Ralf Seifert

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Professeur ordinaire

ralf.seifert@epfl.ch +41 21 693 00 22 http://tom.epfl.ch

Nationalité:  German and Swiss

ODY 1 03 (Odyssea)
Station 5
1015 Lausanne

Web site:   Site web:   https://www.epfl.ch/labs/tom/

Données administratives

Domaines de compétences

- Supply chain strategy - Supply chain finance - Technology network management and entrepreneurship


Publications Infoscience

Enseignement & Phd


Management of Technology


Supply chain management

Ce cours présente les concepts clés du supply chain management. Il utilise une combinaison d'études de cas, d'exercices de simulation, des cours formels et des discussions de groupes pour illustrer comment les divers concepts peuvent être mis en pratique avec succès.

Mathematical models in supply chain management

This course covers recent research and advances in operations and supply chain management. The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with the foundations of supply chain management modeling and to familiarize them with some of the latest research in this area. Special emphasis will be placed on research that has been conducted on supply chains for bringing technology products t