Noémie Jeannin

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Fields of expertise
My research focuses on coupling photovoltaic production with electric vehicle charging. I am developing a methodology to quantify the vehicle charging needs using a geographical approach. My PhD is part of the European project OPENGIS4ET, which will result in an online geographic platform to support the energy transition:
Infoscience publications
From PV to EV: Mapping the Potential for Electric Vehicle Charging with Solar Energy in Europe
The electrification of the transport sector is a key element in decarbonizing our societies. However, energy systems will have to cope with additional electricity demand due to the charging needs of electric vehicles (EVs) together with the integration of fluctuating renewable energy sources. Shifting EV charging during the day can contribute to absorbing photovoltaic (PV) production peaks and limiting the additional demand during peak periods. The EV batteries can then be discharged to the grid or home during the evening or other demand peaks. We developed a new methodology to quantify the flexibility gained from the EV-PV coupling from local mobility habits and local (or decentralized) photovoltaic production. Our approach first focuses on the geospatial modelling of mobility habits across Europe to quantify energy demand for charging. The charging demand is then distributed between residential areas, workplaces and points of interest (shopping, leisure, etc.) to model the spatiotemporal distribution of energy needs. We show and discuss a practical case in Copenhagen illustrating the impact of charging behaviour for three different scenarios. The methodology is implemented as a calculation module in the open-source online geographic tool for energy transition planning, Citiwatts.
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management. 2024-06-19. DOI : 10.54337/ijsepm.8151.Mapping the charging demand for electric vehicles in 2050 from mobility habits
This paper proposes a method to spatially model and compare charging needs on the European scale considering local disparities in population density, distance to city centres, car ownership and mobility habits. Mobility habits are modelled across Europe in terms of distance and time frame, to elaborate scenarios of charging behaviour. The first step of the method is to calculate the density of electric vehicles with a resolution of 1 km2, according to the progressive electrification of the fleet each year between 2020 and 2050. The second step is to quantify the mobility of commuters using their driving distance to work areas and mobility statistics. The model is then applied in a case study in Switzerland to plan the public charging infrastructure required to satisfy the charging needs of the local population. The results show a stronger need for charging in cities despite lower motorisation rates and driving distances. With 50 % of commuters charging at work and 20 % at home during the workday, the demand in the evening can be reduced by 50 % in the suburban areas compared to the baseline scenario in which all commuters are charging at home in the evening. This model can be used to quantify the energy needs of commuters, plan the deployment of the charging infrastructure, or simulate the effect of policies.
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks. 2024. DOI : 10.1016/j.segan.2024.101468.What drives electricity tariffs in Switzerland? Two-stage statistical and geospatial analysis of structural differences across 1913 municipalities
We present a two-staged statistical and geospatial analysis exploring the discrepancies of household electricity tariffs across 1,913 Swiss municipalities. First, we perform a multilinear regression analysis, considering structural, sociodemographic data and energy transition indicators together with the actual regulated electricity tariffs. Secondly, a geostatistical analysis was carried to investigate upon the spatial autocorrelation of electricity tariffs with selected model variables. Outcomes show that the strong variation in electricity tariffs cannot be fully explained by the chosen socio-demographic variables or the uptake from distributed energy resources in Swiss municipalities, calling for additional research on the currently unknown influencing factors at work that shape domestic electricity tariffs in Switzerland.
2023-08-02. IEEE ISGT Europe 2023, Grenoble, France, October 23-26, 2023. DOI : 10.1109/ISGTEUROPE56780.2023.10407610.Distributed flexibility as a cost-effective alternative to grid reinforcement
The deployment of distributed photovoltaics (PV) in low-voltage networks may cause technical issues such as voltage rises, line ampacity violations, and transformer overloading for distribution system operators (DSOs). These problems may induce grid reinforcement costs, which are typically high. We establish a new methodology to price and reward flexibility within low-voltage networks, in the case DSOs are able to control distributed assets. Under such assumptions, we compare the cost of providing flexibility and the cost of grid reinforcement using the CIGRE low-voltage network as a case study. Our results highlight that using distributed flexibility is more profitable than reinforcing a low-voltage network until the PV generation covers 145% of the network's annual energy demand.& COPY; 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Sustainable Energy Grids & Networks. 2023-06-01. DOI : 10.1016/j.segan.2023.101041.