Marc Laperrouza

CM 2 271 (Centre Midi)
Station 10
1015 Lausanne

Administrative data

Fields of expertise

China - emerging markets - economy - business models - value propositions - regulation - network industries - interdisciplinarity - project-based learning - pedagogy


Infoscience publications

Selected publications


Teaching & PhD


Humanities and Social Sciences Program


Competing with China

The course raises awareness on the implications of China's emergence as an economic and technological power by developing a critical approach on the domestic and international challenges created by such a transition.

Technologies, innovation and emerging markets

The course raises students' awareness of the importance of emerging markets in the global innovation landscape. It provides modeling tools to analyze product/service innovations in the context of emerging markets.

Design for sustainability I

(Coursebook not yet approved by the section)

Design for sustainability II

(Coursebook not yet approved by the section)

Design in innovation: creation for adoption

Challenges in health, environment or media show how adoption is critical for innovation. The course delves into design methodologies to rethink innovation from a human point of view. Creativity, transdisciplinary approaches will allow to build solutions bringing benefits to citizens and the economy.