Nicolas Macris

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INR 134 (Bâtiment INR)
Station 14
1015 Lausanne

Administrative data


Selected publications


Teaching & PhD


Communication Systems

Computer Science
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Lecture notes

N-body methods in condensed matter, Lecture notes of the troisième cycle de la physique en Suisse Romande, 160 pp, first version (2002), second revised version (2009), D. Baeriswyl and N. Macris,

Statistical Physics for Communications, Signal Processing, and Computer Science, 364 pp, Lecture notes in progress, doctoral class (2017 edition) N. Macris and R. Urbanke 


Introduction to quantum information processing

Information is processed in physical devices. In the quantum regime the concept of classical bit is replaced by the quantum bit. We introduce quantum principles, and then quantum communications, key distribution, quantum entropy, and spin dynamics. No prior knowledge of quantum physics is required.

Quantum Information Theory and Computation

(Coursebook not yet approved by the section)

Learning theory

Machine learning and data analysis are becoming increasingly central in many sciences and applications. This course concentrates on the theoretical underpinnings of machine learning.

Introduction to quantum science and technology

A broad view of the diverse aspects of the field is provided: quantum physics, communication, quantum computation, simulation of physical systems, physics of qubit platforms, hardware technologies. Students will grasp the field as a whole and better orient themselves on specialized topics.

Aspects of quantum science and sustainability

(Coursebook not yet approved by the section)