Patrick Mayor

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1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 81 66
MED 2 1626
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Patrick Mayor conducted his doctoral research on soft condensed matter physics at the Institute of Physics of Complex Matter at EPFL. His PhD thesis, entitled "Fluid and glassy phases of vibrated granular matter studied with a torsion oscillator", focused on the central concept of temperature in out-of-equilibrium systems, developing a method to probe these systems based on fundamental statistical mechanics theory. The experiment has become well known in the field and the research yielded several publications in major journals (including the cover page of Nature), a lot of Swiss and international media coverage, and won the EPFL doctorate award for the best thesis of year 2005 as well as the Charles Haenny prize. As a post-doctoral fellow for 2 years at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA, Patrick Mayor worked on impact phenomena in granular materials, supported by an SNSF grant. In parallel to his research activities, Patrick Mayor has taken an active role in teaching, and collaborated on various mathematics and physics classes. In 2009, Patrick Mayor became the scientific coordinator, one of the largest Swiss federal programs funding research in engineering sciences, supporting 188 projects with a total budget of ~260 MCHF. He was in charge of the coordination, technical writing, dissemination and communication until the program's conclusion in 2018. He is now the program manager for the MARVEL NCCR. He is in charge of internal communication within the MARVEL community, and deals with education and knowledge transfer activities.Publications
Selected publications
G. D'Anna, P. Mayor, G. Gremaud, A. Barrat, V. Loreto Europhysics Letters 61, 60-66 (2003) |
Extreme events-driven glassy behaviour in granular media |
P. Mayor, G. D'Anna, G. Gremaud Materials Science and Engineering A 370, 307-310 (2004) |
Jamming in weakly perturbed granular media |
G. D'Anna, P. Mayor Physica A 325, 267-273 (2003) |
Hierarchically related processes and macroscopic emergence of fluctuations in weakly perturbed granular media |
G. D'Anna, P. Mayor, A. Barrat, V. Loreto, F. Nori Nature 424, 909-912 (2003) |
Observing Brownian motion in vibration-fluidized granular matter |
G. D'Anna, P. Mayor Unifying concepts in granular media and glasses, eds. A. Coniglio, A. Fierro, H. J. Herrmann, M. Nicodemi (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004) |
An oscillator in the granular matter |
P. Mayor, G. D'Anna, A. Barrat, V. Loreto New Journal of Physics 7, 28 (2005) |
Observing Brownian motion and measuring temperatures in vibration-fluidized granular matter |
A. Baldassarri, A. Barrat, G. D'Anna, V. Loreto, P. Mayor, A. Puglisi J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, 2405-2428 (2005) |
What is the temperature of a granular medium? |
P. Mayor, G. D'Anna, G. Gremaud, A. Barrat, V. Loreto Materials Science and Engineering A 442, 256-262 (2006) |
Mechanical spectroscopy of vibrated granular matter |
E. L. Nelson, H. Katsuragi, P. Mayor, D. J. Durian Physical Review Letters 101, 068001 (2008) |
Projectile interactions in granular impact cratering |
P. Mayor, P. Bradley, G. De Micheli IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine 2(3), 87-92 (2010) | engineering complex systems for health, security, and the environment |
T. A. Brzinski, P. Mayor, D. J. Durian Physical Review Letters 111(16), 168002 (2014) |
Depth-dependent resistance of granular media to vertical penetration |
P. Mayor, M. Rajman, G. De Micheli IEEE Design & Test 34(6), 109-118 (2017) | Information technology for health, environment, and energy |
A. Leblebici, P. Mayor, M. Rajman, G. De Micheli Springer Publishing (2018) | Engineering the Future of Systems for Health, Environment and Energy |