Yujia Zhang

BM 3129 (Bâtiment BM)
Station 17
1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 79 57
+41 21 693 11 80
BM 3129
Web site: Web site: https://www.epfl.ch/labs/bion
Fields of expertise
- Dropletronics: microscale droplet-based modular iontronics (e.g., batteries, diodes, transistors, memristors and circuits)
- Bioiontronics and bioelectronics
- Functional synthetic, cellular and hybrid tissues
- Bioengineering and human-machine interface
- Advanced manufacturing of soft and living matter across multiple scales
Yujia Zhang is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Microengineering at the Institute of Electrical and Microengineering at EPFL. His research thrusts include iontronic hybrid tissues and wearable/implantable bioelectronics for applications in biomedicine. Recently, he has pioneered the area of dropletronics, in which networks of microscale soft droplets function as versatile bioelectronic/bioiontronic devices.Prior to his appointment, he obtained his B.Sc. in Electronics and Information Science and Technology from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2016. Later, he completed his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering and MEMS/NEMS technology at the Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, followed by one year of being a visiting scholar at Stony Brook University, USA. In 2021, Yujia joined the Bayley group at the University of Oxford, UK, and started his postdoctoral research with a focus on the development of multifunctional iontronic synthetic tissues for biotic interfaces and soft implants. In 2023, he became an Early-career Research Fellow hosted in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Oxford.
2023 : Early-career Research Scientist Representative : UK Parliamentary & Scientific Committee
2022 : Excellent Doctoral Dissertation : Chinese Academy of Sciences
2021 : Outstanding Doctoral Thesis : Chinese Institute of Electronics
2020 : Special Prize for President Scholarship for Postgraduate Students : Chinese Academy of Sciences
Selected publications
Zhang Y, Tan C, Toepfer C, et al. Science, 2024, 386,1024-1030. |
Microscale Droplet Assembly Enables Biocompatible Multifunctional Modular Iontronics |
Zhang Y, Sun T, Yang X, et al. Nature Chemical Engineering, 2024, 1, 691–701. |
A Microscale Soft Lithium-ion Battery for Tissue Stimulation |
Zhang Y, Riexinger J, Yang X, et al. Nature, 2023, 620, 1001–1006. |
A microscale soft ionic power source modulates neuronal network activity |
Zhang Y and Tao TH. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31, 1905767. |
Skin-Friendly Electronics for Acquiring Human Physiological Signatures |
Zhang Y, Zhou Z, Sun L, et al. Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 1805722. |
“Genetically Engineered” Biofunctional Triboelectric Nanogenerators Using Recombinant Spider Silk |
Bioiontronic synthetic tissues
At the Laboratory for Bio-Iontronics (BION), the mission is to make bioiontronic synthetic tissues for applications in medicine. To that end, we are interested in developing synthetic tissues with key functions of embodied energy, logic control, stimuli-responsiveness, and therapeutics delivery, enabling interactive communication with biology. The synthetic tissues will be formed from three-dimensionally (3D) printed picoliter droplet networks, which use lipid bilayer, functional nanopores, and charge-selective solutes to feature sophisticated ion control. Ultimately, the bioiontronic synthetic tissues will provide an alternative strategy, in parallel to bioelectronic medicine, to be used as bioiontronic medicine for a wide range of medical conditions.The research group is highly interdisciplinary. There are three main research directions:
- Advanced manufacturing of iontronic synthetic tissues—3D printing system to construct microscale, multimaterial hydrogel droplet networks.
- Multifunctional iontronic synthetic tissues from patterned droplet networks, including functions of embodied energy, logic control, stimuli-responsiveness, therapeutics delivery, etc.
- Modulation of living cells in culture. Examples include human iPSC-derived neurons, cardiomyocytes, and organoids.