Minh Quang Tran
PPB 011 (Bâtiment PPB)
Station 13
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Site web: https://spc.epfl.ch/
+41 21 693 54 74
Web site: Site web: https://sph.epfl.ch/
+41 21 693 54 74
Web site: Site web: https://sph.epfl.ch/
Originaire de Lausanne, Minh-Quang Tran est né le 30 mai 1951 à Saigon (Viêt-nam). Après le baccalauréat de l'enseignement secondaire, type C, il obtient le diplôme d'ingénieur physicien de l'Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne en 1973 et un doctorat ès sciences en 1977. Il passe ensuite deux années au Département de physique de l'Université de Californie à Los Angeles en tant que chercheur et d'adjunct assistant professor. En 1979 il rejoint le Centre de recherche en physique des plasmas (CRPP) où il dirige les recherches en physique fondamentale des plasmas. Ses travaux actuels portent sur les gyrotrons et le chauffage cyclotronique électronique du tokamak TCV du CRPP. En 1993, il devient directeur-adjoint du CRPP. Il a été nommé professeur titulaire en 1992. Depuis 1980, il assure l'enseignement de diverses branches (physique des plasmas, électrodynamique, mécanique générale) dans le cadre du Département de physique. Il est nommé professeur ordinaire de physique des plasmas le 1er août 1997. Il donne des cours de base et de physique des plasmas au 1er et 2e cycles ainsi que des enseignements spécialisés de 3e cycle. En parallèle, il continue son activité de recherche dans la physique des plasmas et ses applications. Depuis le 1er avril 1999, il est directeur du Centre de recherches en physique des plasmas (CRPP) et chef de l'Association EURATOM - Confédération suisse. Dans le cadre de l'Association EURATOM-Confédération suisse, il participe aux travaux de divers comités européens et à ceux concernant le projet de réacteur à fusion international ITER.Honneurs et récompenses
Elected member of the Academia Europaea (2011), of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Science (2005) and Fellow of the Institute of Physics (2004)Activités de service - internes
- Counsellor for Physics students (Class of 2016) and for Master of Nuclear Engineering students - Member of academic committees of the Physics Section (Commission Stratégique, Commission du Programme Doctoral de Physique, Core Group for the Master of Nuclear Engineering) and of the EPFL (Commission du prix de la meilleure thèse de l'EPFL) - Member of the Steering Committee of the Association EURATOM-Swiss Confederation - Chair of the Local Organizing Committee of IAEA Energy Conference 2008, Geneva, SwitzerlandActivités de service - externes
- Co-editor with Alberti S. and Whaley D.R. of the Thirteenth Special Issue on High-Power Microwave Generation, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, Vol. 38 issue 6 (2010) - Co-editor with Lackner K. and Kikuchi M. of a two volume book on fusion physics and technology to be published by IAEA. The first volume was published in 2012 by the IAEA under the title "Fusion Physics" - Chairman of the Euratom Science and Technology Advisory Committee (2006-2007) - Chairman of the Technology Advisory Panel of the European Joint Undertaking Fusion for Energy (F4E) (2007-2011) - Member of the ITER Science and Technology Advisory Panel (2007-2011) and its Vice Chair (2010-2011) - Member of the Board of the European Power Plant Physics and Technology Programme - Swiss delegate to two main political and managerial Euratom Fusion Committees, the Consultative Committee Euratom-Fusion and the Governing Board of Fusion for Energy - Member of the "Core Group" of the Max Planck Society for the selection of Max Planck Directors in the field of fusion - Chair or member of European panels, covering science and technology (e.g. DEMO material assessment and R&D needs, Heating methods for ITER, ITER coil cold test, Risk mitigation for the ITER toroidal field coils, ELM control and mitigation in ITER, Upgrade of the French tokamak Tore Supra, Definition of the programme for DEMO, Risk for JET in view of an extension of its life time), management (e.g. Fusion programme cost overrun analysis and proposals for improvement, Staffing of the European Fusion community, Structure of the European programme, Expert Group for collaboration with Eastern countries) and strategy (European fusion programme roadmap beyond ITER) - Member of international advisory panels of international conferences and symposia - Chair or member of the Steering Committee of consortia formed with other laboratories to develop magnetic diagnostic, gyrotron and electron cyclotron wave launchers for ITERParcours professionnel
Assistant Research Physicist and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physics
University of California, Los Angeles
Group Leader
Adjunct Professor
Professor of Plasma Physics
School of Basic Science
Deputy Director of CRPP
Director General of CRPP
1999 - 2014
Head of Research Unit of the Euratom-Swiss Confederation Association
1999 - present
EFDA Leader responsible for joint European activities in the field of fusion
2003 - 2006
Director of the Insitute for Physics of Energy and Particles (IPEP)
President of the Swiss Physical Society
Diploma in Physics Engineering (Ing�nieur physicien)
Publications Infoscience
Autres publications
Selected publications
On the heating mix of ITER, Wagner F. et al., Tran M.Q.; Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 52, 12044 (2010) First experimental results from the EU 2 MW coaxial cavity ITER gyrotron prototype: Hogge J.PH et al., and Tran MQ; Fusion Science and Technology 55, 204-212 (2009) Power plant conceptual studies in Europe: Maisonnier D., et al. and Tran M.Q., Nuclear Fusion 47, 1624 -1532 (2007) Status of R&D activities on materials for fusion reactors: Baluc N. et al. and Tran M. Q.; Nuclear Fusion 47, S696-717 (2007) EU megawatt class 140 GHz gyrotron: Thumm M. et al. and Tran M.Q.; IEEE Trans. On Plasma Science 35, 143-153 (2007)Bibliometric information
About 123 peer reviewed publications, 11420 citations, h-index: 22Recherche
Intérêts de recherche
Heating of fusion plasma; Technology (electron cyclotron heating, material science, superconductivity) for fusion reactors (ITER, DEMO)Site web du laboratoire
http://crpp.epfl.ch/Enseignement & Phd