coming up with an idea and taking it from concept to large-scale deployment.
It fosters an entrepreneurial approach, as you will learn how to design business models that are relevant to address development-related challenges. It encourages co-creating the solution with the key stakeholders involved, including the affected populations.Coming-up with solutions that are more affordable and more durable, that require less use of consumables and electricity while still being economically viable, concerns all of us, and not just the people living in poverty.


Development engineering

(Coursebook not yet approved by the section)