Raffaele Rodogno

Teaching & PhD


Humanities and Social Sciences Program


Ethique sociale et politique

The aim of this course is to enable students to build up a critical understanding of the ethical and socio-political issues at stake with the development and deployment of technology.

Environmental ethics

The aim of this course is to allow students to grasp environmental questions as ethical issues; to clarify the point of view from which this ethical dimension may appear; to master basic conceptual tools of ethics necessary for the discussion of the issues

The ethics of engineering I

L'objectif de ce séminaire est d'amener les étudiants à réfléchir aux enjeux éthiques que les nouvelles technologies peuvent soulever (comme l'incompatibilité potentielle avec l'autonomie, la démocratie, l'amitié et les rapports personnels, ou des risques existentiels ou écologiques)

The ethics of engineering II

In Spring, students work on either a joint or an individual project of their choice, in agreement with the teachers and under their supervision. Depending on the nature of the project, the latter could be realized in collaboration with other EPFL researchers.