Rizlan Bernier-Latmani

CH A1 375 (Bâtiment CH)
Station 6
1015 Lausanne

Web site:  Web site:  https://eml.epfl.ch/

Administrative data

Fields of expertise

Geomicrobiology Environmental Microbiology Bioremediation Geochemistry Uranium biogeochemistry and isotope geochemistry Iron geomicrobiology Gram-positive bacteria Deep subsurface microbes Nuclear waste


Infoscience publications

Teaching & PhD


Environmental Sciences and Engineering


Microbiology for engineers

"Microbiology for engineers" covers the main microbial processes that take place in the environment and in treatment systems. It presents elemental cycles that are catalyzed by microorganisms and that have a major impact on planet Earth.

Groundwater and soil remediation

This course covers the essential knowledge of contaminant partitioning and techniques to monitor chemical species, physical extent of contamination and biological processes. In the second part, remediation approaches are tackled. This course represents the fundamentals of remediation.

Hands-on bioinformatics for microbial meta-omics

This course will train doctoral students to use bioinformatic tools to analyse amplicon and metagenomic sequences. In addition, we will also touch upon meta-transcriptomics and meta-proteomics.