Marius Burgat

EPFL Innovation Park
Bâtiment E
1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 70 16
QIE 1 107.2
Web site: Site web:
Domaines de compétences
- Recruitment and human ressources
- Career promotion
- Continuing Education project development
- Online education & certification
- Cooperation projects with international partners
- International relations
- New courses development for EPFL Continuing EducationBiographie
From 2021, Marius is active in projects developments for EPFL Continuing Education. This is implemented in the Fondation UNIL - EPFL for Continuing Education.
From 2015 to 2019, Marius was a Project Leader in the team "MOOCs for Africa / MOOCs for Development. He was involved in several University cooperation projects, especially in the development of digital education projects in african universities. From 2004 to 2015, Marius worked as an advisor at the Vice President for International Relations. He has contributed to the definition of the international strategy of EPFL in Asia, particularly in China, and he was active in the cooperation development with private and public partners in Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Singapore. Before this, Marius served as advisor to the President, overseeing several projects, internal programs and reforms, including the reengineering and implementation of faculty recruitment and evaluation systems.
Marius Burgat has a Master degree in Agronomy of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ) and obtained a Master degree in Public Administration from IDHEAP, Lausanne. In 2019 he got a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Public Administration from UNIL/IDHEAP Lausanne in Law and Public Management.