Nicolae Chiurtu

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Current work
Design and implementation of high speed serial links.Biography
Nicolae Chiurtu received his Dipl. El.-Ing. degree from the Electronics and Telecommunications Faculty, University "Politehnica" Bucharest, Romania, in 1996, and the Master of Science degree from the same university, in 1997. From 1997 to 1998, he was a pre-doctoral student at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Communications Systems Division (SSC). He received his Ph.D. degree in communication systems from EPFL in 2003. His thesis work investigated multiple antenna (MIMO) systems for mobile communications and was awarded the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation prize for "significant advancements in the understanding of MIMO systems usefulness in wireless communications". From March 2003 to October 2004 he worked on the design and implementation of a MIMO system with LDPC coding on the Software Radio platform developed in the Mobile Communications Laboratory (LCM) at EPFL. From 2005 to 2006 he was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University in the Smart Antennas Research Group (SARG) doing research on OFDMA networks, and also a consultant for a WiMax (IEEE 802.16e standard) startup in Silicon Valley. He is co-author of two US patents and published a dozen of articles in international scientific publications. His research interests include, among other topics, multiple antenna techniques, OFDMA systems, signal processing, information theory, WiMax and LTE systems, relay-based cooperative networks, localization systems and software defined radios.Publications
Infoscience publications
Low EMI signaling for parallel conductor interfaces
US11831366 ; US2023336266 ; EP4236217 ; EP4236217 ; US2023223994 ; US11683113 ; EP3100424 ; EP3100424 ; US11611377 ; US2022329467 ; US11374801 ; CN110166217 ; CN110266615 ; KR102306505 ; US2021288740 ; KR102299815 ; US2021258046 ; JP6882374 ; US11025359 ; US10985806 ; KR102241045 ; KR20210042428 ; EP2997704 ; CN107346977 ; EP3211797 ; US10574370 ; EP2979388 ; US10560293 ; CN104995612 ; KR102059209 ; US2019341972 ; JP2019195184 ; US10468078 ; US2019334647 ; CN110266615 ; US2019268081 ; CN110166217 ; US10355756 ; CN105681233 ; US10348436 ; JP6538916 ; CN105393512 ; CN105379170 ; CN105993151 ; US10291338 ; US2019123943 ; EP2926260 ; EP2893534 ; US2019028308 ; US10164809 ; US2018351670 ; US10091035 ; US10044452 ; JP2018121362 ; CN105122758 ; US2018183497 ; US9985745 ; US9985634 ; JP6317474 ; US9929818 ; US2018076912 ; KR101837515 ; US2018069733 ; US9838017 ; US9825677 ; US9825723 ; CN107346977 ; US9819522 ; US2017294985 ; US2017279642 ; CN103370879 ; EP3211797 ; US2017200482 ; CN104813401 ; US9692555 ; US9686107 ; US9667379 ; US9607673 ; EP2997704 ; US9596109 ; JP2017506048 ; US9577664 ; US2017048024 ; US9564994 ; US2017012804 ; CN103444144 ; EP3100424 ; US2016352354 ; US9485057 ; US9479369 ; EP2979388 ; KR20160117505 ; CN105993151 ; US2016285456 ; US2016277222 ; US9450791 ; US9450744 ; US9424908 ; EP2926260 ; US9413384 ; US2016218894 ; US9401828 ; US2016211929 ; US2016197656 ; US2016197747 ; US2016180913 ; US2016173219 ; CN105681233 ; US9369312 ; US9362974 ; US9362947 ; US9362962 ; US9357036 ; US2016142181 ; US9300503 ; EP2997704 ; US9288089 ; US9288082 ; CN105393512 ; CN105379170 ; US9275720 ; CN102986183 ; US9258154 ; US2016036461 ; EP2979388 ; US9251873 ; US9246713 ; US9234828 ; US2015381768 ; US2015381346 ; KR20150144328 ; US2015349835 ; CN105122758 ; US9203402 ; US2015341193 ; CN104995612 ; EP2926260 ; US9154252 ; US2015256326 ; US9124557 ; US9106220 ; US9106238 ; US2015222458 ; WO2015117102 ; US9100232 ; CN104813401 ; EP2893534 ; US9083576 ; US9077386 ; US9071476 ; US9059816 ; US9015566 ; US9014251 ; US9014295 ; US2015092532 ; US8989317 ; US2015063494 ; WO2015031845 ; US2015066230 ; WO2015031520 ; EP2676413 ; WO2014210074 ; US2014376668 ; US8880783 ; WO2014172377 ; US2014286387 ; US2014260607 ; US2014254642 ; US2014226734 ; WO2014124450 ; WO2014113727 ; KR20140091665 ; US2014198837 ; US2014177645 ; US8755426 ; EP2729875 ; US8718184 ; WO2014037116 ; US2014063915 ; US8649445 ; KR20140014174 ; US2014016724 ; EP2676413 ; CN103444144 ; US8593305 ; EP2659592 ; CN103370879 ; US8539318 ; CN102986183 ; US2013013870 ; WO2013004701 ; US2013010892 ; WO2012089803 ; US2012213299 ; WO2012110634 ; WO2012089803 ; US2011302478 ; US2011299555 ; WO2011151469 ; US2011268225 ; WO2011134678 . 2016.Software-Defined Radio Implementation of Multiple Antenna Systems using Low-Density Parity-Check
2005. p. 527-531. DOI : 10.1109/WCNC.2005.1424556.Impact of correlation and coupling on the capacity of MIMO systems
2004. IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Darmstadt, December 14-17, 2003. p. 154-157. DOI : 10.1109/ISSPIT.2003.1341083.Dense multiple antenna systems
2001. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Cairns, September 2-7, 2001. p. 108.109. DOI : 10.1109/ITW.2001.955153.On the capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels
2001. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2001, Washington, June 24-29, 2001. p. 53. DOI : 10.1109/ISIT.2001.935916.Dense multiple antenna systems
2001. IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2001, Cairns, Australia, 2 - 7 September 2001. p. 108-109. DOI : 10.1109/ITW.2001.955153.Capacity of packed multiple antenna systems via unit cost capacity
2001.Varying the antenna-locations to optimize the capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels
2000. p. 3121-3123. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP.2000.861198.Infoscience
Low EMI signaling for parallel conductor interfaces
US11831366 ; US2023336266 ; EP4236217 ; EP4236217 ; US2023223994 ; US11683113 ; EP3100424 ; EP3100424 ; US11611377 ; US2022329467 ; US11374801 ; CN110166217 ; CN110266615 ; KR102306505 ; US2021288740 ; KR102299815 ; US2021258046 ; JP6882374 ; US11025359 ; US10985806 ; KR102241045 ; KR20210042428 ; EP2997704 ; CN107346977 ; EP3211797 ; US10574370 ; EP2979388 ; US10560293 ; CN104995612 ; KR102059209 ; US2019341972 ; JP2019195184 ; US10468078 ; US2019334647 ; CN110266615 ; US2019268081 ; CN110166217 ; US10355756 ; CN105681233 ; US10348436 ; JP6538916 ; CN105393512 ; CN105379170 ; CN105993151 ; US10291338 ; US2019123943 ; EP2926260 ; EP2893534 ; US2019028308 ; US10164809 ; US2018351670 ; US10091035 ; US10044452 ; JP2018121362 ; CN105122758 ; US2018183497 ; US9985745 ; US9985634 ; JP6317474 ; US9929818 ; US2018076912 ; KR101837515 ; US2018069733 ; US9838017 ; US9825677 ; US9825723 ; CN107346977 ; US9819522 ; US2017294985 ; US2017279642 ; CN103370879 ; EP3211797 ; US2017200482 ; CN104813401 ; US9692555 ; US9686107 ; US9667379 ; US9607673 ; EP2997704 ; US9596109 ; JP2017506048 ; US9577664 ; US2017048024 ; US9564994 ; US2017012804 ; CN103444144 ; EP3100424 ; US2016352354 ; US9485057 ; US9479369 ; EP2979388 ; KR20160117505 ; CN105993151 ; US2016285456 ; US2016277222 ; US9450791 ; US9450744 ; US9424908 ; EP2926260 ; US9413384 ; US2016218894 ; US9401828 ; US2016211929 ; US2016197656 ; US2016197747 ; US2016180913 ; US2016173219 ; CN105681233 ; US9369312 ; US9362974 ; US9362947 ; US9362962 ; US9357036 ; US2016142181 ; US9300503 ; EP2997704 ; US9288089 ; US9288082 ; CN105393512 ; CN105379170 ; US9275720 ; CN102986183 ; US9258154 ; US2016036461 ; EP2979388 ; US9251873 ; US9246713 ; US9234828 ; US2015381768 ; US2015381346 ; KR20150144328 ; US2015349835 ; CN105122758 ; US9203402 ; US2015341193 ; CN104995612 ; EP2926260 ; US9154252 ; US2015256326 ; US9124557 ; US9106220 ; US9106238 ; US2015222458 ; WO2015117102 ; US9100232 ; CN104813401 ; EP2893534 ; US9083576 ; US9077386 ; US9071476 ; US9059816 ; US9015566 ; US9014251 ; US9014295 ; US2015092532 ; US8989317 ; US2015063494 ; WO2015031845 ; US2015066230 ; WO2015031520 ; EP2676413 ; WO2014210074 ; US2014376668 ; US8880783 ; WO2014172377 ; US2014286387 ; US2014260607 ; US2014254642 ; US2014226734 ; WO2014124450 ; WO2014113727 ; KR20140091665 ; US2014198837 ; US2014177645 ; US8755426 ; EP2729875 ; US8718184 ; WO2014037116 ; US2014063915 ; US8649445 ; KR20140014174 ; US2014016724 ; EP2676413 ; CN103444144 ; US8593305 ; EP2659592 ; CN103370879 ; US8539318 ; CN102986183 ; US2013013870 ; WO2013004701 ; US2013010892 ; WO2012089803 ; US2012213299 ; WO2012110634 ; WO2012089803 ; US2011302478 ; US2011299555 ; WO2011151469 ; US2011268225 ; WO2011134678 . 2016.Software-Defined Radio Implementation of Multiple Antenna Systems using Low-Density Parity-Check
2005. p. 527-531. DOI : 10.1109/WCNC.2005.1424556.Impact of correlation and coupling on the capacity of MIMO systems
2004. IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Darmstadt, December 14-17, 2003. p. 154-157. DOI : 10.1109/ISSPIT.2003.1341083.Dense multiple antenna systems
2001. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Cairns, September 2-7, 2001. p. 108.109. DOI : 10.1109/ITW.2001.955153.On the capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels
2001. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2001, Washington, June 24-29, 2001. p. 53. DOI : 10.1109/ISIT.2001.935916.Dense multiple antenna systems
2001. IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2001, Cairns, Australia, 2 - 7 September 2001. p. 108-109. DOI : 10.1109/ITW.2001.955153.Capacity of packed multiple antenna systems via unit cost capacity
2001.Varying the antenna-locations to optimize the capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels
2000. p. 3121-3123. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP.2000.861198.Teaching & PhD
Communication Systems
Modern digital communications: a hands-on approach
This course complements the theoretical knowledge learned in PDC with more advanced topics such as OFDM, MIMO, fading channels, and GPS positioning. This knowledge is put into practice with hands-on exercises based on Matlab or Python (at choice) and on a software-defined radio platform.