Matthias Florian Sahli
Matthias Sahli is a postdoctoral researcher at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the Economics and Data Analytics Department. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, in 2023. He was a visiting scholar at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark, in 2020.His general research interests lie in topics related to intellectual property, innovation, digitization, applied econometrics, and creative industries. The overall goal of his research is to provide robust empirical evidence to inform current policy debates. To achieve this, he devotes time and creativity to novel data collection and econometric analysis. His research approach is interdisciplinary, collaborating with scholars in cultural economics, data science, law, and economics, among others. His research has been published in international peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Cultural Economics and Industry and Innovation.
Enseignement & Phd
Management of Technology
Management of intellectual property
Ce cours offre une introduction à la gestion de la propriété intellectuelle (PI), notamment les brevets. Il couvre les aspects légaux et stratégiques de la PI. Il propose des études de cas, des intervenants extérieurs et un projet.