Mohamed Farhat

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Senior Scientist +41 21 693 50 86


AU -3 9004 (Aula des Cèdres - sous-sol)
Av. de Cour 33bis
1007 Lausanne

Administrative data

Fields of expertise

- Cavitation & Multiphase flows 
- Flow Induced Noise & Vibration 
- Fluid-Structure Interaction 
- Flow control
- Flow instabilities in hydro turbines and pumps 
- Condition monitoring of Hydraulic Machines 
- Hemodynamics 
- Advanced Instrumentation in Fluid Dynamics 


2021 : Life Sciences Book Award of the International Academy of Astronautics : Preparation of Space Experiments, lntechOpen, London. United Kingdom, 2020

2019 : 1st Prize Winner of Scientific Image Contest : awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation

2020 : EPFL-Rhyming Prize : Best PhD thesis in Fluid Mechanics (Ali Amini)

2018 : EPFL-EDME Prize : Prize for the best Best PhD thesis in Mechanics (Outi Supponen)

2015 : Edmund Optics Educational Award. : Innovative use of optics in education and research.

2014 : APS-DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion Award : For the video entry “Inner world of a collapsing bubble”


Infoscience publications

Teaching & PhD


Mechanical Engineering

PhD Programs


Aeroelasticity and fluid-structure interaction

Static and dynamic response of coupled fluid-structure systems as a result of extraneously-induced excitation, motion-induced excitation, and fluid-instability-induced excitation.

Cavitation and interface phenomena

Introduction, basic concepts; cavitation bubble collapse; dynamique des cavits; cavitation in vorticalstructures; industrial applications.