Elison Matioli

ELD 012 (Bâtiment ELD)
Station 11
1015 Lausanne

Web site:  Web site:  https://powerlab.epfl.ch

BM 3126 (Bâtiment BM)
Station 17
1015 Lausanne

Administrative data

Teaching & PhD


Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Energy conversion

The course aims at providing the elements related to the energy conversion with particular reference to the electricity production by means of conventional and renewable energy sources. The course illustrates the fundamental notions for the modeling of energy conversion systems.

Semiconductor devices I

This course aims to give a solid introduction to semiconductors, from Silicon to compound semiconductors, making the connection between the physics and their application in real life. We will explore several experimental techniques related to current semiconductor research and development.

Research seminars in Electrical Engineering - FALL

This course propose a series of weekly broad audience seminars given by distinguished speakers in electrical engineering. The speakers are invited from all around the world and are chosen among the very top specialists in their field.

The first goal is to develop a culture of the current research challenges in Electrical Engineering, explained by top experience researchers.

Advanced lll-Nitride Semiconductor Devices

This course covers advanced topics on compound semiconductors (lll-Nitrides) and their heterostructures, from both physics and engineering perspectives, to explain the principles of some of the widespread electronic and optoelectronic devices used in our lives (LEDs, lasers, HEMTS, and power FETS).