Positions 2005-now: Research associate, Federal School of Life Sciences, Laboratory of Virology and Genetics, Lausanne, Switzerland 2001-2004: Research associate in Pr D. Tronos laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Geneva School of Medicine, Switzerland 1997-2001: Post-doctoral research fellow in Pr D. Tronos laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Geneva School of Medicine, Switzerland ________________________________________________________________________ Honors and fellowships 2004: Bristol-Myers Squibb AIDS AWARD 1997-1999: Human Frontier Science Program fellowship ________________________________________________________________________ Education June 1997: PhD in cellular biology. Final mark:jury congratulations. Université de la Méditerranée, France. June 1993: Post-graduate diploma in cellular biology and microbiology. INSERM U372, Marseille-Luminy, université de Provence, France. June 1992: Master in cellular biology Specialty: genetic. Final mark: Best master student of this year. Université de la Méditerranée, France. June 1987: Scientific baccalaureate, France. _______________________________________________________________________ Teaching experience 2009-now: phD thesis co-director, School of Life Sciences, Lausanne, Switzerland. 2002: Tutor in virology for medical students, 2nd year, Geneva School of Medicine, Switzerland. 1996-1997: Tutor in molecular biology and biochemistry for under-graduate students, Université de la Méditerranée, Aix Marseille II, France. ___________________________________________