Fields of expertise

Applied Probabilities Queueing Theory Production Networks Information Theory


Infoscience publications

Teaching & PhD



Humanities and Social Sciences Program
Management of Technology


Business and society - corporate sustainability

(Coursebook not yet approved by the section)

Risk analytics

The course addresses risk management of extreme events. Models for extreme events are presented, as well as tools for risk measurements. Applications include evaluating risk in the fields of finance, insurance, meteorology and environment, from time series data and others.

Social norms change

The course will discuss the relationship between climate change and social norms. We will discuss what social norms are, how they can be changed, how they can be measured. Moreover, we will learn how to simulate social norms change for a specific social phenomenon.

Sustainable logistics operations

We address quantitatively the management of logistics operations, focusing notably on their environmental impact. Considering practical situations, focus is paid on the optimization of logistics systems, in particular when the objective is to minimize their associated environmental footprint.

Manufacturing systems and supply chain dynamics

This course discusses quantitatively some important and generic performance and reliability issues that affect the behavior of manufacturing systems and supply chains.