Manuel A. Pouchon

Maître d'enseignement et de recherche
Paul Scherrer Institut
Nuclear Energy and Safety Department Head of the Laboratory for Nuclear Materials (LNM) Leader of the Advanced Nuclear Materials Group (ANM) OHLD/102 5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland Tel: 41 56 310 22 45Biography
Researcher in experimental and theoretical materials science, specializing in the development of nuclear fuels since 1997, and structural materials for nuclear reactors since 2004. Presently leading nuclear materials lab (LNM) and the advanced nuclear materials (ANM) group and programme at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland. The applicability of different material candidates in advanced nuclear reactors is researched. Especially different aspects of radiation damage are investigated. For this purpose the concept of sample miniaturization is applied and further developed. Recently leading a new activity in particle fuel production and application. Previously working for the FUJI project at PSI, where different nuclear fuel forms for fast reactors were produced, characterized and finally irradiated in reactor. This work was performed in collaboration with the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) and Nuclear Research & consultancy Group (NRG) in the Netherlands. Previously an International Fellow at JNC investigating the thermal conductivity, sintering behaviour, and mechanical interaction of ceramic-sphere fuel beds; this includes the use of finite element methods for simulating various behaviours. Previously at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and for the Inert Matrix Fuel Project for burning plutonium in light water reactors, investigating the thermal conductivity and the diffusion and solubility of fission products of a zirconia-based non-fertile matrix.Parcours professionnel
Laboratory Head
Laboratory for Nuclear Materials (LNM)
Paul Scherrer Institut
April 1, 2015 - present
Leader of the Advance Nuclear Material (ANM) Group
Laboratory for Nuclear Materials (LNM)
Paul Scherrer Institut
August 1, 2012 - present
Materials Scientist
Laboratory for Nuclear Materials (LNM)
Paul Scherrer Institut
2008 - present
Materials Scientist
Laboratory for Materials Behaviour (LWV)
Paul Scherrer Insitut
May 1, 2002 - 2007
International Fellow
Waste Management and Fuel Cycle Research Centre, Advanced Fuel Recycle Technology Division
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC), today JAEA
April 1, 2000 - April 30, 2002
PhD Student
Laboratory for Materials Behaviour (LWV)
Paul Scherrer Institut
January 1, 1997, March 1, 2000
Contribution to the study of a zirconia based nuclear fuel for plutonium usage in light water reactor
Doctorat �s Sciences Mention Interdisciplinaire
Universit� de Gen�ve, Facult� des Sciences
December 16, 1999
Photorefraktiver Effekt in protonenimplantierten KNbO3 Wellenleitern
ETH Z�rich, Institut f�r Quantenelektonik, Laboratorium f�r Nichlineare Optik
July 12,1996
Enseignement & Phd
Garrivier Natan Jules, Niedermeyer Sebastian,A dirigé les thèses EPFL de
Bhattacharya Shaileyee , Cavaliere Andrea , Choi Kwanghoon , Colldeweih Aaron William , Cui Lijuan , Fave Loïc Guillaume , Nastruzzi Anna , Yetik Okan ,Cours
Effects of radiation on materials
- Defect production
- Defect accumulation
- Irradiation modes (electrons, ions, neutrons)
2. Investigation tools - Numerical tools (molecular dynamics, kinetic rate theory, Monte Carlo methods, dislocation dynamics)
- Experimental tools (transmission electron microscopy, s