Mathieu Huruguen

BS 282 (Bâtiment BS)
Station 4
1015 Lausanne

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Administrative data

Teaching & PhD


Preparatory year (CMS)


Linear Algebra (for CMS)

In the first part of the course we survey some notions of set theory and elementary logic. In the second part, the goal is to get the students familiar with the fundamental notions of linear algebra through their geometric study in dimension 2.

Linear Algebra (for CMS)

the goal is to get the students familiar with the fundamental notions of linear algebra through their geometric study in dimension 3.

Analysis II (for CMS)

This class focus on the studies of special functions : trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions.

Analytical geometry (for CMS)

In this course, we present the necessary tools for addressing affine and euclidean geometric problems in dimensions 2 and 3 by the use of vectors or coordinates.

Algèbre linéaire et géométrie (pour MAN)

We present the fundamental notions of linear algebra in the geometric context where they emerged. We will therefore emphasize the dimensions 2 and 3, and insist on the visualisation of classical objects and operations in the plane and in the 3D space.