Nicola Braghieri

BP 3245 (Bâtiment BP)
Station 16
1015 Lausanne

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Administrative data


Other publications

Teaching & PhD



Projeter ensemble ENAC


Graphic figuration

(Coursebook not yet approved by the section)

Theory and techniques of architectural figuration

The course imparts the theoretical foundations of the history of figurative art and introduces the operative techniques of representation. The main aim is to integrate the use of digital tools into the intellectual dimension of the discipline.

Studio BA5 (Braghieri)

The studio's objective is to investigate the topic of construction and recolonization within the Alpine region. The program seeks to establish a commun mixing habitat and handcraft.

Studio MA1 (Braghieri)

The studio's objective is to investigate the topic of construction and recolonization within the Alpine region. The program seeks to establish a commun mixing habitat and handcraft.

UE H : Graphy

Experiment graphic tools to represent architecture. Exercise the skill of communicating via these tools, through repeated practice of eye/hand/brain connections; a reflection stemming from the theories of representation; and by searching for inventive solutions.

UE E : Architectures in crises

Built heritage is a resource, but many buildings and sites fail to reveal their architectural, urban and social potential. This course encourages students to study buildings by analysing their archives and to develop ideas for interventions that are consistent with their history and context.

UE V : Visions and utopias

The teaching unit will take the form of an operational workshop in which the visionary and abstract spirit proposed by utopian literature will find a concrete urban form by composing fragments sought from the vast figurative repertoire offered by the history of architecture.

Introduction to building archaeology

This course imparts the basic notions of study and analysis methods in construction archaeology. The aim is to develop students' understanding of ancient buildings, enabling them to take a more sensitive approach to architectural objects.

ORIGINAL KNOWLEDGE. 9th Les Rencontres de l'EDAR

The ninth edition of Les Rencontres de l'EDAR invites doctoral students to reflect on how to elaborate an original scientific knowledge, referring to their own PhD dissertation.

Forma urbis

Some ancient cities are ruins, while others evolve, integrating their history into the urban fabric. These transformations create architectural palimpsests, making the city a living monument where past and present coexist and revealing captivating stories around every corner.