Fields of expertise
- De- and regulation of network industries
- Governance of large socio-technical systems
- Infrastructure policy, business-government relations
Infoscience publications
Main publications
2022 A conceptual construct on value for infrastructure asset management N. Almeida ; M. Trindade ; D. Komljenovic ; M. Finger
Utilities Policy . 2022 . DOI : 10.1016/j.jup.2022.101354. 2021 Exploring policy change through agent-based simulation R. Klein / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2021 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-10228. 2020 Assessing Technology Adoption in the European Air Traffic Management: The Cases of Virtual Centre and Flight-Centric Operations E. Zeki / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2020 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-10317. Metropolitan Innovation Systems: Inquiry into the co-evolving relations between Industry, University and Government J. Shen / M. Finger ; M. Gruber (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2020 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-10287. 2019 Strategic Objectives For State-Owned Enterprises As A Means To Mitigate Political Interference: An Empirical Analysis Of Two Swiss State-Owned Enterprises F. Liechti ; M. Finger
Annals Of Public And Cooperative Economics . 2019 . DOI : 10.1111/apce.12227. The Effect of European Integration on Swiss Energy Policy and Governance P. A. Van Baal ; M. Finger
Politics and Governance . 2019 . DOI : 10.17645/pag.v7i1.1780. Policy analysis during socio-technical energy transitions: three essays on the Swiss electricity sector P. A. Van Baal / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2019 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-9770. Die multiplen Rechenschaftspflichten von öffentlichen Unternehmen gegenüber dem Staat
Eine empirische Typologie der Entstehung und des Managements inkohärenter Erwartungen F. Liechti / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2019 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-7354. Towards Mobility-as-a-Service: a cross-case analysis of public authorities' roles in the development of ICT-supported integrated mobility schemes M. U. J. Audouin / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2019 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-9098. Empower or Thwart? Insights from Vienna and Helsinki regarding the role of public authorities in the development of MaaS schemes M. Audouin ; M. Finger
2019 . International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport (Mobil.TUM) , Munich, GERMANY , Jun 13-14, 2018 . p. 6 - 16. DOI : 10.1016/j.trpro.2019.09.003. 2018 System Dynamics Simulation to Explore the Impact of Low European Electricity Prices on Swiss Generation Capacity Investments R. Verhoog ; P. van Baal ; M. Finger
Energy Economy, Finance and Geostrategy ; Cham : Springer International Publishing , 2018. The development of Mobility-as-a-Service in the Helsinki metropolitan area: A multi-level governance analysis M. Audouin ; M. Finger
Research In Transportation Business And Management . 2018 . DOI : 10.1016/j.rtbm.2018.09.001. Smart Governance for Smart Cities M. Razaghi ; M. Finger
Proceedings of the IEEE . 2018 . DOI : 10.1109/JPROC.2018.2807784. Three methodological contributions towards modelling endogenous policy-emergence in societal transitions R. Verhoog / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2018 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-8466. 2017 Einsatz von Nichtmarktstrategien durch oeffentliche Unternehmen gegenueber dem Staat : Untersuchung am Beispiel der Schweizerischen Post AG C. J. I. Rentsch / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2017 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-7503. Air transport liberalization: a critical assessment S. Barrett ; M. Baumgartner ; P. Berster ; V. Bilotkach ; K. Button
et al.
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar . Platformed! Network Industries and the New Digital Paradigm M. Finger ; J. Montero
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2017 . DOI : 10.1177/1783591718782310. Conceptualizing Smart Cities M. Finger ; M. Razaghi
Informatik-Spektrum . 2017 . DOI : 10.1007/s00287-016-1002-5. Not if, but when? Simulating the impact of timing the nuclear phase-out in Switzerland P. A. Van Baal ; R. Verhoog ; M. Finger
2017 . International Symposium for Next Generation Infrastructure 2017 , London, United Kingdom , September 11-13, 2017 . What future for the Post Office Network M. Finger ; C. Jaag
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2017 . DOI : 10.1177/1783591717741789. Digital transformation, business models and the postal industry N. H. Kollara / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2017 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-7560. 2016
The Routledge Companion on Network Industries London : Routledge . Financing rail infrastructure by multi-annual performance contracts : a case-based evaluation D. A. Greinus / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2016 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-6517. Governing Energy Transitions: Transition Goals in the Swiss Energy Sector R. Verhoog ; M. Finger
Energy and Finance: Sustainability in the Energy Industry ; Springer International Publishing , 2016. p. 107 - 121. Major public enterprises in Switzerland C. J. I. Rentsch ; P. Sulger ; M. Finger
Economia Pubblica . 2016 .
Towards cognitive cities. Advances in cognitive computing and its application to the governance of large urban systems Berlin : Springer . An Action Research Inquiry into Professional Training and Development for Addressing Complex Urban Problems M. Razaghi / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2016 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-7192. Can North-made IOT solutions address the challenges of emerging cities in the South? The case of Korean born Smart transportation card implementation in Bogota M. Audouin ; M. Razaghi ; M. Finger
2016 . 2016 International Tech4Dev Conference , Lausanne, Swizerland , May 2-4, 2016 . 2015 Yes, no, maybe: the ambiguous relationship between State-owned Enterprise and the State M. Finger ; C. Rentsch ; M. Finger
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics . 2015 . DOI : 10.1111/apce.12096. Smart Cities - ein Überblick M. Finger ; E. Portman
Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik . 2015 . Liberalisation of air traffic management services: what role for Eurocontrol? M. Finger
2015 The Arctic, Laboratory of the Anthropocene M. Finger
Future Security of the Global Arctic ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan , 2015. p. 121 - 137. The alignment framework M. Finger ; N. Crettenand ; W. Lemstra
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2015 . DOI : 10.1177/178359171501600202. Rail access charges M. Finger ; P. Messulam
Rail economics, policy and regulation ; Cheltenham : Edward Elgar , 2015. p. 323 - 340. Towards becoming an emerging country with a performing electricity sector. The case of Cameroon M. Finger ; N. Crettenand
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2015 . DOI : 10.1177/178359171501600204. Introduction to the special issue on Network Industries in Turkey N. Bagdadioglu ; M. Finger ; F. Oguz
Utilities Policy . 2015 . DOI : 10.1016/j.jup.2015.06.004. European rail policy and regulation M. Finger
The Routledge Companion on Network Industries ; London : Routledge , 2015. p. 211 - 224. Mitigating Crime Risks in the International Logistics Network : the Case of Swiss Post T. A. Männistö / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2015 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-6513. FSR Manifesto. An EU agenda for the upcoming five years of regulation of infrastructures M. Finger ; J.-M. Glachant ; P. L. Parcu ; S. Saussier
2015 EU Transport Policy M. Finger
Transportation and Economy . 2015 . A critical analysis of the potential of the ICTs for democracy and governance M. Finger
E-Government and Websites: A Public Solutions Handbook ; New York : Taylor & Francis , 2015. p. 81 - 96. Rail economics, regulation and policy in Europe M. Finger ; P. Messulam ; T. Holvad
Cheltenham Glos : Edward Elgar Publishing . Rail economics and regulation M. Finger ; P. Messulam
Rail economics, policy and regulation ; Cheltenham : Edward Elgar , 2015. p. 1 - 21. World is changing, does transport follow? The role of regulation in preparing transport for the future M. Finger ; N. Bert ; D. Küpfer
2015 2014 The Single European Sky gridlock: A difficult 10 year reform process M. Baumgartner ; M. Finger
Utilities Policy . 2014 . DOI : 10.1016/j.jup.2014.03.004. European air transport liberalization: Possible ways out of the single European sky gridlock M. Baumgartner ; M. Finger
Utilities Policy . 2014 . DOI : 10.1016/j.jup.2014.05.004. A post-2020 EU energy technology policy: Revisiting the Strategic Energy Technology Plan M. Finger ; S. Ruester ; S. Schwenen
Energy Policy . 2014 . DOI : 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.11.044. Postal services in the digital age M. Finger ; B. Bukovc ; M. Burhan
Amsterdam : IOS Press . Special issue of Utilities Policy: "20 years of liberalization in European network industries" M. Finger
Utilities Policy . 2014 . DOI : 10.1016/j.jup.2014.03.005. Stability of the Classifications of Returns to Scale in Data Envelopment Analysis: A Case Study of the Set of Public Postal Operators P. Ralevic ; M. Dobrodolac ; D. Markovic ; M. Finger
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica . 2014 . Governance of competition and performance in European railways: An analysis of five cases M. Finger
Utilities Policy . 2014 . DOI : 10.1016/j.jup.2014.03.003. Energy Strategy Formation in the Middle East and North Africa Using a Technology-Driven Energy Planning Approach : Application to the Case of Ras Al Kaimah R. M. Dyllick-Brenzinger / M. Finger ; H. B. Püttgen (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2014 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-6420. 2013 Status of electricity sector liberalization in the MENA region; past accomplishments and future challenges M. Finger ; R. M. Dyllick-Brenzinger
2013 A strategic energy technology policy towards 2050: no-regret strategies for European technology push S. Schwenen ; S. Ruester ; M. Finger ; J. M. Glachant
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy . 2013 . DOI : 10.1504/IJETP.2013.058143. Setting the Scene: Background and Overview of Regulatory Reform in the Transport Sector M. Finger ; T. Holvad
Regulating Transport In Europe ; Cheltenham : Edward Elgar , 2013. Regulating transport in Europe T. Holvad ; M. Finger
Cheltenham Glos : Edward Elgar Publishing . Global Companies and the Environment M. Finger
The handbook of global companies ; New York : John Wilwy and Sons , 2013. p. 285 - 299. Assessing Stakeholders’ Interests in Postal Security T. Männistö ; M. Finger
2013 . 13th International Conference on Postal and Courier Services , Venice, Italy , August 15-16, 2013 . 10 Jahre Flugsicherungsreform: Reformstau oder Kompetenzgerangel am Europäischen Himmel? M. Finger ; M. Baumgartner
Volkswirtschaft . 2013 . The alignment between institutions and technology in network industries N. Crettenand ; M. Finger
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2013 . DOI : 10.1177/178359171301400202. A strategic energy technology policy towards 2050 : no-regret strategies for European technology push S. Ruester ; S. Schwenen ; M. Finger ; J.-M. Glachant
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy . 2013 . DOI : 10.1504/IJETP.2013.058143. Review of electricity sector reform in five large, oil- and gas-exporting MENA countries: Current status and outlook R. M. Dyllick-Brenzinger ; M. Finger
Energy Strategy Reviews . 2013 . DOI : 10.1016/j.esr.2013.03.004. 2012 30 years of railway liberalization: what does it mean for us? M. Finger
Wettbersfähige Güterbahn: vom Wunschtraum zur Wirklichkeit. Festschrift zum 100-Jahr-Jubiläum des VAP ; 2012. p. 141 - 144. 25 years of Arctic environmental agency: changing issues and power relations M. Finger ; A. Finger-Stich
The 2012 Arctic Yearbook ; Rovaniemi : Rovaniemi: University of the Arctic , 2012. p. 194 - 222. Une réflexion critique sur la nouvelle gestion publique M. Finger
Parlament . 2012 . TOWARDS LEGITIMATE WATER GOVERNANCE? The partially privatized Berlin waterworks E. Lieberherr ; A. Klinke ; M. Finger
Public Management Review . 2012 . DOI : 10.1080/14719037.2011.650056. Stockage d’énergie et petite hydraulique N. Crettenand ; M. Finger ; H. B. Püttgen
VSE/AES Bulletin . 2012 . DOI : 10.5169/seals-857365. Photovoltaics in urban energy systems in Europe: current policies and the need for policy change R. M. Dyllick-Brenzinger ; M. Finger
Network Industry Quarterly Newsletter . 2012 . Regulatory Institutions and Governance Costs : The Case of the Postal Sector M. Maegli / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2012 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5351. Transformation of Water Governance and Legitimacy : Comparing Swiss, German and English Water Supply and Sanitation Service Providers E. Lieberherr / M. Finger ; A. Klinke (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2012 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5437. E-governance: a global journey M. Finger ; F. Sultana
Amsterdam : IOS Press . Non-state actors in global environmental governance M. Finger ; D. Svarin
Handbook on global environmental politics ; Cheltenham : Edward Elgar , 2012. p. 285 - 297. Towards a framework for analyzing the governance of socio-technical systems M. Finger ; R. Künneke
2012 The Facilitation of Mini and Small Hydropower in Switzerland : Shaping the Institutional Framework (with a Particular Focus on Storage and Pumped-Storage Schemes) N. Crettenand / M. Finger ; H. B. Püttgen (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2012 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5356. A Network- and Performance-based Zonal Configuration Algorithm for Electricity Systems C. L. Duthaler / M. Finger ; H. B. Püttgen (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2012 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5387. 2011 Managing Electricity Sourcing in Europe's Energy Intensive Industry : A Methodology to Develop an Electricity Sourcing Strategy L. Treviño Villarreal / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2011 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5124. Competition effects in a liberalzed railway market M. Finger ; M. Lang ; M. Laperrouza
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade . 2011 . DOI : 10.1007/s10842-011-0117-2. Liberalization of the network industries in the European Union: evolving policy issues M. Finger ; M. Laperrouza
International Handbook Of Network Industries ; Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing , 2011. p. 345 - 365. Towards an European model of regulatory governance? M. Finger
Handbook on the Politics of Regulation ; Cheltenham : Edward Elgar , 2011. International Handbook of Network Industries. The Liberalization of Infrastructure M. Finger
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar . Regulatory Uncertainty and Nonmarket Capabilities : An Investigation of the Electricity Generation Sector B. W. Schwark / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2011 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5039. Co-opetition: strategy and performance of firms in standard setting organizations : the case of the postal sector F. Abdallah / M. Finger ; A. Wadhwa (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2011 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-4904. From "Service Public" to Universal Service M. Finger ; D. Finon
International Handbook on the Liberalization of Infrastructures ; Cheltenham : Edward Elgar , 2011. p. 54 - 69. A critical analysis of the potential of the ICTs for democracy and governance M. Finger
Handbook on electronic democracy ; IGI Publishing , 2011.
International Handbook of Network Industries: The Liberalization of Infrastructure Edward Elgar . The Oxford Handbook on Regulation M. Finger
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2011 . DOI : 10.1177/178359171101200206. Public-private partnerships in water governance M. Finger ; E. Lieberherr ; A. Klinke
Public Management Review . 2011 . 2010 The facilitation of mini and small hydropower in Switzerland through institutional mechanisms N. Crettenand ; M. Finger
2010 . 7th International Conference on the European Energy Market , Madrid, Spain , June 23-25, 2010 . DOI : 10.1109/EEM.2010.5558758. Transformation of Water Governance: An Analysis of Professionalization in the Swiss Wastewater Sector E. Lieberherr ; M. Finger ; A. Klinke
2010 . Politics beyond the state: Transformations of the state between de- and re-politicization , Bremen, Germany , May 27-29 . The Missing Link between Coherence and Performance in Network Industries C. Duthaler ; M. Finger
2010 . DIME , Naples , April 29-30, 2010 . Governing the dynamics of the network industries M. Finger ; N. Crettenand ; M. Laperrouza ; R. Künneke
2010 The effect of access charges on social welfare in the railway industry M. Lang ; M. Laperrouza ; M. Finger
2010 . European Transport Conference 2010 , Dublin, Ireland , October 11-13, 2010 . Reforming railways M. Laperrouza
Handbook on Infrastructure Reform ; Edward Elgar , 2010. Performance and Coherence in Network Industries N. Crettenand ; M. Laperrouza ; M. Finger ; C. Duthaler
2010 . 3rd annual conference on competition and regulation in network industries , Brussels, Belgium , November 19, 2010 . What role for government in e-government? M. Finger
Journal of e-governance . 2010 . DOI : 10.3233/GOV-2010-0230. Delegation in the Regulatory State. Independent regulatory Agencies in Western Europe M. Finger
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2010 . DOI : 10.1177/178359171001100305. Services Publics en Suisse: Libéralisation, Privatisation et Régulation M. Finger ; F. Varone
Le Savoir Suisse . Exploring wireless futures M. Finger ; P. Rossel
Forthcoming ; Lemstra, W. (ed.) , 2010. Gas; Technologie und Institutionen im Wandel M. Finger
Gas Wasser Abwasser . 2010 . Transformation of governance in the water sector: How to measure legitimate, efficient and effective performance? E. Lieberherr ; M. Finger ; A. Klinke
2010 . International Research Society for Public Management. , Berne, Switzerland , April 7-9 2010 . Saudi Post Innovative Addressing System: Integrating the Electronic and Physical Platforms F. Abdallah ; M. Finger
ICTs, New Services and Transformation of the Post ; ITU & UPU , 2010. The co-opetitive edge: drivers for rivals to collaborate in standard setting organizations M. Finger ; F. Abdallah
2010 Exploring the future of Wi-Fi M. Finger ; P. Rossel
The innovation journey of Wi-Fi. The road to global success ; Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2010. p. 331 - 366. Transnational Corporations and the Global Environment M. Finger ; D. Svarin
The International Studies Encyclopedia ; London : Blackwell , 2010. p. 7149 - 7169. Customs risk management: a survey of 24 customs administrations M. Finger ; J. Hintsa ; T. Männistö ; A. P. Hameri ; C. Thibedeau
et al.
2010 Regulatory Governance Costs in Network Industries: Observations in Postal Regulation M. Mägli ; C. Jaag ; M. Finger
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2010 . DOI : 10.1177/178359171001100204. Transnational Corporations and the Global Environment M. Finger ; D. Svarin
ISA-Compendium Project ; Forthcoming , 2010. 2009 Evolution of Transmission Rights in the European Electricity Market C. Duthaler ; M. Finger
2009 . Enerday Conference , Dresden , 2009 . Regulating Europe's single railway market: Integrating performance and governance M. Laperrouza ; M. Finger
2009 . Second Annual Conference on Competition and Regulation in Network Industries , Brussels , November 20, 2009 . Regulatory practices and the role of technology in network industries: the case of Europe M. Finger ; F. Varone
The governance of network industries. ; London : Edward Elgar , 2009. p. 90 - 105. Coûts de la regulation des industries de réseaux: enseignements du secteur postal [Regulatory costs in the network industries] M. Finger ; M. Mägli ; C. Jaag
Revue d’Economie Industrielle . 2009 . E-Gov and Public Sector Reform: what roles for government in e-government? M. Finger
2009 . ICEGOV '09 3rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance , Bogota, Colombia , November 10-13, 2009 . p. 1 - 4. DOI : 10.1145/1693042.1693044. Strategic options of energy service companies in competitive energy markets G. Nguene / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2009 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-4080. Coûts de la regulation des industries des réseaux: Enseignements du réseau postal M. Maegli ; C. Jaag ; M. Finger
Revue d’Economie Industrielle . 2009 . DOI : 10.4000/rei.4049. Open Innovation as an Option for Reacting to Reform and Crisis: What Factors Influence the Adoption of Open Innovation? A. Stucki ; M. Finger
2009 . 2nd ISPIM Symposium , New York , December 6-9, 2009 . A Simulation of the European Electricity Market based on the Full Network Model C. Duthaler ; M. Finger
2009 . International Conference on Competition and Regulation in Network Industries , Brussels , 2009 . Reforms in the urban water sector : vulnerability analysis of the main elements at risk M. Finger ; P. Manso
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2009 . DOI : 10.1177/178359170901000201. The co-opetitive edge: Drivers for rivals to collaborate in Standard Setting Organizations F. Abdallah ; M. Finger
2009 . ISPIM Symposium , New York , December 6-9, 2009 . Policy Transfert in European Union Governance. Regulating the Utilities M. Finger ; S. Bulmer ; D. Dolowitz ; P. Hymphreys ; S. Padgett
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2009 . DOI : 10.1177/178359170901000106. The history of a European information society: shifts from governments to governance M. Finger ; J. Shahin
Global e-Governance. Advancing Governance Through Innovation and Leadership ; Amsterdam : IOS Press , 2009. p. 62 - 83. The coopetitive edge F. Abdallah ; M. Finger
Union Postale . 2009 . 2008 Financial Transmission Rights in Europe’s Electricity Market C. Duthaler ; M. Finger
2008 . International Conference on Competition and Regulation in Network Industries , Brussels , 2008 . Empirical Analysis of the Congestion Revenue Cycle in the European Electricity Market C. Duthaler ; M. Finger
2008 . International Conference on Next-Generation Infrastructures , Rotterdam , 2008 . Dealing with standardization in liberalized network industries: Some lessons from the European railway sector M. Laperrouza ; M. Finger
2008 . Second Biennial Conference of the Standing Group on Regulatory Governance (ECPR) , Pis , June 5-7, 2008 . Power regulatory framework and opportunities for self supply M. Finger ; L. Treviño
2008 The operationalization of e-governance M. Finger ; J. Shahin
2008 . 2nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance . p. 24 - 30. DOI : 10.1145/1509096.1509104. Power regulatory framework and opportunities for self supply M. Finger ; L. Treviño Villarreal
2008 Regulatory Institutions and Governance Costs in the Postal Sector: The Case of Switzerland M. Maegli ; M. Finger ; C. Jaag
2008 Worksharing and Innovation in the American Postal Sector M. Finger ; C. Felisberto
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2008 . DOI : 10.1177/178359170800900401. Methodology to build a power sourcing strategy L. Trevino ; M. Finger
2008 Quel rôle du parlement vis-à-vis des entreprises publiques autonomisées? M. Finger ; K. Schedler
Das Parlament . 2008 . Power Regulatory Framework & Opportunities for Self Supply M. Finger ; L. Trevino
2008 Sustainable Global Governance? An organizational and institutional perspective M. Finger ; J. Park ; M. Finger ; K. Conca
The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance: Towards a new Political Economy of Sustainability ; London : Routledge , 2008. Aviation Markets. Studies in Competition and Regulatory M. Finger ; D. Starkie
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2008 . DOI : 10.1177/178359170800900306. The effect of liberalisation on incumbent's innovation : the case of the postal sector C. A. Pereira Felisberto / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2008 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-4085. The effect of entry regulation on process innovation in the Swiss mail sector M. Finger ; H. Dietl ; C. Felisberto ; A. Grütter ; M. Lutzenberger
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics . 2008 . Moving Beyond the Technological Neutrality Myth: the ICTs and Power in Public Administrations M. Finger ; P. Zimmermann ; P. Müller
International Journal of Electronic Governance . 2008 . Diversification into logistics : strategies for incumbent postal operators in Europe P. Mollet / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2008 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-4078. Collaboration in International Standardization Committees: A Case Analysis from the Postal Sector F. Abdallah ; M. Finger
2008 . International Conference on Infrastructure Systems; Building Networks for a Brighter Future , Rotterdam, The Netherlands , November 10-12, 2008 . DOI : 10.1109/INFRA.2008.5439608. The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance: Towards a new Political Economy of Sustainability M. Finger ; J. Park ; K. Conca
London : Routledge . Water sector evolution scenarios: the case of Europe J. Allouche ; M. Finger ; P. Luís-Manso
Water Policy . 2008 . DOI : 10.2166/wp.2008.149. 2007 A fuzzy-based approach for strategic choices in electric energy supply. The case of a Swiss power provider on the eve of electricity market opening G. N. Nguene ; M. Finger
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence . 2007 . DOI : 10.1016/j.engappai.2006.03.005. Analysing strategic and economic aspects of the competition for the supply of energy services in urban areas. The case of Energy Services Companies (ESCO). G. Nguene ; M. Finger ; F. Marechal
2007 . International Association for Energy Economics Conference , Wellington (New Zealand) , 18-21 February 2007 . Entre commande et veille – réaction M. Finger
Revue Internationale de Recherches en Education et Formation des Adultes . 2007 . Introduction: Liberalisation, privatisation and network industries: a similar path for water? J. Allouche ; P. Luís-Manso ; M. Finger
Water and Liberalisation: European Water Scenarios ; London : International Water Association Publishing , 2007. Conclusion: Dynamics and trade-offs: different institutional and organisational approaches J. Allouche ; P. Luís-Manso ; M. Finger
Water and Liberalisation: European Water Scenarios ; London : International Water Association Publishing , 2007. Analysis of the strategies of the Water Supply and Sanitation operators in Europe. P. Luís-Manso ; J. Allouche ; M. Finger
Water and Liberalisation: European Water Scenarios ; London : IWA Publishing , 2007. “Mobile” e-government options: between technology-driven and user centric M. Finger ; P. Rossel ; G. Misuraca
The Electronic Journal of e-Government . 2007 . Water Privatization: Reasons, characteristics, Difficulties, and Lessons M. Finger ; J. Allouche
Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment ; London : IWA Publishing , 2007. p. 11 - 24. CIO in Europe M. Finger
E-Governance: a Global Perspective on a Paradigm ; Amsterdam : IOS Press , 2007. p. 152 - 155. Reform and risk management in the urban water sector : the role of regulation P. Alves Luís Manso / M. Finger (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2007 . DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-3966. The challenges of regulating the drinking water sector: lessons from Mozambique P. Luís-Manso ; M. Finger
Water International . 2007 . DOI : 10.1080/02508060.2007.9671995. Water and Liberalisation: European Water Scenarios M. Finger ; J. Allouche ; P. Luís-Manso
London : IWA Publishing . Technology matters: the cases of the liberalization of electricity and railways M. Finger ; R. Künneke
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2007 . DOI : 10.1177/178359170700800303. Limits to Privatization E. U. v. Weizsäcker ; O. Young ; M. Finger
London : Earthscan . Etendu et possibilité de financement du Service Universel postal en cas d’ouverture totale du marché M. Finger
La Vie Economique . 2007 . Generation Capacity Investments in Competitive Electricity Markets: A Preliminary Assessment after 10 years of Liberalization in Europe B. Schwark ; M. Finger
2007 . 30th Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) , Wellington, New Zealand , February 2-8, 2007 . Investissments dans les infrastructures urbaines: quells risques et comment les contenir? M. Finger
Gwa – Gas, Wasser, Abwasser . 2007 . 2006 The postal network between competition and Universal Service provision: possible scenarios for its evolution M. Finger
Competition and regulation in Network Industries . 2006 . From e-government to e-governance: implications for technology management M. Finger ; P. Rossel
2006 Enhancing the quality of energy services in urban areas by means of renewable energy technologies and information and communication technologies in energy networks: issues, challenges and opportunities. G. P. Nguene ; G. Cherix ; M. Finger ; F. Marechal
2006 . World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC IX) , Florence (Italy). , 19-25 August 2006 . Fixed to Mobile Convergence (FMC) technological convergence and the reconfiguration in the organization of the European telecommunications industry. J. Vong Srivastava ; M. Finger
2006 . 17th Regional European conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS) , Amsterdam, The Netherlands , August 22-24, 2006. . Supply chain management in a networked world: clues for envisioning the next ten years. M. Finger ; P. Rossel
2006 . CSCMP Doctoral Symposium on “Logistics and Supply-chain management: a Vision for 2015” , San Antonio , Octobre. 2006 . De- und Re-Regulierung der Netzwerkindustrien: Wohin geht die Reise? M. Fingre
Das Gesundheitswesen – Motor von Wohlbefinden und Wohlstand ; St. Gallen : University of St. Gallen , 2006. p. 75 - 78. Water and liberalization: European Water Scenarios M. Finger
London : IWA Publishing . Liberalisierung des Gassektors in Europa. Mögliche Auswirkungen auf die Schweiz M. Finger
Gas, Wasser, Abwasser . 2006 . The postal network between competition and Universal Service provision: considerations about its (non-)regulation M. Finger
2006 Exploring e-Governance in the network industries M. Finger ; P. Rossel
2006 The need for coherence between institutions and technology in liberalized infrastructures: the case of network unbundling in electricity and railways M. Finger ; R. Künneke
2006 Information and Communication Technology and local power relationships: an impact assessement M. Finger ; P. Zimmermann
Electronic Journal of e-Government . 2006 . The need for coherence between institutions and technology in liberalized infrastructures: the case of network unbundling in electricity and railways M. Finger ; R. Künneke
2006 Le secteur de l’eau en Europe: 6 possibles scenarios pour 2020 M. Finger ; J. Allouche ; P. Manso
Gwa – Gas, Wasser, Abwasser . 2006 . What works and what doesn't with BOT contracts? The case of thermal and hydraulic plants M. Finger ; N. Crettenand ; A. Dubas
2006 Du gouvernement électronique à la gouvernance électronique: le rôle des technologies de l’information et de la communication dans la réforme du secteur public M. Finger
Contributions à l’action publique ; Lausanne : Presses Universitaires Romandes , 2006. p. 89 - 102. The postal network between competition and Universal Service provision M. Finger
2006 Risk sharing and capacity investment in the urban water sector in Europe P. Luís-Manso ; M. Finger
2006 . Environmental Economics : Environmental Economics and Investment Assessment , Greece , September 2006. . p. 177 - 186. DOI : 10.2495/EEIA060181. Benchmarking of Hydroelectric Stochastic Risk Management Models using financial indicators M. Finger ; N. Iliadis ; M. Pereira ; S. Granville ; P.-A. Haldi
et al.
2006 De- und Re-Regulierung der Netzwerkindustrien: Wohin geht die Reise? M. Finger
2006 Governance of network industries: towards European regulators, differentiated regulation or self-regulation? M. Finger ; F. Varone
2006 Liberalisierung des Gassektors in Europa. Mögliche Auswirkungen auf die Schweiz M. Finger ; B. Schwark
Gwa – Gas, Wasser, Abwasser . 2006 . Electronic Governance M. Finger ; T. Langenberg
Encyclopedia of Digital Government ; Hershey : Idea Group Reference , 2006. p. 629 - 633. Fixed and Mobile Convergence (FMC): Technological Convergence and the reconfiguration in the organization of the European telecommunications industry. M. Finger ; J. Srivastava
2006 . Science and Policy Research Policy (SPRU), 40th Anniversary Conference , Brighton, United Kingdom , September 11-13, 2006 . FAO – World Food Organization M. Finger
Encyclopedia of Globalization ; New York : Palgrave/McMillan , 2006. The Impact of the ICTs on local power relationships M. Finger ; P. Zimmermann
Electronic Journal of e-Government EJEG . 2006 . Defining performance of the air transport system M. Finger
2006 Pricing the Last Mile in the Postal Sector, Progress toward Liberalization of the Postal and Delivery Sector C. Felisberto ; M. Finger ; B. Friedli ; D. Krähenbühl ; U. Trinkner
Progress toward Liberalization of the Postal and Delivery Sector ; New York : Springer , 2006. p. 249 - 264. Historical Operators and New Technologies M. Finger ; F. Abdallah ; C. Felisberto
MIR & SAP Publications . 2006 . Erdgas für den Schweizer Strommarkt M. Finger ; H. B. Püttgen ; B. Schwark
2006 . Water governance M. Finger ; L. Tamiotti ; J. Allouche
New York : Suny Press . Exploring eGovernance of the network industries M. Finger ; P. Rossel
2006 Impact of the ICTs on local government M. Finger ; P. Rossel
? ; ? , 2006. Governance of network industries: towards European regulators, differentiated regulations, or self-regulation? M. Finger ; F. Varone
2006 De- und Re-Regulierung der Netzwerkindustrien: Wohin geht die Reise? [De- and reregulating the network industries: how does the future look like? M. Finger
Das Gesundheitswesen – Motor von Wohlbefinden und Wohlstand ; University of St. Gallen : Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Rechtswissenschaft und Rechstpraxis , 2006. p. 75 - 78. Exploring e-Governance in the network industries M. Finger ; P. Rossel
2006 From e-government to e-governance: implications for technology management M. Finger ; P. Rossel
2006 Bringing technical systems back in: towards a new Europan model of regulating the network industries M. Finger ; F. Varone
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries . 2006 . DOI : 10.1177/178359170600100105. Globalization; Critical Theory; Conscientization M. Finger
Encyclopoedia of Adult Education ; New York : Palgrave/McMillan , 2006. 2005 E-Tampere, a case study in e-democracy M. Finger ; G. Misuraca ; P. Rossel, Democracies online . 2005 . A conceptual framework for e-governance M. Finger
UNDP practice event , Dakar, Senegal , September 2005 . The Effect of Regulation on Innovation in the Postal Sector H. DIETL ; C. FELISBERTO ; M. FINGER ; A. GRÜTTER ; M. LUTZENBERGER
2005 . The 13th Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics , Antwerpen , June 1-4 2005 . Regulatory Governance of Network Industries M. Finger
European Envelope Manufacturers’ Association 48th Congress , Vienne, Autriche , September 2005 . Competitive Analysis of Incumbant Postal Operators in Europe M. Finger ; P. Mollet
2005 Competitive Analysis of incubent postal Operators in Europe M. Finger ; P. Mollet
Academy of Management Annual Conference , Hawaï , August 2005 . Privatization in G7 countries. M. Finger
Limits to Privatization. How to avoid too much of a good thing ; London : Earthscan , 2005. p. 201 - 206. The evolution of the water sector in Europe: an institutional analysis of possible scenarios P. Luís-Manso ; M. Finger ; J. Allouche
EWRA 6th International Conference : Sharing a common vision of our water resources , Menton, France , September 2005 . Privatization of the infrastructures M. Finger
Limits to Privatization. How to avoid too much of a good thing ; London : Earthscan , 2005. p. 228 - 234. The Multi-Governance of Water through four case studies M. Finger ; L. Tamiotti ; J. Allouche
New York : State University of New York press . The top public service transnational corporations M. Finger
Limits to Privatization. How to avoid too much of a good thing ; London : Earthscan , 2005. p. 239 - 245. More than digitisation - the Transformative Potential of E-Governance: an Explorative Case Study T. Zwahr ; M. Finger ; P. Muller
2005 . Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS'05) , Hawaii , January 3-6 2005 . p. 127 - 127. DOI : 10.1109/HICSS.2005.443. Towards Electronic Governance: a Case Study of ICT in Local Government Governance T. Zwahr ; P. Rossel ; M. Finger
The National Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o2005) , Atlanta , May 15-18 2005 . European Airline Networks - which strategy for airlines? h. HUBER ; M. FINGER
2005 . Air Transport Research Society Conference , Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , July 03-07 2005 . Exploring the "last mile" in the Postal Sector C. Felisberto ; M. Finger ; B. Friedli ; D. Krähenbühl ; U. Trinkner
2005 . The 13th Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics , Antwerpen , June 1-4 2005 . Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Local Power relationships: An Impact Assessment M. Finger ; P. Zimmerman
Electronic Journal of e-Government . 2005 . The Universal Postal Service in the Communications Era M. Finger
Deutsche Post World Net and TNT Public Workshop “Tackling the challenges of Postal Liberalization” , Brussels , June 2005 . The evolution of the water sector in Europe: an institutional analysis of possible scenarios P. Luís-Manso ; M. Finger ; J. Allouche
2005 Regulation M. Finger
Limits to Privatization. How to avoid too much of a good thing ; London : Earthscan , 2005. p. 291 - 297. More than digitisation - the Transformative Potential of E-Governance: an Explorative Case Study T. Zwahr ; M. Finger ; P. Muller
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS'05) , Hawaï , January 3-6 2005 . Air transport regulation under transformation: the case of Switzerland M. Finger ; M. Piers
Journal of Air Transportation . 2005 . Access to premium content – an opportunity for opening the TV market? M. Finger
University of Zürich , Zürich , September 2005 . Industry boundaries in times of change: how do firms strategize? J. Vong Srivastava ; M. Finger
2005 Lessons learned from Privatization M. Finger ; E.-U. Von Weizsäcker ; O. Young
Limits to Privatization. How to avoid too much of a good thing ; London : Earthscan , 2005. p. 351 - 362. Towards Electronic Governance - Gaining evidence for a paradigm shift in Governance from Federated Identity Management T. ZWAHR ; P. ROSSEL ; M. FINGER
2005 . ECEG, the 5th European Conference on E-Government , University of Antwerpen, Belgique , June 16-17 2005 . Conceptualizing e-governance M. Finger
European Review on Political Technologies . 2005 . The Universal Postal Service in the communications area : Adapting to changing markets and customer behavior M. FINGER ; I. ALYANAK ; P. ROSSEL
2005 Competitive Analysis of Incumbent Postal Operators in Europe M. FINGER ; P. MOLLET
2005 Competing networks, competing rationales: the case of wireless communication emergence P. Rossel ; M. Finger
EMNET, 2nd International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks , Budapest , 15-17 Sept. 2005 . What works and what doesn't with BOT contracts? The case of thermal and hydraulic plants N. CRETTENAND ; M. FINGER ; A. DUBAS
2005 Global Governance through the Institutional Lense M. Finger
Criticizing Global Governance ; New York : Palgrave , 2005. p. 145 - 159. Industry Boundaries in Times of Change: How do Firms Strategize? M. Finger ; J. Vong Srivastava
2005 Water liberalization scenarios M. Finger
Bren School of Environmental Science and Management , University of California, Santa Barbara , February 2005 . The quest for coherence between institutions and technologies in infrastructures M. Finger ; J. Groenewegen ; R. Künneke
Journal of Network Industries . 2005 . Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Local Power relationships: An Impact Assessment M. Finger ; P. Zimmermann
Electronic Journal of e-Government . 2005 . Postal sector regulation M. Finger
Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communication and Universal Postal Union , Kiev, Ukraine , May 2005 . The Evolution of thye Water Sector in Europe: an Institutional Analysis of Possible Scenarios M. Finger ; P. Manso ; J. Allouche
2005 Industry boundaries in times of change : how do firms strategize ? J. Vong Srivastava ; M. Finger
2005 . 4th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research , Berlin , Octobre 2005 . The impact of ICTs on local power relationships P. Zimmermann ; M. Finger
2005 . ECEG, the 5th European Conference on E-Government , University of Antwerpen, Belgique , June 16-17 2005 . Electricity liberalization M. Finger
Siemens & Office National d’Electricité , Casablanca, Morocco , May 2005 . Towards a multi-measurement platform of e-government projects and services M. FINGER ; P. ROSSEL
2005 . ECEG, the 5th European Conference on E-Government , University of Antwerpen, Belgique , June 16-17 2005 . Postal Sector Overview and Dynamics M. Finger
SAP Postal Executive Forum , Roma , Septembre 2005 . Benchmarking of hydroelectric stochastic risk management models using financial indicators N. A. Iliadis ; M. V. F. Pereira ; S. Granville ; M. Finger ; P.-A. Haldi
et al.
2005 . IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting , Montréal , June 18-22 2006 . DOI : 10.1109/PES.2006.1709283. De- and Re-Regulation: consequences for investments and public values M. Finger
8th Conference of the Faculty of technology and Policy management , TU Delft , May 2005 . Concentration Processes in European Newtork Industries M. Finger
Swiss Infrastructure Minister’s Retreat , Glion, Suisse , Septembre 2005 . Towards Electronic Governance: a Case Study of ICT in Local Government Governance T. Zwahr ; P. Rossel ; M. Finger
2005 . The National Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o2005) , Atlanta , May 15-18 2005 . p. 53 - 62. Risk Modelling and Strategic Choices in an Uncertain Environment. Case of a Swiss Power Provider on the eve of Electricity Market Opening G. Nguene Nguene ; M. Finger
2005 . International Congress of Urbistics , Montréal , May 23-26 2005 . Educação de adultos e o futuro da sociedade M. Finger
Educação e formação de adultos ; Lisboa : Educa , 2005. p. 15 - 30. Delegating Services to the Private Sector: Regulatory Challenges M. Finger
Public Conference of the Mozambican Water Regulator , Maputo, Mozambique , July 2005 . WIFI and innovation community research M. Finger ; P. Rossel
8th ICIE , Delft , May 25-27, 2005 . Limits to Privatization M. Finger ; E.-U. Von Weizsäcker ; O. Young
Limits to Privatization. How to avoid too much of a good thing. ; London : Earthscan , 2005. p. 3 - 14. The effect of regulation on process innovation in the postal sector M. Finger ; H. Dietl ; C. Felisberto ; A. Grütter ; M. Lutzenberger
2005 Globalization M. Finger
Encyclopoedia of Adult Education ; New York : PalgraveMcMillan , 2005. p. 269 - 273. Postal Sector Overview and Dynamics M. Finger ; I. Alyanak ; P. Mollet
2005 From e-government to e-governance M. Finger
Middle East College of Information Technology , Oman , April 2005 . 2004 e-governance and federalism M. Finger
Arena Publica , St. Gallen , June 2004 . Towards Virtual Governance Architecture T. Zwahr ; M. Finger
2004 . e-Challenges , Vienne, Autriche , October 27-29 2004 . Mise en perspective critique du projet de révision de loi sur les télécommunications. M. Finger ; C. Felisberto ; P. Rossel
2004 Water liberalization scenarios M. Finger
Stockholm University , Institute for Social Anthropoly, Stockholm University , November 2004 . Challenges to the postal sector M. Finger
Universal Postal Union World Congress , Bucarest , September 2004 . Konkurrenz in der Eisenbahn: Ein Trugbild? Überlegungen zur Bahnreform 2 M. Finger ; C. Genoud
2004 Postal regulation: principles and orientation M. Finger
2004 Answers case study Swiss Post M. Finger
2004 Enhancing the e-Governance Model: Enterprise Architecture as a potential methodology to a holistic framework T. Zwahr ; M. Finger
2004 . International Conference on Politics and Information Systems (PISTA'04) , Orlando, USA , October 21-25 2004 . p. 128 - 133. La concurrence dans les chemins de fers – une chimère? M. Finger ; C. Genoud
Swiss Association for Public Transport . 2004 . E-governance: a strategigic vision for Europe M. Finger
5ème Forum Mondial i-Démocratie , Paris , Septembre 2004 . Risk modeling and strategic choices in an uncertain environment: the case of energy operators G. Nguene Nguene ; M. Finger
2004 Concurrence dans les chemins de fer : Une chimère ? Réflexions sur la réforme des chemins de fer 2 M. Finger ; C. Genoud
2004 The New Water Paradigm: The Privatization of Governance and the Instrumentalization of the State M. Finger
The Business of Global Environmental Governance ; Cambridge Mass. : MIT Press , 2004. p. 275 - 304. Critical steps towards e-Governance: a case study analysis T. Zwahr ; M. Finger
2004 . European Conference on Electronic Government , Vienne, Autriche , June 2004 . What future for adult education? M. Finger
? , Lisbonne , January 2004 . State versus Participation: Natural Resources Management in Europe M. Finger ; A. Finger-Stich
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) / Institute for Development Studies (IDS) . 2004 . Energy regulation: convergence through multi-level technocracy M. Finger ; C. Genoud ; M. Aarentsen
Reshaping European Gas and Electricity Industries: Regulation, Markets, and Business Strategies ; Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2004. p. 111 - 128. Electricity regulation in Europe C. Genoud ; M. Finger
Reshaping European Gas and Electricity Industries: Regulation, Markets, and Business Strategies ; Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2004. p. 29 - 68. The future international administration of global mail – a review of other industry models M. Finger
with Triangle Consultancy . 2004 . Dynamic portfolio management and hedging in Hydro Systems. A. Iliadis ; M. Finger ; P.-A. Haldi
2004 . Reform Group International Conference , Salzburg, AUSTRIA , September 2004 . Evidence for a new framework to analyse operators' strategy in the WSS sectors P. Luís-Manso ; J. Allouche ; M. Finger
2004 . International Water Congress , Marrakesh, Maroc , September 2004 . De la transformation de l’Etat à la gouvernance électronique M. Finger
Les Cahiers du CREMOC (Centre de Recherche sur L'Europe et le Monde Contemporain) . 2004 . La concurrence dans les chemins de fers – une chimère? M. Finger ; C. Genoud
2004 Adaptar a aprendizagem aos novos desafios da sociedade M. Finger
Aprender Ao Longo Da Vida . 2004 . Regulatory reform M. Finger
Electriciens Romands , Lausanne , April 2004 . Postal regulation: principles and orientation M. Finger
Universal Postal Union . 2004 . Regulation in liberalized energy sectors: introduction and concepts M. Finger ; C. Genoud ; M. Aarentsen
Reshaping European Gas and Electricity Industries: Regulation, Markets, and Business Strategies ; Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2004. p. 13 - 28. Fallstudie Schweizerische Post M. Finger
2004 Future of Services of General Interest in an enlarged Europe M. Finger
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation and Enterprises of General Economic Interest (CEEP) , Budapest , June 2004 . Security of supply between liberalization and regulation M. Finger
Swiss Electricity , Zürich , June 2004 . CENDRIS: new value chains in the postal sector. M. Finger ; B. Urrutia de Rivera ; B. Wyser
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