Thierry Laroche

Collaborateur technique +41 21 693 96 29
Nationalité: Suisse
Date de naissance: 12.05.1960
AI 0140 (Bâtiment AI)
Station 15
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Site web:
Domaines de compétences
-Microscope ElectroniquePhilips 400CM10MicrotomeUltramicrotomeEmbedding techniqueShadowing technique
-Confocal Microscopie et Multiphotonlsm410-510-Meta-700-710Sp2-Sp5wll-Sp8wll-Sp5 2PSTEDSTORMSIMLight Sheet MicroscopeSpining DiskTime Lapse Acquisition (Living Cell)Till 2-4-5
-WF MicroscopieAxiovert-Axioscope-Z1DMI4000-DM5500Ax80-AX70Delta Vision
-Expertise2D Time3D4D
-Image ProcessingDeconvolution
-Confocal Microscopie et Multiphotonlsm410-510-Meta-700-710Sp2-Sp5wll-Sp8wll-Sp5 2PSTEDSTORMSIMLight Sheet MicroscopeSpining DiskTime Lapse Acquisition (Living Cell)Till 2-4-5
-WF MicroscopieAxiovert-Axioscope-Z1DMI4000-DM5500Ax80-AX70Delta Vision
-Expertise2D Time3D4D
-Image ProcessingDeconvolution
De nationalité Suisse né en 1960 à Genève.
Après des études à lECG et il obtient le Diplôme de Laborant en biologie (Immunologie, Histologie) en 1982.
En 1983 il rejoint léquipe du Professeur Ueli Laemmli (University of Geneva) ou il utilise des techniques le rotor shadow, et Miller spreading, pour mettre en évidence grâce au de microscope électronique des structures du scaffold des chromosomes chez Hela
En 1987 il rejoint léquipe du Professeur Susan Gasser (ISREC, Epalinges ) pour travailler sur les questions de lorganisation chromosomique et de la stabilité du génome sur le modèle Saccharomyces cerevisiaes.
Lutilisation intense de microscope confocal ou WF en 2d time 3d et 4d ont permis de comprendre certaines activités des chromosomes.
En 1993 il prend en charge la première Unit de Microscopie Confocal et Electronique à LISREC.
En 2001 il suit le Professeur Susan Gasser (University of Geneva, Science II) pour créer une unité de microscopie à Sciences II.
En 2003 il suit le Professeur Susan Gasser (Friedrch Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (Basel)) pour créer la première Microscopy Core Facility du Fmi cromprenant plus de 9 microscopes ( confocal et WF)
En 2005 Il rejoint le Dr. Nathalie Garin pour créer le Biop ( Bioimaging and Optics Platform) ou il participe au cours donné au Master et pour former doctorants, post-doctorants et professeurs sur les microscopes mis à disposition tels que : Lsm510Meta,Lsm700, Lsm710, Sp2, Sp5 wll,Sp5 2Photon, Spinning disk et autres WF pour le Time lapses de longues durées.
Last name : LarocheFirst name : Thierry
Date of Birth : 12 May 1960
Nationality : Swiss
Marital Status : Married, 2 child
Profession : Laborant en Biologie (pharmacologie, immunologie, histologie)
Education :
1965-1973 / Primary School Collonge-Bellerive, Switzerland 1973-1976 / Junior High School Collonge-Bellerive, Switzerland
1976-1979 / High SchoolGenève, Switzerland
Diploma :
26.06.79 / High School Diploma
Apprenticeship :
1979-1982 / Technician in Biology Cantonal Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
Certificate :
31.08.1982 / Technician in Biology, with honors
Skills learned :
Bacteriology, Serology, Hematology, Histology, Immunology, Dermatology, Electron microscopy(Prof. Orci, Geneva)
Professional activities :
1982-1987 / University of Geneva (Prof. U.K. Laemmli)
1987-2001 / ISREC, Epalinges (Dr. S.M. Gasser) Research Associate, responsible of the Electron and Confocal Microscopy Units.
1993 / Promoted to Research Associate, responsible of the Electron and Confocal Microscopy Units
2001-2003 University of Geneva, Science II (Prof. S.Gasser) Promoted Ingénieur de Recherche.
2003-2005 Friedrch Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (Basel) Head of the Microscopy Units.
2005 EPFL BioImaging and Optics Platform, Technicien Spécialiste en Microscopie Confocal
Teaching activities :
Practical courses for graduate students on :
- Electron microscopy
- Confocal Microscopy
- WF Microscopy
- Yeast immunological and in situ techniques
- Image analysis programs
Technical knowledge :
-Isolation of nuclei, metaphase clusters and chromosomes from HeLa, PTK, CHO and Xenopus cells
-Isolation of nuclei from yeast
-Plasmid and viral DNA isolation
-Immunolocalization of cellular structural proteins by
-Immunogold (EM) immuno-peroxidase on sections (paraffin cryostat and EM sections) of nuclei, clusters
-isolated chromosomes
-Yeast in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence techniques
-Techniques for meiotic and mitotic chromosome spreads for immunological studies
-Embedding techniques for yeast ans cultured cells
Production of antibodies
-Protein purification on SDS gels, elution of the protein,
-Injection and analysis of sera by immunoblotting
-Immuno-affinity purification of antibodies
DNA spreading
-Miller spreading method
-Shadowing, for quantitative and qualitative studies of protein DNA interactions
-Dissection of polytene salivary glands from Drosophila larvae, salivary gland spreads
Expertise with equipment : (use and maintenance)
-Light and UV microscopes
-Electron microscope (Phillips CM10)
-Zeiss confocal laser microscope (Lsm410 Lsm 510Meta)
-Leica Confocal laser (SP2, Sp5 Wll)
-Leica 2 Photon (Sp5)
-Biorad confocal laser microscope
-Microtome et Ultramicrotome
-Pentium PC with Adobe Photoshop, NIH Image,
-Powerpoint, Magic Image, etc.
-Colocalization programs
-CCD Camera / Improvision / IP Lab/ MethaMorph
Advanced training :
-Confocal Microscopy Workshop Introduction to Cytometry and
Histometry,Grenoble,France,January and February 1992
-Training in computer program (Powerpoint, Excel,
Word), 1996
-Advanced training session in Imaris (Bitplane),
February 1999, November 1999
-3-D Image Processing, EMBO Course, Heidelberg,
Germany, April 1999
Sélection de publications
Gasser, S.M., Laroche, T., Falquet, J., Boy de la Tour, E. and Laemmli, U.K (1986) J. Mol. Biol., 155, 613 - 629. |
Metaphase Chromosome Structure: Involvement of Topoisomerase II |
Hofmann, J.F-X., Laroche, T., Brand, A.H. and Gasser, S.M. (1989) Cell, 57, 725 - 737. |
RAP-1 is necessary for DNA loop formation in vitro at the silent mating type locus, HML. |
Karwan, R.M., Laroche, T., Wintersberger, U., Gasser, S.M. and Binder, M. (1990) J. Cell Sci. 96, 451 - 458. |
Ribonuclease H(70) Is a Component of the Yeast Nuclear Scaffold |
Amati, B., Pick, L., Laroche, T. and Gasser, S.M. (1990) EMBO J., 9, 4007 - 4017. |
Nuclear Scaffold Attachment Stimulates but is not Necessary for ARS Activity in S. cerevisiae: Analysis of the Drosophila ftz SAR |
Cardenas, M.E., Laroche, T. and Gasser, S.M. (1990) J. Cell Sci., 96, 439 -450. |
The Composition and Morphology of Yeast Nuclear Scaffolds J. Cell Sci., 96, 439 -450. |
Klein, F., Laroche, T., Cardenas, M.E., Hofmann, J.F.X., Schweizer, D. and Gasser, S.M. (1992) J. Cell Biol., 117, 935 - 948. |
Localization of RAP1 and Topoisomerase II in Nuclei and Meiotic Chromosomes of Yeast |
Palladino, F., Laroche, T., Gilson, E., Pillus, L. and Gasser, S.M. (1993) CSH Symp. Quant. Biol. 58, Cold Spring Harbor Press, New York, 733 - 746 |
The positioning of yeast telomeres depends on SIR3, SIR4, and the integrity of the nuclear membrane. |
Gilson E, Laroche T, Gasser SM.(1993) Trends Cell Biol.Apr;3(4):128-34. |
Telomeres and the functional architecture of the nucleus. |
Palladino, F., Laroche, T., Gilson, E., Axelrod, A., Pillus, L. and Gasser, S.M. (1993) Cell, 75, 543 - 555. |
SIR3 and SIR4 proteins are required for the positioning and integrity of yeast telomeres |
Gilson, E., M�ller, T., Sogo, J., Laroche, T. and Gasser, S.M. (1994) Nucl. Acids Res., 22, 5310 - 5320.9. |
RAP1 promotes single- to double-strand association of yeast telomeric DNA: implications for telomere-telomere interactions |
Grunstein, M., Hecht, A., Fisher-Adams, G., Wan, J., Mann, R.K., Strahl-Bolsinger, S., Laroche, T. and Gasser, S.M. (1995) J. Cell Sci., 19, 29 - 36. |
The regulation of euchromatin and heterochromatin by histones in yeast. |
Hecht, A., Laroche, T., Strahl-Bolsinger, S., Gasser, S.M. and Grunstein, M. (1995) Cell, 80, 583 - 592. |
Histone H3 and H4 N-termini interact with SIR3 and SIR4 proteins: a molecular model for the formation heterochromatin in yeast |
11. Cockell, M., Palladino, F., Laroche, T., Kyrion, G., Liu, C., Lustig, A.J. and Gasser, S.M. (1995)
J. Cell Biol., 129, 909 - 924. |
The carboxy-termini of SIR4 and RAP1 affect SIR3 localization: Evidence for a multi-component complex required for yeast telomeric silencing |
Gotta, M., Laroche, T., Formenton, A., Maillet, L., Scherthan, H. and Gasser, S.M. (1996) J. Cell Biol., 134, 1349 - 1363. |
The clustering of telomeres and colocalization with Rap1, Sir3 and Sir4 proteins in wild-type S. cerevisiae |
Kennedy, B.K., Gotta, M., Sinclair, D.A., Mills, K., McNabb, D.S., Murthy, M., Pak, S.M., Laroche, T., Gasser, S.M. and Guarente, L. (1997) Cell, 89, 381 - 391 |
Redistribution of silencing proteins from telomeres to the nucleolus is associated with extension of life span in S. cerevisiae. |
Gotta, M., Strahl-Bolsinger, S., Renauld, H., Kennedy, B.K., Laroche, T., Grunstein, M. and Gasser, S.M. (1997)
EMBO J., 16, 3243 - 3255. |
Localization of Sir2p: the nucleolus as a compartment for Silent Information Regulators |
Bilaud T., Brun, C., Ancelin, K., Koering C.E., and Laroche, T. (1997) Nature Genet., 17, 236 - 239 |
Telomeric localization of TRF2, a novel human telobox protein. |
Laroche, T., Martin, S.G., Gotta, M., Gorham, H.C., Pryde, F.E., Louis, E.J. and Gasser, S.M. (1998) Curr. Biology 8, 653 - 656 |
Mutation of yeast Ku genes disrupts the subnuclear organization of telomeres. |
Gasser SM, Gotta M, Renauld H, Laroche T, Cockell M. Novartis Found Symp. 1998;214:114-26; discussion 126-32. |
Nuclear organization and silencing: trafficking of Sir proteins. |
Martin, S.G., Laroche, T., Suka, N., Grunstein, M. and Gasser, S.M. (1999) Cell, 97, 621 - 633 |
Relocalization of telomeric Ku and SIR proteins in response to DNA strand breaks in yeast. |
Gotta M, Laroche T, Gasser SM.(1999) Methods Enzymol.304:663-72. |
Analysis of nuclear organization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. |
Pollice A, Zibella MP, Bilaud T, Laroche T, Pulitzer JF, Gilson E. (2000) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 268: 909 - 915 |
In vitro binding of nucleolin to double-stranded telomeric DNA. |
Leupin O, Zaru R, Laroche T, Muller S, Valitutti S.(2000) Curr. Biology 10 : 277-280 |
Exclusion of CD45 from the T-cell receptor signaling area in antigen-stimulated T lymphocytes. |
Laroche, T., Martin, S.G., Tsai-Pflugfelder, M. and Gasser, S.M. (2000) J. Struct. Biol., 129: 159 - 174. |
The Dynamics of Yeast Telomeres and Silencing Proteins through the Cell Cycle. |
Koering CE, Fourel G, Binet-Brasselet E, Laroche T, Klein F, Gilson E. (2000) Nucleic Acids Res. 13: 2519-2526. |
Identification of high affinity Tbf1p-binding sites within the budding yeast genome. |
Stone, E.M., Heun, P., Laroche, T., Pillus, L. and Gasser, S.M. (2000) Curr. Biology, 10: 373 � 382. |
MAP kinase signaling induces nuclear reorganization in budding yeast. |
Perrod, S., Cockell, M.M., Laroche, T., Renauld, H., Bonnard, C. and Gasser, S.M. (2001) EMBO J. 20(1-2):197-209 |
A cytosolic homologue of Sir2p modulates rDNA and telomeric silencing in yeast, |
Heun, P., Laroche, T., Raghuraman, M. K. and Gasser, S.M. (2001) J. Cell Biol., 152, 385 - 400. |
The positioning and dynamics of origins of replication in the budding yeast nucleus |
Heun, P., Laroche, T., Shimada, K., Furrer, P. and Gasser, S.M. (2001) Science, 7; 294 (5549): 2181-6 |
Chromosome dynamics in the yeast interphase nucleus |
Gartenberg MR, Neumann FR, Laroche T, Blaszczyk M, Gasser SM.
Cell. 2004 Dec 29;119(7):955-67. |
Sir-mediated repression can occur independently of chromosomal and subnuclear contexts. |
Nagoshi E, Saini C, Bauer C, Laroche T, Naef F, Schibler U.
Cell. 2004 Nov 24;119(5):693-705 |
Circadian gene expression in individual fibroblasts: cell-autonomous and self-sustained oscillators pass time to daughter cells. |
Bystricky K, Laroche T, van Houwe G, Blaszczyk M, Gasser SM.
J Cell Biol. 2005 Jan 31;168(3):375-87. |
Chromosome looping in yeast: telomere pairing and coordinated movement reflect anchoring efficiency and territorial organization. |
Kobel S, Limacher M, Gobaa S, Laroche T, Lutolf MP. Langmuir. 2009 Aug 4;25(15):8774-9 |
Micropatterning of hydrogels by soft embossing |
Varela E, Shimada K, Laroche T, Leroy D, Gasser SM. EMBO J. 2009 Jun 3;28(11):1562-75. Epub 2009 Apr 23 |
Lte1, Cdc14 and MEN-controlled Cdk inactivation in yeast coordinate rDNA decompaction with late telophase progression. |
Allaman I, Gavillet M, B�langer M, Laroche T, Viertl D, Lashuel HA, Magistretti PJ. J Neurosci. 2010 Mar 3;30(9):3326-38. |
Amyloid-beta aggregates cause alterations of astrocytic metabolic phenotype: impact on neuronal viability. |
Maurel D, Banala S, Laroche T, Johnsson K. ACS Chem Biol. 2010 May 21;5(5):507-16. |
Photoactivatable and photoconvertible fluorescent probes for protein labeling. |
B�langer M, Yang J, Petit JM, Laroche T, Magistretti PJ, Allaman I. J Neurosci. 2011 Dec 14;31(50):18338-52. |
Role of the glyoxalase system in astrocyte-mediated neuroprotection. |