Kenneth Lee
PPH 277 (Bâtiment PPH)
Station 13
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Web site:
Research areas
- Advanced divertor experiments and radiative detachment scenarios
I am a PhD student in plasma physics at Swiss Plasma Center EPFL advised by Prof. Christian Theiler. I am part of the TCV experimental team studying alternative divertor configurations. My research investigates the plasma regimes with secondary X-point radiation, in which the intense exhaust power from tokamak plasmas can be efficiently dissipated to protect the plasma-facing components in future fusion devices.I am experienced in leading experimental session in the tokamak control room with a large group of collaborators. I am also active in international collaboration within the EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation programme, focusing on "RT-07: Physics understanding of alternative divertor configurations as risk mitigation for DEMO". At TCV tokamak, I am a specialist plasma diagnostician responsible for the reciprocating divertor probe array (RDPA) - a fast-moving 2D array of Langmuir probes in the divertor region.
At EPFL, I have been the teaching assistant for graduate level plasma physics course (PHYS-423 Plasma I), as well as several bachelor physics courses.
Prior to EPFL, I read for a BA in Physics and MMathPhys in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics at St Hilda's College, University of Oxford.