Marson Korbi (Tirana, 1990) is an architect and currently postdoctoral researcher at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. He also teaches at the doctoral school of EDAR, EPFL. Korbi studied at the Polytechnic of Bari where he also earned his PhD (in 2020) with cum laude, on communal dwelling and the political history of the knowledge worker. Korbi’s research is related to the field of architecture history and theory, explored through the lens of political theory and the categories of the architectural project. His work is also based on the critique of domestic space, architecture and urbanism, with particular interest on typology, architecture form and interior design. As an architect and researcher, he has presented his work in many universities and has collaborated with different offices and practitioners in Tirana, Bari, Brussels and Lausanne. He has published several articles in printed and online journals related to the topic of architecture, education, and political economy. Korbi is also coeditor with Roberto Gargiani of the book Grand Dessein du Rationalisme, published with Accattone (2021). In September 2022 he became part of the Laboratory ‘Theory and Project of Domestic Space’ (TPOD) directed by Prof. Pier Vittorio Aureli, at the Architecture School of EPFL. He is coeditor of the book Order and Disorder: Selected Essays by Manfredo Tafuri 1964-1994, with Pier Vittorio Aureli, Jolanda Devalle and Theodora Giovanazzi (ongoing publication). And currently he is working the publication on the book Forever Young: A Critical History of Student Accommodation, a study from medieval colleges to modern student housing.