Romain Barth is an architect and scientific assistant of TPOD Lab. at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. He is currently working on the next TPOD lab. publication, Order and Disorder: Selected Essays by Manfredo Tafuri 1964-1994, with Pier Vittorio Aureli, Marson Korbi, Jolanda Devalle and Theodora Giovanazzi as editors. Barth studied at the École d'Architecture de la Ville & des Territoires Paris-Est (EAVT), the University Iuav di Venezia and at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) where he graduated in 2021 with a prize for the best thesis. His early professional experience includes practice at the architecture offices of Experience (Paris), List (Paris), and HHF (Basel). Since his studies, Barth's research has focused on the field of history and theory of architecture, with a particular interest on the architecture of USSR socialist realism. His research has been published in Matières 17, Oase 114 and recently in Burning Farm 16. Barth is also member of the CNCRT collective, an architecture and urban design practice, working on a research by design entitled 'The Institutions of the Common'. In past years, Barth has also co-organized a number of architecture and cinema events, including the 2019 Un Sentiment d'Étrangeté festival in Paris.