Francis Lévy
Après sa formation secondaire à La Chaux-de-Fonds, Francis Lévy étudie à l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Zurich où il obtient le diplôme de physicien (1963). Assistant au Laboratoire de physique des corps solides de l'ETHZ, il publie sa thèse de doctorat sur les propriétés structurales et magnétiques de composés des terres rares (1969). A l'Institut de physique appliquée de l'EPFL, ses recherches concernent la croissance de cristaux et la physique des semi-conducteurs. De 1974 à 1975, au Laboratoire Cavendish de l'Université de Cambridge (UK), il étudie les matériaux à structures cristallines de basse dimensionnalité et leurs propriétés électroniques. De retour à l'EPFL, ses recherches portent sur de nombreux composés des métaux de transition. Il crée un groupe de recherche sur la physique et les technologies pour les couches minces. Ses travaux visent à comprendre les propriétés physique et chimiques de couches minces fonctionnelles en relation avec des caractéristiques structurales et électroniques ainsi qu'avec des paramètres de dépôt. Avec le titre de professeur (1987), il enseigne la physique générale, la physique du solide et des semi-conducteurs. Il est l'auteur du volume 18 du Traité des Matériaux: Physique et Technologie des Semi-conducteurs (PPUR) ainsi que auteur ou coauteur de plus de 460 publications scientifiques originales.Publications
Sélection de publications
Francis L�vy Th�se ETHZ N� 4337, 1969 |
Effets magn�tostrictifs spontan�s de quelques compos�s des terres rares: I Les chalcog�nures d'Europium; II Les combinaisons LnX |
Le Chi Thanh,C. Depeursinge, F. L�vy, E. Mooser J. Phys. Chem. Solids 30, 699, 1975 |
The Band Gap Exciton In PbI2 |
H. Kamimura, A.J. Grant F. L�vy A.D. Yoffe, G.D. Pitt Solid State Communications 17, 49, 1975 |
The band structure and electronic properties of sulfur nitride polymer |
A.M. Goldberg, A.R. Beal, F. L�vy, E.A. Davis Phil. Mag. 32, 367, 1975 |
The low energy absorption edge in 2H-MoS2 and 2H-MoSe2 |
F. L�vy, Ph. Schmid, H. Berger Phil. Mag. 34, 1129, 1976 |
Electrical propertiesof layered MoSe2 single crystals doped with Nb and Re |
F. L�vy J. Phys. C: Solid State Physics 13, 2901, 1980 |
The influence of impurities on the electrical properties of TiSe2 single crystals |
F. L�vy, H. Berger J. cryst.growth 61, 61, 1983 |
Single crystals of transition metals trichalcogenides |
R.R. Daniels, G. Margaritondo, C.A. Georg, F. L�vy Phys. Rev. B29, 181�3, 1984 |
Electronic states of rutile dioxide RuO2, IrO2 and Ru(x)Ir(1-x)O2 |
R. Bichsel, F. L�vy Thin Solid Films, 124, 75, 1985 |
Electrical properties of MoSe2 films prepared by r.f. magnetron sputering |
H.P. Vaterlaus, F. L�vy J. Phys. C: Solid State Physics, 18, 2351, 1985 |
Phonons and free carriers in group IVB transition metal dichalcogenides |
P. Triggs, F. L�vy Phys. Status Solidi(b) 129, 363, 1985 |
Optical and electrical properties of ruthenium doped TiO2 |
M. Sch�rli, F. L�vy Phys. Rev. B33,4317, 1986 |
Interlayer acoustic phonons in zhe layered compound TiS2 |
D.R.P. Guy, R.H. Friend, F. L�vy Physica 139*140B, 443, 1986 |
High pressure transport studies in transition metal dichalcogenide alloys |
R. Bichsel, F. L�vy J. Phys. D: Appl. Physics 19, 1809, 1986 |
Influence of process conditions on the electrical and optical properties of R.F. magnetron sputtered MoS2 films |
R. Luthier, F. L�vy J. Vac. Sci, Technol. A6, 3082, 1988 |
Ellipsometric studies of sputtered Au-TiNx thin films |
K. Biljacovic, J.C. Lasjaunias, P. Monceau, F. L�vy Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 1512, 1989 |
Aging effects in nonexpnential energy relaxations in charge-density-wave systems |
R. Luthier,F. L�vy J, Vac, Sci. Technol. A9 102,109, 1991 |
Magnetron sputtered TialON compopsite thin films:I Structure and morphology, II Optical and electrical properties |
J. Krempasky, L. Wang, M. Proctor, A. Pignolet, F. L�vy Sol. State. Commun. 78, 1039, 1991 |
Optical properties of PZT and PMZT souttered thin films |
J. Moser, F. L�vy Thin Solid Films 228, 257, 1993 |
MoS(2-x) lubricating films: structure and wear mechanisms investigated by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy |
S. Kurita, M. Tanaka, F. L�vy Phys. Rev. B48, 1356, 1993 |
Optical spectra near the band edge of ZrS3 and ZrSe3 |
J. Moser, F. L�vy Thin Solid Films 240 56, 1994 |
Random stacking in MoS(2-x) sputtered thin films |
L. Forro, O. Chauvet, S. Emin, L. Zuppiroli, H. Berger, F. L�vy J. Appl. Phys. 75, 633, 1993 |
High mobility n-type charge carriers in large single crystals of anatase (TiO2) |
G. Rosenfeld, R. Sanjin�s, F. L�vy, P.A. Buffat, V. Demarne, A. Grisel J. Vac. Sci. Rechnol. A12, 135 1994 |
Structural and morphological characterization of Nb2O5 thin films deposited by reactive sputtering |
H. Tang, K. Prasad, R. Sanjin�s, P.E. Schmid, F. L�vy J. Appl.Phys. 75, 2042, 1994 |
Electrical and optical properties of TiO2 anatase thin films |
F. L�vy Trait� des Mat�riaux, 18 Presse polytechniques et universitaires, Lausanne, 1995 |
Physique et technologie des semicomducteurs |
C. Wiemer, F. L�vy, R. Messier J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 29, 99, 1996 |
Effect of ion collisions on Langmuir probe measurements in Ti-N deposition by unbalanced magnetron sputtering |
W.T. Wu, P.E. Schmid, F. L�vy Apl. Surf. Sci. 92, 391, 1996 |
Structural and optical properties of Pd(1-x)Inx thin films |
M. Regula, C. Ballif, M. Remskar, F. L�vy J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A15, 2323 1997 |
Crystallinity and texture promotion in WS2 thin films |
C.H. Hohli, P.E. Schmid, F. L�vy Ferroelectrics 209, 471, 1998 |
Electrical and pyroelectric properties of lithium tantalate thin films |
A. Bally, P, Hones, R. Sanjin�s, P.E. Schmid, F. L�vy Surf.Coat. Technol. 108-109, 166, 1998 |
Mechanical and electrical properties of fcc TiO(1 x) thin films prepared by r.f. reactive sputtering |
P. Hones, R. Sanjin�s, F. L�vy, O. Shojaei J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A17, 1024, 1999 |
Electronic structure and mechanical properties of resistant coatings: the chromium molybdenum nitride system |
F. L�vy, P. Hones, P.E. Schmid, R. Sanjin�s, M. Diserens, C. Wiemer Surf. Coat. Technol. 120-121, 284, 1999 |
Electronic states and mechanical properties in transitiion metal nitrides |
P. Hones, F. L�vy, T. Gerfin, M. Gr�tzel Chem Vap. Deposition, 6, 193, 2000 |
MOCVD of thin ruzhenium oxide films: propertien and growth kinetics |
M. Remskar, Z. Skraba, P. Stadelmann, F. L�vy Adv. Mater. 12, 814, 2000 |
Structural stabilization of new compounds: MoS2 and WS2 micro- and nanotubes and nanotubes alloyed with gold and silver |
N. Martin, O. Banakh, A.M.E. Santo, S. Springer, R. Sanjin�s, I. Takadoum, F. L�vy Appl. Surf. Sci. 185, 123, 2001 |
Correlation between processing and properties of TiOxNy thin films sputter deposited by reactive gas pulsing techniques |
E. Riedo, F. L�vy, H. Brune Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 185505, 2002 |
Kinetics of capillary condensationin nanoscopic sliding friction |
P. Hones, N. Martin, M. Regula, F. L�vy J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36, 1023, 2003 |
Structural and mechanical properties of chromium nitride, molybdenum nitride and tungsten nitride |
E. Marinez, R. Sanjin�s, O. Banakh, F. L�vy Thin Solid Films 447-448, 332, 2004 |
Electrical, optical and mechanical properties of sputtered CrNy and Cr(1-x)SixN1.02 |
R. Lamni, E. Martinez, S.G. Springer, R. Sanjin�s, P.E. Schmid, F. L�vy Thin Solid Films 447-448, 316 2004 |
Optical and electrical properties of magnetron sputtrered ZrNx thin films |
R. Lamni, R. Sanjin�s, F. L�vy Thin Solid Films 478, 170, 2005 |
Electrical and optical properties of Zr(1-x)AlxN thin films |
R. Sanjin�s, M. Benkahoul, M. Papagno, , F. L�vy, D. Music J. Appl. Phys. 99, 044911, 2006 |
Electronic structure of Nb2N and NbN thin films |
R. Sanjin�s, M. Benkahoul, S.S. Sandu, P.E. Schmid, F. L�vy J. Appl. Phys. 98, 123511, 2005 |
Relationship between the physical and structural properties of NbzSiyNx thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering |
C.S. Sandu, M. Benkahoul, R. Sanjin�s, F. L�vy Surf. Coat. Technol. 201, 2897, 2006 |
Model for the evolution of Nb-Si-N thin films as a function of Si content relating the nanostructure to elctrical and mechanical properties |
F. L�vy Encyclopedia of condensed Matter Physics, p.210, Elsevier 2005 |
Film Growth and Epitaxy: Methods |