Matthias Heinrich
Matthias Heinrich is a post-doctoral researcher in the HERUS laboratory. Trained in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Rennes, he was introduced to interdisciplinary collaboration with the social sciences during his thesis in Urban Engineering at the Ecole des Ponts. His research, which combined data science and energy sociology, aimed to integrate consumption practices and their residential contexts more thoroughly into energy consumption models for the residential sector.
Within the laboratory, he is interested in the interplay of changes in residential practices and contexts in the context of the climate crisis.
Projects: Panel Lémanique and UrbanTwin.
Teaching & PhD
Environmental Sciences and Engineering
PhD Students
Ladino Cano Simon,Courses
Sustainability assessment of urban systems
This course enables students to think critically about sustainability and to carry out a sustainability assessment based on problems of urban areas. At the end of the course, students are able to develop their own sustainability assessment using the Sustainability Solution Space methodology.