Romain Zufferey

AAB 1 01 (Bâtiment AAB)
Station 19
1015 Lausanne

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Administrative data

Teaching & PhD


Life Sciences Engineering


Cellular biology and biochemistry for engineers

Basic course in biochemistry as well as cellular and molecular biology for non-life science students enrolling at the Master or PhD thesis level from various engineering disciplines. It reviews essential notions necessary for a training in biology-related engineering fields.

Introduction to life sciences (for IC)

The course introduces the fundamental principles observable in all living organisms. As much as possible, emphasis is put on the contributions from Informatics to the development of Life Sciences.

Morphology I

This class is a specific preparation for the admission exam to join the third year of the Medical School. It covers the macroscopic (anatomy), microscopic (histology) morphology of the human body with a medical perspective. The correlation between structure and function is systematically described.

Morphology II

Morphology II allows students who have taken Morphology I to deepen their knowledge by studying the radiological anatomy and the developmental processes. Frequent malformations are explained in relation to embryology. Selected topics required for the admission to the Medical School are covered.