Raphaël Butté

CH A3 465 (Bâtiment CH)
Station 6
1015 Lausanne

Web site:  Web site:  https://laspe.epfl.ch/

Web site:  Web site:  https://sph.epfl.ch/

Administrative data

Fields of expertise

  • Optical properties of semiconducting nanostructures with a focus on wide bandgap III-nitrides
  • Light-matter interaction in semiconductors
  • Physics of weakly interacting bosonic condensates
  • Polariton lasers
  • Photonic crystals
  • High-beta nanolasers
  • Physics of solid-state single photon emitters
  • Microring resonators and waveguides for nonlinear integrated photonic circuits


Infoscience publications

Teaching & PhD



PhD Programs


Semiconductor physics and light-matter interaction

Lectures on the fundamental aspects of semiconductor physics and the main properties of the p-n junction that is at the heart of devices like LEDs & laser diodes. The last part deals with light-matter interaction phenomena in bulk semiconductors such as absorption, spontaneous & stimulated emission.

Physics of photonic semiconductor devices

Series of lectures covering the physics of quantum heterostructures, dielectric microcavities and photonic crystal cavities as well as the properties of the main light emitting devices that are light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs).

Physics (for MAN)

This course presents how to broach some natural phenomena by adequate modeling, and also the relevant mathematical tools, like vector calculus. Emphasis is put on everyday life phenomena, which can be described by Newtonian mechanics.