Vincent Lamirand

PH D3 475 (Bâtiment PH)
Station 3
1015 Lausanne

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Administrative data

Fields of expertise

Radiation Detection, Instrumentation, Reactor Physics, Measurement and Metrology, Monte Carlo Methods, Radiation Protection, Nuclear Reactions, Data Analysis, Ion Beam Analysis, Particle Accelerators (MeV).

Professional course

Program manager of experimental research, Deputy Head of LRS nuclear facilities

Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Systems Behaviour (LRS)

EPFL and Paul Scherrer Institute (since 2016)


Physicist, postdoctoral fellow

Experimental Physics Service (SPEx)

Atomic Energy Commission (CEA, France)


PhD student

Laboratory for Neutron Metrology and Dosimetry (LMDN)

Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety Institute (IRSN, France)



PhD degree

Nuclear Physics

UJF Grenoble 1 (France)


Master Degree

Physics, sp. in Subatomic Physics

UCB Lyon 1 (France)


Bachelor Degree


UCB Lyon 1 (France)



Infoscience publications


Teaching & PhD

Master theses (co-direction with Prof. A. Pautz)
  • Thomas Ligonnet (EPFL-ETH Zurich, Nuclear Eng.), supervision shared with A. Laureau: "Analysis of the PETALE program in the CROCUS reactor", 2021
  • Colin Rochat (EPFL, Physics), supervision shared with F. Vitullo: "Application of miniature scintillators to high neutron flux reactor measurements", 2021 
  • Edoardo Brunetto (PoliTo, Italie, Nuclear eng.), supervision shared with F. Vitullo: "Highly localized measurements in the UniStuttgart SUR-100 reactor", 2020
  • Tom Mager (Phelma, France-PoliTo, Italie, Nuclear eng.), supervision shared with O. Pakari: "The LEAF system and gamma detection applications in CROCUS, 2019-2020
  • Yifeng Jiang (INSA-INSTN, Nuclear eng.), supervision shared with A. Laureau: "Characterization of the neutron spectrum in the EPFL CROCUS reactor by foil activation dosimetry and Monte Carlo calculations", 2018
  • Adrien Theler (EPFL, Physics), supervision shared with B. Geslot (CEA):  "Characterisation and analysis of double-deposit miniature fission chambers signals in the MINERVE reactor", 2017
  • Oskari Pakari (EPFL-ETHZ, NE Master), supervision shared with G. Perret (PSI):  "Implementation of neutron noise instrumentation in current mode", 2016

Semester projects
  • Michel Saliba (EPFL-ETH Zurich, Nuclear Eng.), supervision shared with W. Monange (IRSN, France): "Neutron correlation experiments in CROCUS using SAFFRON", 2022
  • Daniel Gönczy (EPFL, Mechanics), supervision shared with T. Ligonnet: "Development and modelling of a conveyor device for activity mapping", 2021
  • Thomas Ligonnet (EPFL-ETH Zurich, Nuclear Eng.), supervision shared with A. Laureau: "Analysis of the PETALE program in the CROCUS reactor", 2020
  • Roxane Oesterle, in collaboration with IRA (CHUV), supervision by Thierry Buchillier: "In-Situ Gamma Spectroscopy with HPGe", 2020
  • Edoardo Brunetto, supervision with F. Vitullo: "Validation of the Serpent 2 model for the CARROUSEL facility", 2019
  • Roxane Oesterle, in collaboration with IRA (CHUV), supervision by Nicolas Cherbuin and Jérôme Damet: "Extremity Dosimetry: Effect of Plexiglass Syringe Shield on Ga-68, and TLD-100 v.s. MCP-Oeil Results", 2019
  • Felix Grimberg, supervision by Daniel Siefman: "The Unscented Kalman Filter: Introduction and Application to Point Reactor Kinetics", 2019
  • Bert Vandereydt, supervision shared with Oskari Pakari: "Modelling of gamma detectors for CROCUS using Monte Carlo transport codes", 2018
  • Felix Von Rütte (EPFL, Physics), supervision shared with Stefan Radman: "Design of a cloud chamber", 2017
  • Isabelle Tanseri, supervision shared with Daniel Siefman: "Measurement of concrete neutron activation in the cavity of the CROCUS reactor", 2017
  • Harrison Gavotto, supervision shared with Daniel Siefman: "Neutron activation in the cavity of the CROCUS reactor", 2016
  • Adrien Theler (EPFL, Physics): "Gamma characteristion of the LOTUS cavity", 2016
  • Adrien Theler (EPFL, Physics):  "Development of an experimental channel for CROCUS", 2015
  • Oskari Pakari (EPFL-ETH Zurich, Nuclear Eng.), supervision shared with G. Perret (PSI)  "Neutron noise measurements in current mode", 2015

  • Jean-Baptiste Valentin (EPFL, Physique), supervision shared with T. Mager and T. Ligonnet: "Test of activation dosimeters with unconventional shapes for position sensitive measurements", 06-07.2022
  • Philippe Simbsler (Phelma, France), supervision shared with T. Ligonnet: "Study of the spatial dependence of the neutron spectrum in CROCUS", 05-07.2022
  • François Guillier (Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, France),  supervision shared with K. Ambrožič : "Investigation of the fission matrix methodology for the analysis of the SAFFRON experiments", 04.2021-07.2021
  • Jihyo Seo (KONICOF exchange program, South Korea), 08.2019-01.2020 
  • Alexandre Colin (Phelma, France), supervision shared with O. Pakari: "Characterisation of the neutron activation of the EPFL CROCUS reactor
  • Alexandre Colin (Phelma, France), supervision with O. Pakari : “Measurement of the activation of the structures of the CROCUS reactor”, 05-08.2018
  • Vincent Chaussonnet (EPF, France), supervision with O. Pakari and D. Siefman: "Assessment of the activation of the concrete cavity of the CROCUS", 09-12.2017
  •  Michael Chadwick (McGill University, Canada): "Mechanical modeling of LOTUS and design of in-core experimental setups", 05-08.2016
  • Michael Chadwick (McGill University, Canada): "Mechanical modeling of the CROCUS reactor", 05-08.2015


Radiation and reactor experiments

The reactor experiments course aims to introduce the students to radiation detection techniques and nuclear reactor experiments. The core of the course is the unique opportunity to conduct reactor experiments, as the control rod calibration, and approach to critical.

Radiation detection

The course presents the detection of ionizing radiation in the keV and MeV energy ranges. Physical processes of radiation/matter interaction are introduced. All steps of detection are covered, as well as detectors, instrumentations and measurements methods commonly used in the nuclear field.