Paolo Perona
Publications Infoscience
P. Razurel, L. Gorla, B. Crouzy and P. Perona. Non-proportional repartition rules optimize environmental flows and energy production, accepted in Water Resources Management.Detailed recordP. Razurel, L. Gorla, B. Crouzy and P. Perona. Non-proportional Repartition Rules Optimize Environmental Flows and Energy Production, in Water Resources Management, vol. 30, num. 1, p. 207-223, 2016.Detailed recordF. Romanelli, M. Abhangi, P. Abreu, M. Aftanas and M. Afzal et al. Overview of the JET results, in Nuclear Fusion -Original Edition-, vol. 55, num. 10, p. 104001, 2015.Detailed recordK. Edmaier, B. Crouzy and P. Perona. Experimental characterization of vegetation uprooting by flow, in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, p. n/a-n/a, 2015.Detailed recordS. Tron, P. Perona, L. Gorla, M. Schwarz and F. Laio et al. The signature of randomness in riparian plant root distributions, in Geophysical Research Letters, 2015.Detailed recordB. Crouzy, F. Baerenbold, P. D’Odorico and P. Perona. Ecomorphodynamic approaches to river anabranching patterns, in Advances in Water Resources, 2015.Detailed recordL. Gorla, C. Signarbieux, P. Turberg, A. Buttler and P. Perona. Transient response of Salix cuttings to changing water level regimes, in Water Resources Research, vol. 51, p. 1758-1774, 2015.Detailed recordL. Gorla, C. Signarbieux, P. Turberg, A. Buttler and P. Perona. Effects of hydropeaking waves offsets on growth performances of juvenile Salix species, accepted in Ecological Engineering, vol. 77, p. 297-306, 2015.Detailed recordB. Crouzy, R. Forclaz, B. Sovilla, G. C. Javier and P. Perona. Quantifying snowfall and avalanche release synchronization: a case study, accepted in Journal of Geophysical Research. Earth Surface, 2015.Detailed recordA. Porotto and G. Perona. Night deviations of architecture, in Venedig. Sommersemester 2013, p. 64-67, 2014.Detailed recordL. Gorla, C. Signarbieux, P. Turberg, A. Buttler and P. Perona. Experimental response of Salix cuttings to different flow regimes due to human activities. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 2014.
Detailed recordB. Crouzy, K. Edmaier and P. Perona. On the biomechanics of seedling anchorage. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 2014.
Detailed recordB. Crouzy, K. Edmaier and P. Perona. Biomechanics of plant anchorage at early development stage, in Journal Of Theoretical Biology, vol. 363, p. 22-29, 2014.Detailed recordB. Crouzy, D. Wuethrich, P. Perona and P. D'Odorico. Ecomorphodynamic conditions for the emergence of river anabranching patterns. 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow), 2014.
Detailed recordN. Pasquale and P. Perona. Experimental assessment of riverbed sediment reinforcement by vegetation roots. 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow), 2014.
Detailed recordK. Edmaier, B. Crouzy and P. Perona. Flow-induced uprooting of young vegetation on river bedforms. 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow), Lausanne, 2014.
Detailed recordL. Gorla, C. Signarbieux, P. Turberg, A. Buttler and P. Perona et al. Experimental response of Salix cuttings to different flow regimes due to human activities. , 2014.
Detailed recordL. Gorla, B. Crouzy and P. Perona. Optimal water allocation in small hydropower plants between traditional and non-traditional water users: merging theory and existing practices. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 2014.
Detailed recordP. Perona, B. Crouzy, S. Mclelland, P. Molnar and C. Camporeale. Ecomorphodynamics of rivers with converging boundaries, in Earth Surface Processes And Landforms, vol. 39, num. 12, p. 1651-1662, 2014.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, R. Francis and P. Burlando. Above-ground and below-ground Salix dynamics in response to river processes, in Hydrological Processes, vol. 28, num. 20, p. 5189-5203, 2014.Detailed recordL. Gorla, P. Perona (Dir.). The riparian environment as a non-traditional water user: experimental quantification and modelling for hydropower management. EPFL, Lausanne, 2014.Detailed recordM. Schirmer, J. Luster, N. Linde, P. Perona and E. A. D. Mitchell et al. Morphological, hydrological, biogeochemical and ecological changes and challenges in river restoration – The Thur River case study, in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 18, num. 6, p. 2449-2462, 2014.Detailed record - Full TextM. Schirmer, J. Luster, N. Linde, P. Perona and E. Mitchell et al. River restoration: Morphological, hydrological, biogeochemical and ecological changes and challenges, in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 18, p. 2449-2462, 2014.Detailed recordK. M. Edmaier, B. Crouzy, R. Ennos, P. Burlando and P. Perona. Influence of root characteristics and soil variables on the uprooting mechanics of Avena sativa and Medicago sativa seedlings, in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 39, p. 1354-1364, 2014.Detailed recordK. M. Edmaier, P. Perona (Dir.). Uprooting mechanisms of juvenile vegetation by flow erosion. EPFL, Lausanne, 2014.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, A. Wombacher and P. Burlando. Hydrodynamic model calibration from pattern recognition of non-orthorectified terrestrial photographs, in Computers & Geosciences, vol. 62, p. 160-167, 2014.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, R. Francis and P. Burlando. Above and below-ground Salix dynamics in response to river processes, in Hydrological Processes, vol. 28, p. 5189-5203, 2014.Detailed recordP. Perona, L. Gorla and G. W. Characklis. Balancing power production and instream flow regime for small scale hydropower. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013.
Detailed recordL. Gorla, C. Signarbieux, P. Turberg, A. Buttler and P. Perona. Experimental response of Salix cuttings to sudden water table changing dynamics. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013.
Detailed recordB. Crouzy, S. McLelland, P. Molnar, C. Camporeale and P. Perona. Vegetation establishment in convectively accelerated streams. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013.
Detailed recordL. Gorla, C. Signarbieux, P. Turberg, A. Buttler and P. Perona. Salix response to different flow regimes in controlled experiments: first results. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2013.
Detailed recordL. Gorla and P. Perona. Economic interpretation of environmental flow regime downstream diverted river reaches. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2013.
Detailed recordK. M. Edmaier, B. Crouzy, R. Ennos, P. Burlando and P. Perona. Resistance to uprooting of Avena sativa and Medicago sativa and related significance for juvenile riverbed vegetation.Biohydrology Conference: Bio meets Hydrology, Landau, Germany, 2013.
Detailed recordR. Forclaz, B. Crouzy, B. Sovillla, J. Corripio and P. Perona. Experimental detection of snowfalls vs avalanches synchronization and link to prediction uncertainty. Facets of uncertainty conference, KOS, Greece, 2013.
Detailed recordH. Sözer, A. Nouta, A. Wombacher and P. Perona. An architectural framework for data processing networks. 28th International Symposium on Computer and Informatiion Science, Paris, France, 2013.
Detailed recordB. Crouzy, K. Edmaier, N. Pasquale and P. Perona. Impact of floods on the statistical distribution of riverbed vegetation, in Geomorphology, vol. 202, p. 51-58, 2013.Detailed recordM. Rouge, P. Perona and B. Schaefli (Dirs.). Influence de la Transjurane sur le réseau hydrologique de l’Ajoie. , 2013.Detailed recordL. Gorla and P. Perona. On quantifying ecologically sustainable flow releases in a diverted river reach, in Journal of Hydrology, vol. 489, p. 98-107, 2013.Detailed recordP. Perona, D. Dürrenmatt and G. Characklis. Obtaining natural-like flow releases in diverted river reaches from simple riparian benefit economic models, in Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 118, p. 161-169, 2013.Detailed recordK. Edmaier, B. Crouzy, P. Burlando and P. Perona. Experimental characterization of root anchoring in non-cohesive sediment. River Flow 2012, Costa Rica, 2012.
Detailed recordP. Perona, E. Daly, B. Crouzy and A. Porporato. Stochastic dynamics of snow avalanche occurrence by superposition of Poisson processes, in Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 468, num. 2148, p. 4193-4208, 2012.Detailed recordV. Genicoud, T. Kohn and P. Perona (Dirs.). Impact of virus aggregation on disinfection. , 2012.Detailed record - Full TextP. Lopez-Tarifa, G. Sanchez-Sanz, I. Alkorta, J. Elguero and D. Sanz et al. The tautomeric structures of 3(5),3 '(5 ')-azopyrazole [(E)-1,2-di(1H-pyrazol-3(5)-yl)diazene)]: The combined use of NMR and electronic spectroscopies with DFT calculations, in Journal Of Molecular Structure, vol. 1015, p. 138-146, 2012.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, R. Francis and P. Burlando. Effects of streamflow variability on the vertical root density distribution of willow cutting experiments, in Ecological Engineering, vol. 40, p. 167-172, 2012.Detailed recordP. Perona, P. Molnar, B. Crouzy, E. Perucca and Z. Jiang et al. Biomass selection by floods and related timescales: Part 1. Experimental observations, in Advances in Water Resources, vol. 39, p. 85-96, 2012.Detailed recordB. Crouzy and P. Perona. Biomass selection by floods and related timescales. Part 2: Stochastic modeling, in Advances in Water Resources, vol. 39, p. 97-105, 2012.Detailed recordM. J. Mattle, B. Crouzy, M. Brennecke, P. Perona and T. Kohn. Effect of viral aggregation on the inactivation of MS2 by disinfectant and UV. 242nd National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Denver, CO, 2011.
Detailed recordK. Edmaier, P. Burlando and P. Perona. Mechanisms of vegetation uprooting by flow in alluvial non-cohesive sediment, in Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, vol. 15, p. 1615-1627, 2011.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, P. Schneider, J. Shrestha and A. Wombacher et al. Modern comprehensive approach to monitor the morphodynamic evolution of a restored river corridor, in Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, vol. 15, p. 1197-1212, 2011.Detailed recordP. Schneider, T. Vogt, M. Schirmer, J. Doetsch and N. Linde et al. Towards improved instrumentation for assessing river-groundwater interactions in a restored river corridor, in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 15, num. 8, p. 2431-2549, 2011.Detailed recordM. J. Mattle, B. Crouzy, M. Brennecke, K. Wigginton and P. Perona et al. Impact of virus aggregation on inactivation by peracetic acid and implications for other disinfectants, in Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 45, num. 18, p. 7710-7717, 2011.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, U. Villero, A. Wombacher, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Non-invasive calibration technique of a 2D hydrodynamic model based on pattern recognition and digital mapping. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2011.
Detailed recordB. Crouzy and P. Perona. Evidence and modelling biomass selection by floods in a riverbed. EGU General Assembly 2011, 2011.
Detailed recordT. Kohn, M. J. Mattle, B. Crouzy and P. Perona. Effect of aggregation on the inactivation of MS2 by peracetic acid and UV254. General Meeting of the American Society of Microbiology, New Orleans, LA, 2011.
Detailed recordP. Perona, P. Molnar, Z. Jiang, C. Camporeale and E. Perucca et al. The role of hydrologic disturbances on biomass erosion dynamics: first results from RIVERINE experiments. HYDRALAB III, Hannover, Germany, 2010.
Detailed recordK. Edmaier and P. Perona. Exploring mechanisms of root erosion by flood in laboratory experiments. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2010.
Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Morphodynamic evolution of the restored reach of the Thur River in Switzerland: a preliminary analysis. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2010.
Detailed recordE. Perucca, P. Molnar, R. Francis and P. Perona. Unraveling flood selection mechanisms for vegetation from laboratory experiments and implications for river restoration. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2010.
Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, F. Verones, R. Francis and P. Burlando. The role of river hydrology on Salix shoot and roots survival statisticson the alluvial sediment of a restored river corridor. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2010.
Detailed recordB. Schäppi, P. Perona, P. Schneider and P. Burlando. Integrating river cross section measurements with digital terrain models for improved flow modelling applications, in Computers and Geosciences, vol. 36, num. 6, p. 707-716, 2010.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, Z. Jiang and P. Burlando. Restored river corridors: first results on the effects of flow variability on vegetation cuttings survival rate and related root architecture. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2009.
Detailed recordS. Nouta, P. Perona, P. Schneider, A. Wombacher and P. Burlando. First steps toward automatic patterns recognition from sequences of a restored river corridor photographs. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2009.
Detailed recordP. Perona and P. Burlando. An objective approach to marginal benefit functions for environmental flows: an example for fluvial systems. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2009.
Detailed recordB. Schäppi, P. Molnar, P. Perona, K. Tockner and P. Burlando. Hydrogeomorphological variability and ecological impacts in straight and restored river reach sections. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2009.
Detailed recordP. Perona, A. Mischer and A. Porporato. A probabilistic model for snow avalanche occurrence. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2009.
Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, F. Verones and P. Burlando. Experimental Salix shoot and root growth statistics onthe alluvial sediment of a restored river corridor. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2009.
Detailed recordZ. Jiang, P. Perona, R. Francis, P. Molnar and P. Burlando. An experimental comparison of silica gel and quartz sand grains as sediment media for growing vegetation at the laboratory scale, in Aquatic Sciences, vol. 71, num. 3, p. 350-355, 2009.Detailed recordP. Perona, P. Molnar, M. Savina and P. Burlando. An observation-based stochastic model for sediment and vegetation dynamics in the floodplain of an Alpine braided river, in Water Resources Research, vol. 45, p. W09418, 2009.Detailed recordP. Perona, C. Camporeale, E. Perucca, M. Savina and P. Molnar et al. Modelling river and riparian vegetation interactions and related importance for sustainable ecosystem management, in Aquatic Sciences, vol. 71, num. 3, p. 266-278, 2009.Detailed recordP. Perona, D. Molnar and P. Burlando. Mechanistic Interpretation of Alpine Glacierized Environments (MIAGE). PROCLIM,9th Swiss Global Change day, Bern, 2008.
Detailed recordZ. Jiang, P. Perona, P. Molnar, M. Bosco and J. Corripio et al. Development of a comprehensive experimental installation for monitoring the morphodynamic evolution of restored river corridors. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008.
Detailed recordM. Savina, P. Perona, P. Molnar and P. Burlando. A probabilistic approach to sediment-vegetation interactions in an Alpine braided river. Part II: the vegetation model.Sediment Dynamics in Changing Environments Christchurch, New Zealand, 2008.
Detailed recordM. Savina, P. Molnar, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Using aerial photography to detect riparian vegetation change in an alpine braided river affected by streamflow regulation. . EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008.
Detailed recordB. Schäppi, P. Perona, P. Schneider and P. Burlando. Integrating river bathymetry data with Digital Terrain Models for improved river flow simulations. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008.
Detailed recordP. Perona. Minimalist models of Alpine hydrological processes and their relation to climate.EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008.
Detailed recordP. Perona, P. Molnar, M. Savina and P. Burlando. A probabilistic approach to sediment-vegetation interactions in an Alpine braided river. Part I: the sediment model. . Sediment Dynamics in Changing Environments, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2008.
Detailed recordP. Molnar, V. Favre, P. Perona, P. Burlando and W. Ruf. Floodplain forest dynamics in a hydrologically altered mountain river, in Peckiana, vol. 5, p. 17-24, 2008.Detailed recordW. Ruf, L. Foglia, P. Perona, P. Molnar and R. Faeh et al. Modeling the interaction between groundwater and river flow in an active alpine floodplain ecosystem, in Peckiana, vol. 5, p. 6-16, 2008.Detailed recordP. Perona, N. Pasquale and D. Molnar. Mechanistic interpretation of Alpine glacierized environments: Part 2. Hydrologic interpretation and model parameters identification on case study, in Advances in Water Resources, vol. 31, num. 7, p. 948-961, 2008.Detailed recordP. Perona and P. Burlando. Mechanistic interpretation of alpine glacierized environments: Part 1. Model formulation and related dynamical properties, in Advances in Water Resources, vol. 31, num. 7, p. 937-947, 2008.Detailed recordP. Perona, P. Molnar, M. Savina and P. Burlando. Stochastic sediment-Vegetation dynamics in an Alpine braided river, in IAHS-AISH Publication, num. 325, p. 266-274, 2008.Detailed recordP. Perona, N. Pasquale and D. Molnar. Mechanistic modeling of glaciated alpine basins: case studies. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2007.
Detailed recordP. Perona and P. Burlando. Mechanistic modeling of glaciated alpine basins: model development. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2007.
Detailed recordW. Ruf, M. Birsan, L. Foglia, P. Molnar and P. Perona et al. Surface water- Groundwater interaction and vegetation response: synthesis of observation and modeling. XXIV IUGG Assembly, Perugia, 2007.
Detailed recordP. Perona. MIAGE: a Mechanistic Intepretation of Alpine Glacierized Environments. Hydrology Days Seminars, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 2007.
Detailed recordC. Camporeale, P. Perona, A. Porporato and L. Ridolfi. Hierarchy of models for meandering rivers and related morphodynamic processes, in Reviews of Geophysics, vol. 45, p. 1001, 2007.Detailed recordN. J. Balmforth, R. V. Craster, P. Perona, A. C. Rust and R. Sassi. Viscoplastic dam breaks and the Bostwick consistometer, in Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, vol. 142, num. 1-3, p. 63-78, 2007.Detailed recordP. Perona, A. Porporato and L. Ridolfi. A stochastic process for the interannual snow storage and melting dynamics, in Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 112, num. D8, 2007.Detailed recordL. Foglia, S. W. Mehl, M. C. Hill, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Testing Alternative Ground Water Models Using Cross-Validation and Other Methods, in Ground Water, vol. 45, num. 5, p. 627-641, 2007.Detailed recordP. Perona, L. Castellino and S. Sordo. Influence of dehydration-rehydration process on rheological properties of liquid fruit foods, in Journal of Central South University of Technology (English Edition), vol. 14, num. 1 SUPPL., p. 488-492, 2007.Detailed recordP. Molnar, M. Sturzenegger, M. V. Birsan, P. Perona and W. Ruf et al. Floodplain forest dynamics in a hydrologically altered mountain river. EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2006.
Detailed recordP. Perona, D. Dürrenmatt, M. Ospelt and P. Burlando. Establishing objective criteria to estimate environmental marginal benefit functions: an example for fluvial systems. EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2006.
Detailed recordM. Birsan, P. Perona, P. Molnar and P. Burlando. An appraisal of different models for river-vegetation mutual interactions. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2006.
Detailed recordW. Ruf, P. Molnar, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Coupling of a groundwater and surface water model for integrated floodplain water management. EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2006.
Detailed recordW. Ruf, P. Perona, P. Molnar and P. Burlando. Kopplung eines hydrodynamischen Strömunsgmodells und eines Grundwassermodells. Conference on Hydraulics Engineering, Dresden, Germany, 2006.
Detailed recordW. Ruf, L. Foglia, M. Sturzenegger, M. V. Birsan and P. Molnar et al. Modeling river-aquifer interaction and their ecological relevance in an alpine floodplain. International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology: the groundwater/ecology connection, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, 2006.
Detailed recordC. Camporeale, P. Perona and L. Ridolfi. Hydrological and geomorphological significance of riparian vegetation in arid regions, in Dryland Ecohydrology, p. 161-180, 2006.Detailed recordL. Alfieri, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Optimal water allocation for an alpine hydropower system under changing scenarios, in Water Resources Management, vol. 20, num. 5, p. 761-778, 2006.Detailed recordL. Foglia, W. Ruf, P. Perona, R. Faeh and P. Molnar et al. Improved hydrodynamic modelling tools for river-groundwater interaction. EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2005.
Detailed recordP. Perona, A. Porporato and L. Ridolfi. Stochastic model for the inter-annual dynamic of the snow storage-melting process. EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2005.
Detailed record
P. Razurel, L. Gorla, B. Crouzy and P. Perona. Non-proportional repartition rules optimize environmental flows and energy production, accepted in Water Resources Management.Detailed recordK. Edmaier, B. Crouzy and P. Perona. Experimental characterization of vegetation uprooting by flow, in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, p. n/a-n/a, 2015.Detailed recordS. Tron, P. Perona, L. Gorla, M. Schwarz and F. Laio et al. The signature of randomness in riparian plant root distributions, in Geophysical Research Letters, 2015.Detailed recordB. Crouzy, F. Baerenbold, P. D’Odorico and P. Perona. Ecomorphodynamic approaches to river anabranching patterns, in Advances in Water Resources, 2015.Detailed recordL. Gorla, C. Signarbieux, P. Turberg, A. Buttler and P. Perona. Transient response of Salix cuttings to changing water level regimes, in Water Resources Research, vol. 51, p. 1758-1774, 2015.Detailed recordL. Gorla, C. Signarbieux, P. Turberg, A. Buttler and P. Perona. Effects of hydropeaking waves offsets on growth performances of juvenile Salix species, accepted in Ecological Engineering, vol. 77, p. 297-306, 2015.Detailed recordB. Crouzy, R. Forclaz, B. Sovilla, G. C. Javier and P. Perona. Quantifying snowfall and avalanche release synchronization: a case study, accepted in Journal of Geophysical Research. Earth Surface, 2015.Detailed recordB. Crouzy, K. Edmaier and P. Perona. On the biomechanics of seedling anchorage. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 2014. Detailed recordB. Crouzy, K. Edmaier and P. Perona. Biomechanics of plant anchorage at early development stage, in Journal Of Theoretical Biology, vol. 363, p. 22-29, 2014.Detailed recordB. Crouzy, D. Wuethrich, P. Perona and P. D'Odorico. Ecomorphodynamic conditions for the emergence of river anabranching patterns. 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow), 2014. Detailed recordN. Pasquale and P. Perona. Experimental assessment of riverbed sediment reinforcement by vegetation roots. 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow), 2014. Detailed recordK. Edmaier, B. Crouzy and P. Perona. Flow-induced uprooting of young vegetation on river bedforms. 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow), Lausanne, 2014. Detailed recordL. Gorla, C. Signarbieux, P. Turberg, A. Buttler and P. Perona et al. Experimental response of Salix cuttings to different flow regimes due to human activities. , 2014. Detailed recordL. Gorla, B. Crouzy and P. Perona. Optimal water allocation in small hydropower plants between traditional and non-traditional water users: merging theory and existing practices. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 2014. Detailed recordP. Perona, B. Crouzy, S. Mclelland, P. Molnar and C. Camporeale. Ecomorphodynamics of rivers with converging boundaries, in Earth Surface Processes And Landforms, vol. 39, num. 12, p. 1651-1662, 2014.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, R. Francis and P. Burlando. Above-ground and below-ground Salix dynamics in response to river processes, in Hydrological Processes, vol. 28, num. 20, p. 5189-5203, 2014.Detailed recordL. Gorla, P. Perona (Dir.). The riparian environment as a non-traditional water user: experimental quantification and modelling for hydropower management. EPFL, Lausanne, 2014.Detailed recordM. Schirmer, J. Luster, N. Linde, P. Perona and E. Mitchell et al. River restoration: Morphological, hydrological, biogeochemical and ecological changes and challenges, in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 18, p. 2449-2462, 2014.Detailed recordK. M. Edmaier, B. Crouzy, R. Ennos, P. Burlando and P. Perona. Influence of root characteristics and soil variables on the uprooting mechanics of Avena sativa and Medicago sativa seedlings, in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 39, p. 1354-1364, 2014.Detailed recordK. M. Edmaier, P. Perona (Dir.). Uprooting mechanisms of juvenile vegetation by flow erosion. EPFL, Lausanne, 2014.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, A. Wombacher and P. Burlando. Hydrodynamic model calibration from pattern recognition of non-orthorectified terrestrial photographs, in Computers & Geosciences, vol. 62, p. 160-167, 2014.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, R. Francis and P. Burlando. Above and below-ground Salix dynamics in response to river processes, in Hydrological Processes, vol. 28, p. 5189-5203, 2014.Detailed recordP. Perona, L. Gorla and G. W. Characklis. Balancing power production and instream flow regime for small scale hydropower. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013. Detailed recordL. Gorla, C. Signarbieux, P. Turberg, A. Buttler and P. Perona. Experimental response of Salix cuttings to sudden water table changing dynamics. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013. Detailed recordB. Crouzy, S. McLelland, P. Molnar, C. Camporeale and P. Perona. Vegetation establishment in convectively accelerated streams. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013. Detailed recordL. Gorla, C. Signarbieux, P. Turberg, A. Buttler and P. Perona. Salix response to different flow regimes in controlled experiments: first results. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2013. Detailed recordL. Gorla and P. Perona. Economic interpretation of environmental flow regime downstream diverted river reaches. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2013. Detailed recordK. M. Edmaier, B. Crouzy, R. Ennos, P. Burlando and P. Perona. Resistance to uprooting of Avena sativa and Medicago sativa and related significance for juvenile riverbed vegetation.Biohydrology Conference: Bio meets Hydrology, Landau, Germany, 2013. Detailed recordR. Forclaz, B. Crouzy, B. Sovillla, J. Corripio and P. Perona. Experimental detection of snowfalls vs avalanches synchronization and link to prediction uncertainty. Facets of uncertainty conference, KOS, Greece, 2013. Detailed recordH. Sözer, A. Nouta, A. Wombacher and P. Perona. An architectural framework for data processing networks. 28th International Symposium on Computer and Informatiion Science, Paris, France, 2013. Detailed recordB. Crouzy, K. Edmaier, N. Pasquale and P. Perona. Impact of floods on the statistical distribution of riverbed vegetation, in Geomorphology, vol. 202, p. 51-58, 2013.Detailed recordM. Rouge, P. Perona and B. Schaefli (Dirs.). Influence de la Transjurane sur le réseau hydrologique de l’Ajoie. , 2013.Detailed recordL. Gorla and P. Perona. On quantifying ecologically sustainable flow releases in a diverted river reach, in Journal of Hydrology, vol. 489, p. 98-107, 2013.Detailed recordP. Perona, D. Dürrenmatt and G. Characklis. Obtaining natural-like flow releases in diverted river reaches from simple riparian benefit economic models, in Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 118, p. 161-169, 2013.Detailed recordK. Edmaier, B. Crouzy, P. Burlando and P. Perona. Experimental characterization of root anchoring in non-cohesive sediment. River Flow 2012, Costa Rica, 2012. Detailed recordP. Perona, E. Daly, B. Crouzy and A. Porporato. Stochastic dynamics of snow avalanche occurrence by superposition of Poisson processes, in Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 468, num. 2148, p. 4193-4208, 2012.Detailed recordV. Genicoud, T. Kohn and P. Perona (Dirs.). Impact of virus aggregation on disinfection. , 2012.Detailed record - Full TextN. Pasquale, P. Perona, R. Francis and P. Burlando. Effects of streamflow variability on the vertical root density distribution of willow cutting experiments, in Ecological Engineering, vol. 40, p. 167-172, 2012.Detailed recordP. Perona, P. Molnar, B. Crouzy, E. Perucca and Z. Jiang et al. Biomass selection by floods and related timescales: Part 1. Experimental observations, in Advances in Water Resources, vol. 39, p. 85-96, 2012.Detailed recordB. Crouzy and P. Perona. Biomass selection by floods and related timescales. Part 2: Stochastic modeling, in Advances in Water Resources, vol. 39, p. 97-105, 2012.Detailed recordM. J. Mattle, B. Crouzy, M. Brennecke, P. Perona and T. Kohn. Effect of viral aggregation on the inactivation of MS2 by disinfectant and UV. 242nd National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Denver, CO, 2011. Detailed recordK. Edmaier, P. Burlando and P. Perona. Mechanisms of vegetation uprooting by flow in alluvial non-cohesive sediment, in Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, vol. 15, p. 1615-1627, 2011.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, P. Schneider, J. Shrestha and A. Wombacher et al. Modern comprehensive approach to monitor the morphodynamic evolution of a restored river corridor, in Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, vol. 15, p. 1197-1212, 2011.Detailed recordP. Schneider, T. Vogt, M. Schirmer, J. Doetsch and N. Linde et al. Towards improved instrumentation for assessing river-groundwater interactions in a restored river corridor, in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 15, num. 8, p. 2431-2549, 2011.Detailed recordM. J. Mattle, B. Crouzy, M. Brennecke, K. Wigginton and P. Perona et al. Impact of virus aggregation on inactivation by peracetic acid and implications for other disinfectants, in Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 45, num. 18, p. 7710-7717, 2011.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, U. Villero, A. Wombacher, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Non-invasive calibration technique of a 2D hydrodynamic model based on pattern recognition and digital mapping. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2011. Detailed recordB. Crouzy and P. Perona. Evidence and modelling biomass selection by floods in a riverbed. EGU General Assembly 2011, 2011. Detailed recordP. Perona, P. Molnar, Z. Jiang, C. Camporeale and E. Perucca et al. The role of hydrologic disturbances on biomass erosion dynamics: first results from RIVERINE experiments. HYDRALAB III, Hannover, Germany, 2010. Detailed recordK. Edmaier and P. Perona. Exploring mechanisms of root erosion by flood in laboratory experiments. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2010. Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Morphodynamic evolution of the restored reach of the Thur River in Switzerland: a preliminary analysis. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2010. Detailed recordE. Perucca, P. Molnar, R. Francis and P. Perona. Unraveling flood selection mechanisms for vegetation from laboratory experiments and implications for river restoration. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2010. Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, F. Verones, R. Francis and P. Burlando. The role of river hydrology on Salix shoot and roots survival statisticson the alluvial sediment of a restored river corridor. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2010. Detailed recordB. Schäppi, P. Perona, P. Schneider and P. Burlando. Integrating river cross section measurements with digital terrain models for improved flow modelling applications, in Computers and Geosciences, vol. 36, num. 6, p. 707-716, 2010.Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, Z. Jiang and P. Burlando. Restored river corridors: first results on the effects of flow variability on vegetation cuttings survival rate and related root architecture. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2009. Detailed recordS. Nouta, P. Perona, P. Schneider, A. Wombacher and P. Burlando. First steps toward automatic patterns recognition from sequences of a restored river corridor photographs. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2009. Detailed recordP. Perona and P. Burlando. An objective approach to marginal benefit functions for environmental flows: an example for fluvial systems. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2009. Detailed recordB. Schäppi, P. Molnar, P. Perona, K. Tockner and P. Burlando. Hydrogeomorphological variability and ecological impacts in straight and restored river reach sections. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2009. Detailed recordP. Perona, A. Mischer and A. Porporato. A probabilistic model for snow avalanche occurrence. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2009. Detailed recordN. Pasquale, P. Perona, F. Verones and P. Burlando. Experimental Salix shoot and root growth statistics onthe alluvial sediment of a restored river corridor. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2009. Detailed recordZ. Jiang, P. Perona, R. Francis, P. Molnar and P. Burlando. An experimental comparison of silica gel and quartz sand grains as sediment media for growing vegetation at the laboratory scale, in Aquatic Sciences, vol. 71, num. 3, p. 350-355, 2009.Detailed recordP. Perona, P. Molnar, M. Savina and P. Burlando. An observation-based stochastic model for sediment and vegetation dynamics in the floodplain of an Alpine braided river, in Water Resources Research, vol. 45, p. W09418, 2009.Detailed recordP. Perona, C. Camporeale, E. Perucca, M. Savina and P. Molnar et al. Modelling river and riparian vegetation interactions and related importance for sustainable ecosystem management, in Aquatic Sciences, vol. 71, num. 3, p. 266-278, 2009.Detailed recordP. Perona, D. Molnar and P. Burlando. Mechanistic Interpretation of Alpine Glacierized Environments (MIAGE). PROCLIM,9th Swiss Global Change day, Bern, 2008. Detailed recordZ. Jiang, P. Perona, P. Molnar, M. Bosco and J. Corripio et al. Development of a comprehensive experimental installation for monitoring the morphodynamic evolution of restored river corridors. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008. Detailed recordM. Savina, P. Perona, P. Molnar and P. Burlando. A probabilistic approach to sediment-vegetation interactions in an Alpine braided river. Part II: the vegetation model.Sediment Dynamics in Changing Environments Christchurch, New Zealand, 2008. Detailed recordM. Savina, P. Molnar, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Using aerial photography to detect riparian vegetation change in an alpine braided river affected by streamflow regulation. . EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008. Detailed recordB. Schäppi, P. Perona, P. Schneider and P. Burlando. Integrating river bathymetry data with Digital Terrain Models for improved river flow simulations. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008. Detailed recordP. Perona. Minimalist models of Alpine hydrological processes and their relation to climate.EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008. Detailed recordP. Perona, P. Molnar, M. Savina and P. Burlando. A probabilistic approach to sediment-vegetation interactions in an Alpine braided river. Part I: the sediment model. . Sediment Dynamics in Changing Environments, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2008. Detailed recordP. Molnar, V. Favre, P. Perona, P. Burlando and W. Ruf. Floodplain forest dynamics in a hydrologically altered mountain river, in Peckiana, vol. 5, p. 17-24, 2008.Detailed recordW. Ruf, L. Foglia, P. Perona, P. Molnar and R. Faeh et al. Modeling the interaction between groundwater and river flow in an active alpine floodplain ecosystem, in Peckiana, vol. 5, p. 6-16, 2008.Detailed recordP. Perona, N. Pasquale and D. Molnar. Mechanistic interpretation of Alpine glacierized environments: Part 2. Hydrologic interpretation and model parameters identification on case study, in Advances in Water Resources, vol. 31, num. 7, p. 948-961, 2008.Detailed recordP. Perona and P. Burlando. Mechanistic interpretation of alpine glacierized environments: Part 1. Model formulation and related dynamical properties, in Advances in Water Resources, vol. 31, num. 7, p. 937-947, 2008.Detailed recordP. Perona, P. Molnar, M. Savina and P. Burlando. Stochastic sediment-Vegetation dynamics in an Alpine braided river, in IAHS-AISH Publication, num. 325, p. 266-274, 2008.Detailed recordP. Perona, N. Pasquale and D. Molnar. Mechanistic modeling of glaciated alpine basins: case studies. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2007. Detailed recordP. Perona and P. Burlando. Mechanistic modeling of glaciated alpine basins: model development. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2007. Detailed recordW. Ruf, M. Birsan, L. Foglia, P. Molnar and P. Perona et al. Surface water- Groundwater interaction and vegetation response: synthesis of observation and modeling. XXIV IUGG Assembly, Perugia, 2007. Detailed recordP. Perona. MIAGE: a Mechanistic Intepretation of Alpine Glacierized Environments. Hydrology Days Seminars, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 2007. Detailed recordC. Camporeale, P. Perona, A. Porporato and L. Ridolfi. Hierarchy of models for meandering rivers and related morphodynamic processes, in Reviews of Geophysics, vol. 45, p. 1001, 2007.Detailed recordN. J. Balmforth, R. V. Craster, P. Perona, A. C. Rust and R. Sassi. Viscoplastic dam breaks and the Bostwick consistometer, in Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, vol. 142, num. 1-3, p. 63-78, 2007.Detailed recordP. Perona, A. Porporato and L. Ridolfi. A stochastic process for the interannual snow storage and melting dynamics, in Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 112, num. D8, 2007.Detailed recordL. Foglia, S. W. Mehl, M. C. Hill, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Testing Alternative Ground Water Models Using Cross-Validation and Other Methods, in Ground Water, vol. 45, num. 5, p. 627-641, 2007.Detailed recordP. Perona, L. Castellino and S. Sordo. Influence of dehydration-rehydration process on rheological properties of liquid fruit foods, in Journal of Central South University of Technology (English Edition), vol. 14, num. 1 SUPPL., p. 488-492, 2007.Detailed recordP. Molnar, M. Sturzenegger, M. V. Birsan, P. Perona and W. Ruf et al. Floodplain forest dynamics in a hydrologically altered mountain river. EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2006. Detailed recordP. Perona, D. Dürrenmatt, M. Ospelt and P. Burlando. Establishing objective criteria to estimate environmental marginal benefit functions: an example for fluvial systems. EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2006. Detailed recordM. Birsan, P. Perona, P. Molnar and P. Burlando. An appraisal of different models for river-vegetation mutual interactions. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2006. Detailed recordW. Ruf, P. Molnar, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Coupling of a groundwater and surface water model for integrated floodplain water management. EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2006. Detailed recordW. Ruf, P. Perona, P. Molnar and P. Burlando. Kopplung eines hydrodynamischen Strömunsgmodells und eines Grundwassermodells. Conference on Hydraulics Engineering, Dresden, Germany, 2006. Detailed recordW. Ruf, L. Foglia, M. Sturzenegger, M. V. Birsan and P. Molnar et al. Modeling river-aquifer interaction and their ecological relevance in an alpine floodplain. International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology: the groundwater/ecology connection, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, 2006. Detailed recordC. Camporeale, P. Perona and L. Ridolfi. Hydrological and geomorphological significance of riparian vegetation in arid regions, in Dryland Ecohydrology, p. 161-180, 2006.Detailed recordL. Alfieri, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Optimal water allocation for an alpine hydropower system under changing scenarios, in Water Resources Management, vol. 20, num. 5, p. 761-778, 2006.Detailed recordL. Foglia, W. Ruf, P. Perona, R. Faeh and P. Molnar et al. Improved hydrodynamic modelling tools for river-groundwater interaction. EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2005. Detailed recordP. Perona, A. Porporato and L. Ridolfi. Stochastic model for the inter-annual dynamic of the snow storage-melting process. EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2005. Detailed recordL. Alfieri, P. Perona and P. Burlando. Water allocation in basins with multiple interconnected hydropower plants. EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2005. Detailed recordY. Luo, Q. Rao, Y. Xu, P. Perona and L. Catellino et al. Influence of the dehydration-rehydration process on the rheological properties of liquid fruit foods. , 2005. Detailed recordC. Camporeale, P. Perona, A. Porporato and L. Ridolfi. On the long-term behavior of meandering rivers, in Water Resources Research, vol. 41, num. 12, 2005.Detailed recordP. Perona. Bostwick degree and rheological properties: An up-to-date viewpoint, in Applied Rheology, vol. 15, p. 218-229, 2005.Detailed recordC. Camporeale, P. Perona, E. Perucca, A. Porporato and L. Ridolfi. On the geometry of meandering rivers. EUG General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004. Detailed recordP. Burlando, P. Molnar, W. Ruf, L. Foglia and P. Perona. A modelling framework to assess the impact of streamflow regulation on floodplain vegetation ecosystem. EGU General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004. Detailed recordL. Foglia, M. C. Hill, S. W. Mehl, P. Perona and M. Birsan et al. Modelling framework to simulate the dynamics of the groundwater, hydrologic, and ecologic system in an alpine floodplain. AGU General Assembly, San Francisco, USA, 2004. Detailed recordEnseignement & Phd
Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Projeter ensemble ENAC
Eliyahu-Yakir Yahel, Irving Meghan Ellen, Kang Junjia, Padoan Francesca, Van Mol Romain Nathan Hippolyte Merlin, Vorlet Samuel Luke,A dirigé les thèses EPFL de
Edmaier Katharina Maria , Gorla Lorenzo , Niayifar Amin ,Cours
Water resources engineering and management
Le cours traite de la conception, la gestion des systèmes d'eau pour utilisation durable et les besoins humains et environnementaux. Les aspects techniques: quantité, qualité, calendrier et distribution de l'eau. La gestion: évaluation économique des systèmes dans un contexte de changement.
Ce cours présente les enjeux mondiaux de la durabilité. Il introduit les limites planétaires, leur interconnexion systémique et les thèmes de justice sociale. L'approche interdisciplinaire initie au travail de groupe et à la pensée systémique (interdépendances dans un système complexe).
Irrigation and drainage engineering
Le cours vise à enseigner les principes fondamentaux des techniques d'irrigation et de drainage, particulière à l'équilibre hydrique du sol et à la gestion, aux matériaux, aux méthodes de construction ainsi qu'aux impacts environnementaux et aux critères de durabilité de ces deux pratiques
RHONEscape propose une formation interdisciplinaire nécessaire à la problématique des grands fleuves fortement corrigés en examinant les caractéristiques fluviales spatiales écologiques, hydrologiques et morphologiques avec de nouvelles méthodes de conception de l'espace dans et autour des rivières.