Mohamed Bouri

MED 3 1315 (Bâtiment MED)
Station 9
1015 Lausanne

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Administrative data


Infoscience publications

Teaching & PhD




Topics in Autonomous Robotics

Students will be introduced to modern approaches in control and design of autonomous robots through lectures and exercises.

Basics of robotics for manipulation

This course introduces the basics of robotics for manipulation. The aspects concerning robot architectures (Serial , Parallel and Cartesian), sensors, kinematics and dynamic modelling and control are presented. Each of these theoretical topics is i concern with a industrial context.

Applied and industrial robotics

This course is a real contact with industrial robotic applications. Components and mechanisms are reminded. The fields of microtechnical assembly and packaging are treated. CTOs from established companies (BlueBotics, Adept, Maxon motors and UniTechnologies) are involved in this course.

Robotics practicals

The goal of this lab series is to practice the various theoretical frameworks acquired in the courses on a variety of robots, ranging from industrial robots to autonomous mobile robots, to robotic devices, all the way to interactive robots.

Haptic human robot interfaces

This course teaches basic knowledge on haptic devices, force feedback and mechanical man-machine interfaces. Lectures are about 40 %, the rest is hands-on practical work with the "haptic paddle", a complete mechanical device with full laptop control interface. Realization of project in groups of 2.