NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, Sackler Institute of Grad. Biomedical Sciences, USA. Ph.D., September 97 and Master in Biomedical Sciences, September 94.
UNIVERSITY OF NEUCHATEL, Faculty of Sciences, Neuchâtel, CH. Graduate Certificate of Parasitology, July 1992.
UNIVERSITY OF GENEVA, Faculty of Sciences, Geneva, CH. Diploma of Biology, July 1992 and Bachelor of Sciences in Biology, July 1990.
Nicolas L, Sidjanski S, Colle JH & Milon G. (2000). Leishmania major reaches distant cutaneous sites where it persists transiently while persisting durably in the primary dermal site and its draining lymph note : a study in laboratory mice. Infection and Immunity. 68 : 6561-6566.
Milon G., Colle J.-H., Lebastard M., Nicolas L., Sidjanski S., Belkaid Y. (1999). Les vaisseaux lymphatiques, les ganglions lymphatiques: des entités structurelles dont dépend le développement de réponses immunitaires T et B dépendantes. Immunodermatologie. J.-F Nicolas, J. Thivolet editeurs. John Libbey, Eurotext, Paris, pp. 3-18.
Sidjanski S. and Vanderberg J. P. (1997). Delayed migration of Plasmodium sporozoites from the mosquito bite site to the blood. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 57 (4), 426-429.
Sidjanski S., Vanderberg J.P. and Sinnis P. (1997). Anopheles stephensi salivary glands bear receptors for region I of the circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 91 (1), 33-41.
Sidjanski S., Mathews G. V. and Vanderberg J. P. (1997). Electrophoretic separation and identification of phenoloxidases in hemolymph and midgut of adult Anopheles stephensi. Journal of Parasitology, 83 (4), 686-691.
Mathews G. V. , Sidjanski S. and Vanderberg J. P. (1996). Inhibition of mosquito salivary gland apyrase activity by antibodies produced in mice immunized by bites of Anopheles stephensi. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 55, 417-423.
2006: MINTAKA Foundation, Project Manager, Geneva, CH.
2005: GLOBAL FUND TO FIGHT AIDS, TB and MALARIA, 'Proposals Manager', Geneva, CH.
1999-2005: WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) Scientist: Department of Research Policy and Cooperation; HIV/AIDS Dept., Geneva, CH.
1999: PASTEUR INSTITUTE, Post-doctoral fellow. Unité d'Immunophys. & Parasitisme Intra-cellulaire, France
1998-1999: STATE UNIVERSITY of NEW YORK, Post-doctoral fellow. Stony Brook, USA
1992-1998: NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, Research Assistant and Pre-doctoral fellow. New York, USA.
1990-1992: SWISS TROPICAL INSTITUTE, Graduate Assistant. Basel, Switzerland.