Olivier Verscheure

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Housed at both EPFL and ETH Zurich, the newly created Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) will address the fragmentation within today’s data and analytics landscapes. The SDSC will be composed of a distributed multi-disciplinary team of data scientists and experts in domains including personalized health and personalized medicine, transportation, earth and environmental science, social science and digital humanities, and economics. The center aims to federate data providers, data and computer scientists, and subject-matter experts around a cutting-edge analytics platform offering domain-specific “Insights-as-a-Service” while addressing security and privacy issues inherent to the field of data science. The unique synergy that the center will enable among the institutions of the ETH Domain and between academic and industrial stakeholders in both data science and across carefully selected domains is expected to foster scientific breakthroughs with significant societal impact. To accomplish this vision, the center will: (i) develop a network of embedded data science support to work closely with research groups and foster collaboration between users and data scientists; (ii) offer end-to-end data science services to the research and development communities in Switzerland and beyond, specifically a set of hosted software solutions to provide “Insights-as-a-Service”; (iii) create a community to share tools, methods and knowledge in the field.

INN 218 (Bâtiment INN)
Station 14
1015 Lausanne

Web site:  Web site:  https://www.datascience.ch

Web site:  Web site:  https://sin.epfl.ch

Web site:  Web site:  https://ssc.epfl.ch

Administrative data


Other publications

Teaching & PhD


Communication Systems

Computer Science
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
