Rodolphe Schlaepfer

Professor Emeritus +41 21 693 57 71
Citizenship: Swiss
Birth date: 22.06.1940
Chargé de ccours
Experimental Design and Data Analysis with RFields of expertise
Statistical support for Master and PhD StudentsCurrent work
- Lecturer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)(Experimental Design and Data Analysis with R) - Lecturer in Statistics at the Bernise University for Applied Science,Department of wood engineering - Member of the Appeal Commission of the Domain of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technolgy - Member of FSC International and FSC Switzerland - Free lance Consultant (project management, sustainable use of natural resources, ecosystem approach, landscape approach, statistical methods, experimental design, sampling techniques, research policy) - Member of the IUCN Commission for Ecosystem Management - Member of the Federal Commission Idane ForestBiography
Examples of international experience: - Research project in Indonesia (Impact of forest exploitation on the ecological quality of rivers) - Research project in Columbia (Impacts of petroleum exploitation on rivers and landscapes) - Teaching at the University of Antananarivo (Sustainable management of natiral resources) - Other countries: Canada, Sweden, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Switzerland, France, UK Scientific education: - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (Forestry), - University Laval Quebec (Forest inventory and Statistics), - University of Edinburgh (Statistics, Biometry), - Oregon State University (Landscape ecology, Forest ecology). Professional career: - Statstician at Ciba-Geigy Basel(1969-1975), - Professor for Statistics and Physics at the Swiss Engineering School for Agriculture Zollikofen (1975-1982), - Professor for Forest Management and Forest Biometry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (1982-1987), - Director general of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research in Birmensorf and Professor for Forest Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology in Zürich (1987-1996), - Professor for Ecosystem Management at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technolgy Lausanne (1997-2005) - From 2005: Honory Professsor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology LausanneConsulting
Director of ECHO-Power, consulting for environmental, ecological, statistical and managerial challenges Consultant for In-Finitude, Activities: - project management - project evaluation - moderation of workshops and seminars - animation of training courses - design and analysis of experiments and surveys - analysis of data - reporting the state of scientific knowledge Domains: - sustainable management of biological resources, including forest resources - criteria and indincators for sustainable development - landscape approach - ecosystem approach - conservation of biodiversity - restoration of degraded ecological systems - statistical methods, including sampling techniquesProfessional course
Research scientist
Forest Growth
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Research, Birmensdorf
Statistical Division
Ciba-Geigy, Basel
Professor for Statistics and Physics
Statistics and Physics
Swiss Engineering School for Agronomy
Professor for Forest Management
Chair of Forest Management
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Z�rich
Professor for Forest Science and Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)
Swiss Federal Institute of technology in Z�rich (ETHZ), Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)
Professor and Director
Ecosystem Management
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
Forest Engineer
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Master in Science
Forest Inventory and Forest Ecology
Universit� Laval, Qu�bec
Diploma in Statistics
University of Edinburgh
Selected publications
E. Zuercher, R. Schlaepfer, M. Conedera and F. Giudici Trees-Structure and Function, 24, p. 31-41, 2010 |
Looking for differences in wood properties as a function of the felling date: lunar phase-correlated variations in the drying behavior of Norway Spruce (Picea abies Karst.) and Sweet Chestnut (Castan |
Zanini, Flavio; Klingemann,Anna; Schlaepfer, Rodolphe;Schmidt, Benedikt R. Can. J. Zoo. 86: 692-699 (2008) |
Landscape effects on anuran pond occupancy in agricultural countryside: barrier-based buffers predict distributions better than circular buffers |
Schlaepfer Rodolphe in Forest Landscape Restoration in Central and Northern Europe. Veltheim, T. and Pajari, B (eds). EFI Proceedings No 53. 2005 |
Ecosystem Approach and Ecosystem Management as Fundaments of Forest Landscape Restoration |
Luyet, V. Rousseau, A.N., Schlaepfer, R., Villeneuve, J.-P. Vecteur Environnement, Novembre 2005: 36-45 |
Gouvernance participative dans la gestion int�gr�e de l'eau par bassin versant au Qu�bec: Etat des lieux et r�flexions. |
Reinhard, M., Rebetez, M., Schlaepfer, R. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. Published online, March 31, 2005 |
Recent climate change: Rethinking drought in the context of Forest Fire Research in Ticino, South of Switzerland |
Schlaepfer, Rodolphe; B�tler, Rita Revue Foresti�re Fran�aise, 2004 (5): 431-444 |
Crit�res et indicateurs de la gestion des ressources foresti�res: Prise en compte de la complexit� et de l'approche �cosyst�mique |
B�tler, Rita; Angelstam Per; Schlaepfer, Rodolphe. Ecological Bulletins 51 (2004): 219-232 |
Quantitative snag targets for the three-toed woodpecker Pico�des tridactylus |