Pierre Magistretti

Professor Emeritus
pierre.magistretti@epfl.ch +41 21 693 95 02 http://bmi.epfl.ch/page61215.html
AAB 1 46 (Bâtiment AAB)
Station 19
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Web site: https://sv.epfl.ch/professeurs-honoraires
Current work
Full Professor and Director Prof. Director, Brain Mind Institute, EPFL Director, Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry / CHUVBiography
Pierre J. Magistretti is an internationally-recognized neuroscientist who has made significant contributions in the field of brain energy metabolism. His group has discovered some of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the coupling between neuronal activity and energy consumption by the brain. This work has considerable ramifications for the understanding of the origin of the signals detected with the current functional brain imaging techniques used in neurological and psychiatric research (see for example Magistretti et al, Science, 283: 496 497, 1999). He is the author of over 100 articles published in peer-reviewed journals. He has given over 80 invited lectures at international meetings or at universities in Europe and North America, including the 2000 Talairach Lecture at the Functional Mapping of the Human Brain Conference. In November 2000 he has been a Mc Donnel Visiting Scholar at Washington University School of Medicine. Pierre J. Magistretti is the President-Elect (2002 2004) of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) which has a membership of over 15000 European neuroscientists. He has been first president of the Swiss Society for Neuroscience (1997-1999) and the first Chairman of the Department of Neurosciences of the University of Lausanne (1996 1998). Pierre J. Magistretti is Professor of Physiology (since 1988) at the University of Lausanne Medical School. He has been Vice-Dean of the University of Lausanne Medical School from 1996 to 2000. Pierre Magistretti, is Director of the Brain Mind Institute at EPFL and Director of the Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience of the University of Lausanne and CHUV. He is also Director of the NCCR SYNAPSY "the synaptic bases of mental diseases". POSITIONS AND HONORS MAIN POSITION HELD 1988-2004 Professor of Physiology, University of Lausanne Medical School 1996-2000 Vice-Dean for Preclinical Departments, University of Lausanne Medical School 2001-2004 Chairman, Department of Physiology, University of Lausanne Medical School 2004-present Professor and Director, Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, University of Lausanne Medical School and Hospitals (UNIL-CHUV) (Joint appointment with EPFL) 2005-2008 Professor and Co-Director, Brain Mind Institute, Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne (Joint appointment with UNIL-CHUV) 2007-present Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of Centre dImagerie Biomédicale (CIBM), an Imaging Consortium of the Universities, University Hospitals of Lausanne and Geneva and of Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 2008-present Professor and Director, Brain Mind Institute, Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne Joint appointment with UNIL-CHUV) 2010-present Director, National Center for Competence in Research (NCCR) The synaptic bases of mental diseases of the Swiss National Science Foundation 2010-present Secretary General, International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) MAIN HONORS AND AWARDS 1997 Recipient of the Theodore-Ott Prize of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences 2001 Elected Member of Academia Europaea 2001 Elected Member of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, ad personam 2002 Recipient of the Emil Kraepelin Guest Professorship, Max Planck Institute für Psychiatry, Münich 2006 Elected Professor at Collège de France, Paris, International Chair 2007-2008 2009 Goethe Award for Psychoanalytic Scholarship, Canadian Psychological Association 2011 Camillo Golgi Medal Award, Golgi Fondation 2011 Elected Member of the American College of NeuroPsychopharmacology (ACNP)Publications
Selected publications
Mauro Oddo, Joshua M Levine, Suzanne Frangos, Eileen Maloney-Wilensky, Emmanuel Carrera, Roy T Daniel, Marc Levivier, Pierre J Magistretti, and Peter D LeRoux Stroke, Journal of the American heart association. 2011 Dec. 29; in press |
Brain lactate metabolism in humans with subarachnoid haemorrhage. |
Lavoie S, Allaman I, Petit JM, Do KQ, Magistretti PJ. PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e22875 |
Altered glycogen metabolism in cultured astrocytes from mice with chronic glutathione deficit; relevance for neuroenergetics in schizophrenia. |
Jourdain P, Pavillon N, Moratal C, Boss D, Rappaz B, Depeursinge C, Marquet P, Magistretti PJ. J Neurosci. 2011 Aug 17;31(33):11846-54 |
Determination of Transmembrane Water Fluxes in Neurons Elicited by Glutamate Ionotropic Receptors and by the Cotransporters KCC2 and NKCC1: A Digital Holographic Microscopy Study. |
Akinobu Suzuki, Sarah A. Stern, Ozlem Bozdagi, George W. Huntley, Ruth H. Walker, Pierre J. Magistretti and Cristina M. Alberini. Cell, in press. |
Astrocyte-neuron lactate transport is required for long-term memory formation. |
Allaman I, B�langer M, Magistretti PJ. Trends Neurosci. 2011 Jan 12. [Epub ahead of print]. Review. |
Astrocyte-neuron metabolic relationships: for better and for worse |
B�langer M, Allaman I, Magistretti PJ. J Neurochem. 2010 Dec 10. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.07135.x. [Epub ahead of print]. |
Differential effects of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines alone or in combinations on the metabolic profile of astrocytes. |
Allaman I, Gavillet M, B�langer M, Laroche T, Viertl D, Lashuel HA, Magistretti PJ. J Neurosci. 2010 Mar 3;30(9):3326-38. |
Amyloid-beta aggregates cause alterations of astrocytic metabolic phenotype: impact on neuronal viability |
Gavillet M, Allaman I, Magistretti PJ. 2008 56(9):975-89. |
Modulation of astrocytic metabolic phenotype by proinflammatory cytokines. |
Pellerin L, Bouzier-Sore AK, Aubert A, Serres S, Merle M, Costalat R, Magistretti PJ. 2007 Sep; 55(12):1251-62. Review |
Activity-dependent regulation of energy metabolism by astrocytes: an update |
Morgenthaler FD, Kraftsik R, Catsicas S, Magistretti PJ, Chatton JY. Neuroscience 141 (1):157-65. Year: 2006 |
Glucose and lactate are equally effective in energizing activity-dependent synaptic vesicle turnover in purified cortical neurons |
Bliss, T.M., Ip, M., Cheng, E., Minami, M., Pellerin, L., Magistretti, P.J., Sapolsky, R.M. J. Neurosci. 24, 6202-6208. 2004 |
Dual-gene, dual-cell type therapy against an excitotoxic insult by bolstering neuroenergetics. |
Bouzier-Sore, A.-K., Voisin, P., Canioni, P., Magistretti, P.J. and Pellerin, L. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 23, 1298-1306. |
Lactate is a preferential oxidative energy substrate over glucose for neurons in culture |