Stéphane Karlen

BS 187 (Bâtiment BS)
Station 4
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Web site:
Fields of expertise
Microbiology and virology
Biological safety Health and Safety at wor
Analysis and management of risk
Biological safety Health and Safety at wor
Analysis and management of risk
Construction of a pleasant and safe workplace at EPFL and in its satellites.Biography
PhD in Microbiology and Virology, University of LausanneAdvanced training certificate in biosafety, University of Geneva
Advanced training certificate in risk management
From 2003 to 2018, EPFL, EPFL Biosafety coordinator
Since 2008, member of the School of life sciences Faculty council
Since 2010, member of the School Assembly
Selected publications
Freyssenet C. and Karlen S. Applied biosafety (2019), 24(1):10-19 |
Plasma-Activated Aerosolized Hydrogen Peroxide (aHP) in Surface Inactivation Procedures |
Karlen, S. and Zufferey, R. Applied Biosafety (2007), 12(2), 93-99 |
Declassification of rodents exposed to third-generation HIV-based vectors into class 1 animals. |
Dye DE, Karlen S, Rohrbach B, Staub O, Braathen LR, Eidne KA, Coombe DR. Cell Mol Life Sci. (2009), 66(4):681-96 |
hShroom1 links a membrane bound protein to the actin cytoskeleton |
Karlen, S. and Braathen LR. J Invest Dermatol.(2000), 115(4):668-73 |
Role of the initiator element in the regulation of the melanoma cell adhesion molecule gene |
Karlen S, D'Ercole M, Sanderson CJ. Blood (1996), 88(1:211-21 |
Two pathways can activate the interleukin-5 gene and induce binding to the conserved lymphokine element 0 |
Karlen S. and Beard P. J Virol (1993), 67(7):4296-30 |
Identification and characterization of novel promoters in the genome of human papillomavirus type 18 |