Laurent Vulliet

Professeur hôte +41 21 693 23 11
Domaines de compétences
- Conception de géostructures
- Comportement des géomatériaux: modélisation constitutive, sols non saturés, couplages thermo-hydro-mécaniques, fluage, écoulements multiphasiques dans les milieux poreux déformables, modélisation numérique
- Risk Management: glissements de terrains, laves torrentielles, vulnérabilité, approches probabilistes, gestion intégrale des risques.
- Comportement des géomatériaux: modélisation constitutive, sols non saturés, couplages thermo-hydro-mécaniques, fluage, écoulements multiphasiques dans les milieux poreux déformables, modélisation numérique
- Risk Management: glissements de terrains, laves torrentielles, vulnérabilité, approches probabilistes, gestion intégrale des risques.
EDUCATION2016: Board Member Certificate, Swiss Board School, Switzerland
2008: AMP (Advanced Management Program), INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
1986: PhD (Dr sc. tech.), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
1980: Ms, Civil Engineering (Dipl. Bauing. ETH), ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland
2021 - Present: President of the Board, De Cérenville Géotechnique SA, Ecublens
2018 - Present: Owner, Prof. Vulliet Consulting, Lausanne.
2018 - Present: President, Société du Quartier Nord de l'EPFL
2003 - Present: Foundation Council Member, Les Bois Chamblard Foundation, Lausanne.
1995 - Present: Member and now President (since 2020), Foundation Council of the Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR), Lausanne
1994 - Present: Professor, EPFL. Director of the Soil Mechanics Laboratory (1994-2008). Part-time position since 2008. Honorary Professor since February 2023.
2016 - 2023: Member of the Board of Directors, Implenia, Opfikon, Switzerland
2009-2013: Vice-President, Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA).
2008 - 2015: CEO, BG Consulting Engineers, Lausanne, Switzerland.
2006 - 2015: Member of the Board of Directors, BG Consulting Engineers, Lausanne
2003-2008: Member, Stiftungsrat der Präventionsstiftung der KGV (a Swiss foundation for the financing of applied research in the domain of natural risks from Cantonal Building Insurances).
2001 - 2008 Dean, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC), EPFL
1999 - 2001 Head, Civil Engineering Department, EPFL
1998 2001: Member of the Board of Directors, Stump Bohr AG, Nänikon.
1989 - 1993 Senior Engineer, De Cérenville Géotechnique SA, Ecublens, Switzerland
1987 - 1989 Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
1986 Invited Researcher, Laboratoire central des ponts et chaussées (LCPC), Paris, France
1981 - 1986 Research assistant, and PhD student, Soil Mechanics Laboratory (LMS), EPFL. Thesis on the modeling of natural creeping slopes. Co-advisors Prof. E. Recordon (EPFL) and Prof. K. Hutter (TU Darmstadt)
- Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- International Association for Computer Meth. and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG)
- International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)
- International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM)
- Swiss Society for Soil and Rock Mechanics (SSMSR)
- Swiss Society for Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (SGEB)
- Kantonale Expertengruppe Sicherheit (KES). Expertise in the field of underground construction/rock mechanics for the Cantonal Expert Group on Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal (cantons of Zurich, Aargau, and Schaffhausen). (KES). (2020 - Present )- Federal Geological Commission (FGC), a permanent extra-parliamentary commission which advises the Federal Council on applied geology (appointed by the Federal Council). (2020 - Present)- Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW). A network of Switzerland’s most eminent names in the various engineering fields. (2014 - Present)
- Member, Federal Geological Commission (FGC), a permanent extra-parliamentary commission which advises the Federal Council on applied geology (appointed by the Federal Council). (2020 - present) - Swiss National Science Foundation (NSF): member of the Foundation Council and of the Electoral Commission (1996-2003)
- Extra-Parliamentary National Commission on Natural Disasters (PLANAT): member of the Commission 1997-2007 (member of the Executive Board from 1997 to 2000)
- Natural Hazards Competence Centre CENAT (ETH Domain): founder member and member of the Board of Directors (1995-2007)
- Alliance of European Research Laboratories (ALERT), member of the Board of Directors (1995-2009)
- Beratende Kommission Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL): member (2000-2004)
- Centro Stefano Franscini (CSF, Monte Verità): member of the Scientific Advisory Committee (1997-2007)
- EPFL Press and Information Commission (CPI). Member 1994-94, President 1995-2000
- Adjunct Editor-in-Chief, Revue française de génie civil (Hermès); founder member (1996-2009). Now "European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering"
- Editorial Advisory Board, Int. J. Num. Analyt. Meth. in Geomech., John Wiley (1997-2009).
- Editorial Board, Int. J. of Geomechanics (2000-2009).
- Editorial Board, Computer & Geotechnics, Elsevier (2001-2009).
- Editorial Board, Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica (1997-2009).
Publications Infoscience
Développement d’une méthode de calcul par élément orienté coût pour l’estimation économique de projets incluant un processus BIM dans le contexte de l’entreprise
2023-06-23Application of random fields in geotechnical reliabilty analysis
2023Enterprise Risk Management & Civil Engineering Consulting Firms in Switzerland
2020-01-24Analyse et gestion des risques dans la planification d’un projet de Génie Civil
2020-01-24Integration of geological data into the BIM process in infrastructure projects
2020-01-23Numerical modeling and neural networks to identify model parameters from piezocone tests: II. Multi-parameter identification from piezocone data
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2012. DOI : 10.1002/nag.1028.Numerical modeling and neural networks to identify model parameters from piezocone tests: I. FEM analysis of penetration in two-phase continuum
International Journal For Numerical And Analytical Methods In Geomechanics. 2011. DOI : 10.1002/nag.972.Analytical and numerical analyses of the load-bearing capacity of retaining walls laterally supported at both ends
International Journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2011. DOI : 10.1002/nag.942.Instability of soil masses
Environmental Geomechanics; London: ISTE-Wiley, 2010. p. 73-91.Structural characterization of unsaturated aggregated soil
Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 2010. DOI : 10.1139/T09-089.Constitutive modeling of unsaturated aggregated soils
International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2010. DOI : 10.1002/nag.888.Cyclic properties of sand
Lausanne, EPFL, 2009. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-4546.Identification of mechanisms for landslide type initiation of debris flows
Engineering Geology. 2009. DOI : 10.1016/j.enggeo.2009.06.007.Characterization of natural sand under complex dynamic loading
2009. International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering — from case history to practice —, Tsukuba, Japan, June 15-18, 2009. p. 1505-1513.Numerical modeling and neural networks to identify constitutive parameters from in situ tests
Lausanne, EPFL, 2009. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-4457.Behavior of Unsaturated Aggregated Soil in Oedometric Condition
Soils and Foundations. 2009. DOI : 10.3208/sandf.49.369.A combined neural network/gradient-based approach for the identification of constitutive model parameters using self-boring pressuremeter tests
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2009. DOI : 10.1002/nag.750.Optimization framework for calibration of constitutive models enhanced by neural networks
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2009. DOI : 10.1002/nag.707.Assessment of structural evolution of aggregated soil using neutron tomography
Water Resources Research. 2008. DOI : 10.1029/2007WR006297.Advanced Constitutive Model for Unsaturated Structured Soil with Double Porosity.
2008. 12th IACMAG Conference, Goa, India, Oct. 1-6, 2008. p. 709-715.New basis for constitutive modelling of unsaturated aggregated soil with structure degradation
2008. First European Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Durham, UK, July 2-4, 2008. p. 641-646.New basis for the constitutive modelling of aggregated soils
Acta geotechnica. 2008. DOI : 10.1007/s11440-007-0052-x.Mechanical behaviour of unsaturated aggregated soils
Lausanne, EPFL, 2008. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-4011.Automated Digital Image Processing for Volume Change Measurement in Triaxial Cells
Geotechnical Testing Journal. 2007. DOI : 10.1520/GTJ100309.Étude expérimentale du dégel d'un limon argileux
Lausanne, EPFL, 2007. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-3792.Soil structure evolution : experimental and constitutive consideration.
2007. NUMOG X, Rhodes, Greece, 25-27 Avril 2007. p. 133-138.Water flow between soil aggregates
Transport in Porous Media. 2007. DOI : 10.1007/s11242-006-9041-z.Interaction sol-structure dans le domaine des tranchées couvertes
Lausanne, EPFL, 2007. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-3714.Comportement, calcul et dimensionnement des tranchées couvertes
2006Considerations on the design of cut-and-cover tunnels
2006. ELU-ULS 2006 - Symposium international sur les états limites ultimes des ouvrages géotechniques. p. 379-386.Structure degradation of dry aggregated soils: experimental evidence and model formulation.
2006. p. 2174-2185. DOI : 10.1061/40802(189)184.Experimental study of flow and deformation in aggregated soils using neutron tomography.
2006. p. 341-348.Management of risks from large landslides : the problems of acceptable and residual risks
2006. p. 191-201.Advances in volume measurement in unsaturated triaxial tests
Soils and Foundations. 2006. DOI : 10.3208/sandf.46.341.Experimental and numerical investigations of the behaviour of a heat exchanger pile
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2006. DOI : 10.1002/nag.499.Suction induced effects on the fabric of a structured soil
Transport in Porous Media Journal. 2006. DOI : 10.1007/s11242-005-3656-3.Elasto-plasticity of unsaturated soils : laboratory test results on a remoulded silt
Soils and Foundations. 2006. DOI : 10.3208/sandf.46.545.Attrition and particle breakage under monotonic and cyclic loading
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, C. R. Mecanique. 2006. DOI : 10.1016/j.crme.2005.11.001.RISK21 - Coping with Risk due to Natural Hazards in the 21st Century
2006. RISK21 Workshop.Elastic plastic damage laws for cortical bone
Lausanne, EPFL, 2006. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-3435.Experimental and numerical investigations of the behaviour of a heat exchanger pile
Ground Improvement - Case Histories; Elsevier, 2005.Numerical analysis of natural slopes
2005. p. 657-670.Attrition and particle breakage under monotonic and cyclic loading
2005. p. 409-412.Non-isothermal modelling of the cyclic mechanical behaviour of MC clay
2005. p. 377-383.Interactive computer-aided learning of landslide identification and monitoring process
2005. p. 2781-2784.Point de vue : Une culture du risque face aux forces de la nature
Route et Trafic. 2005.Effective stress in double porous media with two immiscible fluids
Geophysical research letters. 2005. DOI : 10.1029/2005GL023766.Stochastic analysis of single particle segregational dynamics
Physics Letters A. 2005. DOI : 10.1016/j.physleta.2005.01.019.A Novel Triaxial Apparatus for Thermo-Mechanical Testing of Soils
Geotechnical Testing Journal. 2005. DOI : 10.1520/GTJ12311.Plasticity in soil-structure interaction applied to cut-and-cover tunnels
2004. 5th International PhD Symposium in civil engineering. p. 989-995.Mechanik ungesättigter Böden und deren Anwendung auf Hangbewegungen (Mechanics of unsaturated soils and their application on slope stability).
2004. BAW-Workshop : Boden-und Sohl-Stabilität-Betrachtungen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Geotechnik und Wasserbau, Karlsruhe, Sept. 2004, Karlsruhe, Sept. 2004. p. 19-1 / 19-10.Unsaturated structured soil with multi-porosity = Multi-poröse Strukturen in teilgesättigten Böden
2004. p. 4-1/4-8.Modelling suction increase effects on the fabric of a structured soil
2004. p. 83-94.Mathematical analysis of the hydric behaviour of structured soils
2004. p. 31-36.Vulnerability and risk assessment of a mountain road crossing landslides
Rivista italiana di geotecnica. 2004.Behavior of a dual-purpose pile as foundation and heat exchanger [Comportement d'un pieu bi-fonction, fondation et échangeur de chaleur]
Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 2003. DOI : 10.1139/T02-117.Effects of obstacles and jets on reservoir sedimentation due to turbidity currents
Lausanne, EPFL, 2003. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-2684.Heat exchanger pile : in situ testing and constitutive modelling
2003. p. 1-14.A new temperature controlled triaxial apparatus
2003. p. 133-137.Classification of debris-flow deposits for hazard assessment in alpine areas
2003.Methodology of debris flows diagnosis on an alpine watershed
2003. p. 23-27.Solid - air coupling in multiphase porous media
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2003. DOI : 10.1002/nag.269.Miscible and immiscible multiphase flow in deformable porous media
Mathematical and Computer Modelling Journal. 2003. DOI : 10.1016/S0895-7177(03)00050-5.Interface behavior of unsaturated soil with small-scale models and use of image processing techniques
Geotechnical Testing Journal. 2003. DOI : 10.1520/GTJ11099J.Thermal effects on the mechanical behaviour of saturated clays
Lausanne, EPFL, 2003. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-2828.Identification of a multiaxial failure criterion for human trabecular bone
Lausanne, EPFL, 2003. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-2812.Déformations des couches bitumineuses au passage d'une charge de trafic
Lausanne, EPFL, 2003. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-2786.The effect of seasonal soil frost on the alpine groundwater recharge including climate change aspects
Lausanne, EPFL, 2003. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-2709.Environmental Geomechanics
Lausanne: PPUR.Environmental geomechanics : an introduction
2002. p. 3-12.Simplified constitutive modelling of the behaviour of unsaturated soil
2002. 2nd Biot Conference on Poromechanics. p. 299-305. DOI : 10.1201/9781003078807-46.Volume measurement in unsaturated triaxial test using liquid variation and image processing
2002. p. 441-445.Effect of wetting process on the yield limit of a remoulded silt
2002. p. 159-165.Thermo-mechanical behaviour of a heat exchanger pile
2002. p. 403-412.Thermomechanisches Verhalten von Böden mit Anwendung auf Energiepfähle
2002. p. 1-18.Thermo-plasticity of clays : a simple constitutive approach
2002. p. 45-58.Experimental validation of the hydro-mechanical modeling of unsaturated soils
2002. p. 223-230.Dependency law for thermal evolution of preconsolidation pressure
2002. p. 687-692.Injection of a micro-fine cement into a porous medium : modelling and experimentation
2002. p. 655-656.Nouveautés dans l’analyse des mouvements de terrain
Publications de la SSMSR. 2002.Neural networks for slope movement prediction
International Journal of Geomechanics. 2002. DOI : 10.1061/(ASCE)1532-3641(2002)2:2(153).Mechanical testing and modelling of an unsaturated silt, with engineering applications
Lausanne, EPFL, 2002. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-2612.Comportement mécanique des milieux granulaires sous sollicitations cycliques
Lausanne, EPFL, 2002. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-2488.Méthodologie de diagnostic des laves torrentielles sur un bassin versant alpin
Lausanne, EPFL, 2002. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-2479.Géomécanique; Notes de cours, Département de génie civil, EPFL
2001.Instabilité des massifs de sol.
Géomécanique environnementale risques naturels et patrimoine .; Hermes Science, 2001.Mechanics of Multiphase Porous Media — Application to Unsaturated Soils
Continuum mechanics and applications in geophysics and environment; Springer, 2001. p. 153-180.Unsaturated Soil Mechanics : Constitutive Modelling and Coupling Effects
2001. p. 765-774.Thermo-mechanical behaviour of a heat exchanger pile
2001. p. 965-969.Thermo-Mechanical Modelling of the Behaviour of MC Clay
2001. p. 829-835.Constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils
Revue française de génie civil. 2001. DOI : 10.1080/12795119.2001.9692327.Mathematical and Numerical Filtration-Advection-Dispersion Model of Miscible Grout Propagation in Saturated Porous Media
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2001. DOI : 10.1002/nag.173.Real Scale Miscible Grout Injection Experiment and Performance of Advection-Dispersion-Filtration Model
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2001. DOI : 10.1002/nag.171.Injection d'un coulis de microciment à travers un milieu poreux
Lausanne, EPFL, 2001. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-2433.Stabilized finite elements in geomechanics
Lausanne, EPFL, 2001. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-2391.Géotechnique et fondations; Notes de cours, Département de génie rural, EPFL Lausanne
2000.Modelling the behaviour of unsaturated silt.
2000. DOI : 10.1201/9781482283761-15.Natural slopes in slow movement.
Modeling in Geomechanics; Wiley, 2000.Injection of micro-cement in fine-grained soil : theory, modelling and laboratory testing
2000. p. 157-175.Inverse grading in slopes
2000. p. 1514-1520.Sélection de publications
L. Vulliet, L. Laloui, J. Zhao Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, 2016, 604 p. |
Mécanique des sols et des roches |
Vulliet L., Laloui L., Schrefler B. (Eds) PPUR , 421 p., 2002 |
Environmental Geomechanics |
Vulliet L. J. Wiley & Sons, 706 p., 2000 |
Natural slopes in slow movement. A chapter of the book Modeling in Geomechanics, Zaman, Booker & Gioda Editors |
Klubertanz G., Bouchelaghem F., Laloui L., Vulliet L. Mathematical and Computer Modelling Journal., vol. 37, pp. 571-582, 2003 |
Miscible and immiscible multiphase flow in deformable porous media. |
Vulliet L. Ed. Hermes Science, 334 p., 2001 |
Instabilit� des massifs de sol. Un chapitre du livre "G�om�canique environnementale risques naturels et patrimoine" . Sous la direction de B. Schrefler, P. Delage |
Vulliet L., Laloui L. Ed. Springer, , Berlin, 393 p., 2001 |
Mechanics of multiphase porous media-application to unsaturated soils . A chapter of the book "Continuum mechanics and applications in geophysics and environment.". Editors B. Straughan et al., |
Geiser F., Laloui L., Vulliet L. Balkema, Rotterdam, 199p., 2000 |
Modelling the behaviour of unsaturated silt. A chapter of the book "Experimental Evidence and Theoretical Approaches in Unsaturated Soils". Tarautino & Maucuso. Ed. |
Desai C.S., Samtani N., Vulliet L. J. of Geotech. Eng., ASCE, Vol. 121, No 1, pp. 43-56, 1995 |
Constitutive modeling and analysis of creeping slopes |
Vulliet L., Hutter K. Geotechnique, Vol.38, No.2, pp. 199-217, 1988 |
A continuum model for natural slopes in slow movement. |
Vulliet L. Ed. Hermes Science, 334 p., 2001 |
Instabilit� des massifs de sol. Un chapitre du livre "G�om�canique environnementale risques naturels et patrimoine" . Sous la direction de B. Schrefler, P. Dalage. |
Vulliet L., Laloui L. Ed. Springer, Berlin, 393 p., 2001 |
Mechanics of multiphase porous media-application to unsaturated soils . A chapter of the book "Continuum mechanics and applications in geophysics and environment.". Editors B. Straughan et al. |
Geiser F., Laloui L., Vulliet L. Balkema, Rotterdam, 199p., 2000 |
Modelling the behaviour of unsaturated silt. A chapter of the book "Experimental Evidence and Theoretical Approaches in Unsaturated Soils". Tarautino & Maucuso, Editors |
Enseignement & Phd
Civil Engineering