Livia Bove

Scientist +41 21 693 56 25
Citizenship: Italian
PH D2 455 (Bâtiment PH)
Station 3
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Web site:
Fields of expertise
ScientistCurrent work
Scientist at Earth and Planetary Science Laboratory Associate Researcher CNRS-IMPMCResearch Administration
Member of the Scientific Council of University Pierre et Marie Curie. Faculty Member of University Pierre et Marie Curie. Member of the Budget Commission of University Pierre et Marie Curie. Member of the Physics Faculty Council of University Pierre et Marie Curie. Responsible of UPMC-LENS collaboration. Member of the Swiss Neutron Society board. Member of the American Physical Society. Coordinator of the Matter under Extreme Conditions Axis of Labex Matisse, UPMC.Prices and distinctions
2004 Young Researcher Price of Neutron Scattering Society. 2002 International Grant Award of Angelo Della Riccia Foundation. 2000 Young Researcher Price INFMList of 5 main publications
1. Bove L.E. , Klotz S., Straessle, Th., Koza et al., , Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 185901 (2013). 2. Bove LE, Klotz S., and Saitta M., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 125701 (2011). 3. Klotz S, Bove LE, Straessle T et al., NATURE MATERIALS 8, 405 - 409 (2009). 4. Bove LE, Sacchetti F, Petrillo C et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 215504, (2001). 5. Bove LE, Sacchetti F, Petrillo C et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 85, 5352, (2000).List of 5 main invited talks
2014 Seminaire invité à Mini Stat Mech Meeting, Berkeley, USA. Title : Metastability and Cristallization in salty ice. 2013 Séminaire invité à «7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems», Barcellona, Spain. Title: Water Diffusion in the GPa range. 2012 Séminaire invité à « AGU Fall Meeting », San Francisco, USA. Title : Probing hydrogen dynamics under high pressure. 2011 Keynote Lecture à « European Conference of Neutron Scattering», Prague (Rep. Tch.). Title: Salty ice under pressure. 2005 Séminaire invité à International Conference of Neutron Scattering, Sydney (Australie). Title: Phonon damping in glasses.Funded contracts and Valorisation
1. PI of a Swiss Funding Program FNS Grant Salty Ices and Ice clathrates under extreme conditions, 2. PI of a French Patent n° 1358938 for a New toroidal high pressure chamber for QENS studies 3. PI of the ILL Long Term Project New frontier for QENS or the development of extreme conditions for Quasi Elastic Neutron Scattering. 4. PI of the Labex-Matisse project salty-ICES for the search of salty ice phases under planetary conditions 5. PI of JCJC ANR Project HP-QENS for the development of quasi-elastic neutron scattering studies under extreme conditions. 6. co-PI of the ANR APICOCED project for the development of Picosecond ultrasonic spectroscopy under extreme conditionsSupervising activity
Since 2014 co-Supervisor of a PhD student: UmbertoLuca Ranieri, joint EPFL-ILL PhD thesis on the project "Salty ices and ice clathrates dynamics under high pressure". Since 2014 co-Supervisorof a PhD student: Eleonora Stefanutti, joint UPMC-Roma III PhD thesis on the project "Dynamics of acqueous solutions and ionic liquids. Since 2012 co-Supervisor of a PhD student: A. Adriaan Ludl, UPMC-Paris, funded by the Labex-Matisse on the project: "Salty ices structure under extreme conditions". 2012 Co-supervisor of an IUT Orsay student, Li Jaiqui, project: Development of an Hyperquenching System for Viscous aqueous solutions. 2011 Co-supervisor of a M2 student, GLAZYRIN Konstantin, project: Ultrasound measurements of éthylène-glycol solutions. 2009 Co-supervisor of a M2 student of Inst. dOpt. Grad. School, Remi Marchal, project: Ultrasound and Brillouin measurements of LiBr-water solutions. 2007-2009 Co-Supervisor of a PhD student: M. E. Gallina, Département of Chemistry of Perugia University, Italy. Thesis : « Structure and dynamics of H-bonding systems ». 2004-2005 Co-supervisor of Laurea Thesis: V. Bonanni, Department of Physics, Perugia University. 2003-2006 Co-supervisor of two Laurea Thesis: L. Sani and F. Paoletti Department of Physics, Perugia University.Techniques
Neutron Scattering Inelastic X-ray scattering X-ray diffraction High Pressure Techniques Raman and Brillouin spectroscopyProfessional course
Associate Professor
Physics Department
Università La Sapienza
since 2018
Senior Scientist (DR) CNRS
Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France
since 2018
Researcher CNRS (CR2)
Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France
Researcher CNRS (CR1)
Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France
since November 2009
Tenure Track of INFM (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia)
Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France
INFM Researcher Fellow (5 years)
Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France.
Post-doc and and International Fellowship Della Riccia
Physics Department/TAS group
Universit� di Perugia/ Operative Group Grenoble
INFM Grant Fellowship
Physics Department-LENS
University of Florence
HDR in Condensed Matter Physics
structure and dynamics of water and aqueous solutions under extreme conditions
PhD Degree in Physics
Dynamics properties of liquid metals and correlations with the electron gas
Universit� di Perugia
Laurea Degree in Physics
Condensed Matter Physics- Spin density measurements in fcc-methastable Fe-Cu alloys
Universit� di Perugia