Mihai Adrian Ionescu

ELB 335 (Bâtiment ELB)
Station 11
1015 Lausanne

Web site:  Web site:  https://nanolab.epfl.ch/

BM 3126 (Bâtiment BM)
Station 17
1015 Lausanne

Administrative data

Fields of expertise

Nanoelectronic devices 
Steep-slope tunnel FETs and ferroelectric FETs
Energy efficient nanoelectronics for sustainability
Qubits for Quantum Computing
Edge AI sensors
Modeling and Simulation of Solid-State Electronic Devices
Lab On Skin Technology for Digital twins


IEEE EDL George Smith Award

Best Paper published in IEEE EDL Journal in 2017


IBM Faculty Award



Blondel Medal

For contributions to the progress in engineering sciences in the domain of electronics


IEEE Technical Field Award Cledo Brunetti

“for leadership and contributions to the field of energy-efficient steep slope devices and technologies.”



Infoscience publications

Teaching & PhD


Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Micro and nanoelectronic devices

This lecture introduces the main principles, modeling and operation of semiconductor devices with main emphasis on major transistor concepts: bipolar, MOSFET (bulk, SOI, 3D) and new merging architectures (Tunnel FETs). Their main figuers of merit and the technological implementation are discussed.


This lecture overviews and discusses the last trends in the technology and principles of nanoelectronic devices for more aggressive scaling, better performances, added functionalities and lower energy per function. The opportunities of these advances compared to industrial roadmaps are analized.

Semiconductor devices II

Students will learn about understanding the fundamentals and applications of emerging nanoscale devices, materials and concepts. Remark: at least 5 students should be enrolled for the course to be given

Nanoscale MOSFETs and beyond CMOS devices

This course provides the trends in nanoelectronics for scaling, better performances and lower energy per function. It covers fundamental phenomena of nanoscale devices, beyond CMOS steep slope switches, emerging architectures, cryo electronics, non-volatile memories and energy efficient smart sensin

Wearables and implantables for personalized and preventive healthcare

This multidisciplinary course presents, from both engineering and medical perspectives, the state-of-the-art, applications and impact of wearable and implantable technologies, with focus on cardiovascular healthcare shift from intervention-based to personalized and preventive medical strategies.

Introduction to quantum science and technology

A broad view of the diverse aspects of the field is provided: quantum physics, communication, quantum computation, simulation of physical systems, physics of qubit platforms, hardware technologies. Students will grasp the field as a whole and better orient themselves on specialized topics.

Aspects of quantum science and sustainability

We explore the intersection of quantum technologies and sustainability. Topics: 1)discussions of fundamental aspects of thermodynamics of computation; 2)analysis and benchmarks of energy consumption in current and near term real quantum devices; 3)projects on use cases through personal student work.