I am interested in all functional aspects of normal and diseased brain from neural activity to metabolism.
Current work
-Functional magnetic Resonance imaging in rats and mice -Manganese-enhanced MRI: High Resolution MR Imaging -Functional MR Spectroscopy in small animals - New contrasts for MRI and MRS
-2011-present: EPFL-CIBM AIT Core - Responsible for MR Imaging developments and applications a at 9.4T and 14.1T facilities - Functional MRI studies - Manganese Enhanced MRI studies - new contrasts in MRI: CEST, MT... - Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Grants: National Competence Center in Biomedical Imaging (NCCBI) High-Resolution BOLD functional Magnetic resonance imaging of the mouse barrel cortex. The main goal of the project is to address the feasibility, stability, reproducibility and validation of fMRI methods applied to obtain BOLD signals in the mouse barrel cortex following mechanical or electrical stimulation of the whiskers under controlled physiological conditions. Role: Principal Investigator Determination of cerebral metabolic fluxes coupling neurotransmission modifications during functional brain activation. The project aims at bridging the observed BOLD signal in fMRI to intrinsic cerebral metabolic flux modifications. Role: Co-Investigator- PI: Joao Duarte -2006-2011: LIFMET- UNIL Scientific Collaborator -September 2003-May 2006 MRI study director and MRI manager in a Biotechnology company- France I installed and ran a new MRI department. My aims were to characterize tumour models and investigate their response to treatment provided by various Pharmaceutical companies. Techniques used: -Dynamic contrast Enhanced MRI and Dynamic Susceptibility MRI -Diffusion MRI -Blood Oxygen level dependent MRI -Translational MR imaging techniques -September 2003-August 2004 PostDoctoral Fellow at Unité INSERM U594- Université Joseph Fourier-Grenoble- FRANCE Supervision: Segebarth Christoph -
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
1. N Just. Lepore M, Frenkel H, Gruetter R. An improved activity-induced manganese-dependent MRI study of the rat barrel cortex. Accepted at 21st ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Salt Lake City, Unites-States, 2013. 2. N Just, R. Gruetter. Investigation of the metabolism of the rat barrel corex during sustained BOLD fMRI. 2012 OHBM Annual Meeting in Beijing, China 3. N. Just, M Auffret, G. Poirier, M Cordero, R. Gruetter. Alteration of Metabolites in the lateral septum of peripubertally stressed rats. Accepted at 20th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 2012. 4. N Just, R. Gruetter. Investigation of the BOLD contrast mechanisms initiated during prolonged trigeminal nerve stimulation. Accepted at 20th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 2012. 5. N Just, R. Gruetter. Measurement of Metabolite concentration changes in the rat barrel cortex during sustained trigeminal stimulation. Accepted at 20th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 2012. Oral presentation. 6. Poirier GL, Skachokova Z, Peich MC, Just N, Cordero MI, Sandi C.Peripubertal stress yields reduced adult lateral septum GABA and a cue interpretation bias that may be pharmacologically alleviated in rats. EBBS-Seville 2011 7. N Just, R. Gruetter. Investigation of hypothalamic neuronal and metabolic mechanisms of anorexia with Manganese-enhanced MRI and Proton MR Spectroscopy-2399- 19th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2011. 8. N Just, R. Gruetter. Effect of Manganese chloride on the neurochemical profile of the rat hypothalamus-2398- 19th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2011. 9. N Just, C. Petersen, R. Gruetter. BOLD fMRI of the mouse barrel cortex-1579- 19th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2011. 10. N Just, R. Gruetter. Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the rat barrel cortex-1590-19th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2011. 11. N Just, R. Gruetter. An investigation of the metabolism of the rat barrel cortex during sustained trigeminal nerve stimulation- XXVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function and the Xth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET Barcelona, Spain, May 25 - 28, 2011 12. N. Just, M.Baud, JM Petit, P.Magistretti, R.Gruetter. Brain neurochemical effects of long-term sleep fragmentation investigated in mice at 14.1T using 1H-MRS. 18th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010. 13. M.Baud, N. Just, R.Gruetter, JM Petit, P.Magistretti, JM Petit. Effects of long-term sleep fragmentation on the EEG and brain energy metabolism. 7th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands., 2010. 14. N. Just, MI Cordero Campana, G. Poirier, H. Lei, C. Sandi, R. Gruetter. Neurochemical profile of the rat lateral septum investigated with 1H-MRS. 18th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010. 15. N. Just, H. Frenkel, S.Germain, R.Gruetter. BOLD response and associated metabolic changes in the rta barrel cortex following sustatined trigeminal nerve stimulation. 18th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 1199 2010. 16. N.Just, S Germain, M Lauritzen, R.Gruetter Assessment of rat barrel cortex BOLD responses to trigeminal nerve stimulation: On the linearity of BOLD fmRI changes against neuronal activity in the barrel cortex 17th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaï, 1603, 2009. In competition for poster award. 17. N. Just, R. Gruetter. Manganese enhanced MRI and 1H MR spectroscopy of the hypothalamus in a model of dehydration induced anorexic rats. 17th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaï, 156, 2009. Oral presentation 18. N. Just, H. Frenkel, S.Germain, R.Gruetter, BOLD fMRI investigation of the trigeminal nerve stimulation at 9.4T. 16th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, p. 2436, 2008 19. N. Just, H. Frenkel, S.Germain, R.Gruetter, Activation of the whisker barrel in rat brain localized by fMRI. USGEB 2008, 162 20. X. Peña Piña, M Bach Cuadra, N.Kunz, N.Just, R. Gruetter and JP Thiran, Fast Bias Field Correction for 9.4T MRI, EDAS 2008 21. N.Just, N.Kunz, R.Charrier, HX Lei, M.Bach Cuadra, R.Gruetter, JP Thiran, Bias Field Correction of surface coil MR images of rodent brain acquired at high field in Proc. ISMRM Fifteenth Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany,p.3713, 2007. 22. N.Just, N.Kunz, I.Kohler, P.Huppi, S.Sizonenko and R.Gruetter, Investigation of metabolite changes in neonatal rat brain after cerebral hypoxia-ischemia using 1H-spectroscopy at 9.4 in Proc. ISMRM Fifteenth Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany, p.2379, 2007 23. W. van der Zwaag, H. Lei, N. Just, J. Marques and R. Gruetter. Minimization of Nyquist ghosting for fMRI at ultra-high fields based on a negative read-out gradient strategy. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., 17 (2008), Toronto 24. D.Blanc, H Ficheux, N.Just, N. Guilbaud. Proc of AACR 2006 meeting Photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD in an orthotopic human prostate cancer xenografted in nude rats 25. N Just, N Guilbaud, Ph Genne and K Lock. Proc of AACR 2006 meeting and 14th ISMRM Scientific Meeting, Seattle, USA. Assessment of the anti-vascular activity of MN-029 in Calu-6 human lung tumors using DCE-MRI and FLOOD MRI. 26. N. Just, B. van der Sanden, O. Duchamp, H Lahrech, L. Lamalle, N. Guilbaud, P Genne, C Remy. Proc Int Soc.Magn Reson Med, 2005. Vessel Size, Blood Volume and Diffusion MR imaging of different glioma models in rats 27. NT Taguchi, E.T Miura F. Bichat, N.Just, O Duchamp, P Walker, N. Guilbaud, T Isoe. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res. AACR 2005. The VEGF receptor inhibitor KRN951 decreases vascular permeability in tumors and inhibits tumor growth: an analysis using dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. 28. N. Just, O.Duchamp, B van der Sanden, H. Lahrech, N.Guilbaud, P.Genne, C.Rèmy and C. Segebarth. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res. AACR 2005. Evaluation of the BCNU chemosensitivity of a panel of glioma models in rats in relation with vessel size index, blood volume and diffusion MR imaging parameters 29. B van der Sanden, O. Duchamp, L. Lamalle, R Farion, Z.Housni, Guilbaud N, N Just, P Genne, C. Rémy. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 2004- Abstract-MRI of blood volume and vessel size in rat glioma models. The impact of the tumor blood volume status on BCNU treatment. 30. O.Duchamp, Walker P, Bataille A, Genne P, Brunotte, F, Bichat F, Just N, Guilbaud N. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res- AACR 2004- Abstract and Eurocancer/SFC conference Paris 2004 Abstract 162 -DCE-MRI assessment of responses to hormonotherapy in preclinical breast and prostate cancer models in rats 31. N. Just, C.Hayes, I.J Rowlands and M.O Leach. Determination of Plasma Gd-DTPA concentration from DCE-MR images. In Proc 6th British Chapter meeting of the ISMRM-Liverpool- June2000-Awarded Stipend 32. N. Just, C. Hayes, S. Eccles and M.O. Leach-Assessment of tumour response to MMPI treatment using dynamic contrast-enhanced MR images.2001 National CRC cancer Symposium- 11-14 February 2001 33. N. Just, C. Hayes, S. Eccles and M.O. Leach. Assessment of tumour response to MMPI treatment using dynamic contrast-enhanced MR images. ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, April 2001 34. N. Just, JA D