Reymond Clavel

The Laboratoire de Systèmes Robotiques (LSRO) is a mulitidisiplinary research unit working mostly in the fields of robotics, micro-robotics and hight precision instrumentation. Its main domains of expertise are: Conception of mechanisms for parallel robots with high precision and dynamics Conception and control of frictionless bearings for high precision systems Conception of positioning devices for nanometric resolution Conception of complex medical devices The research led by Prof. Reymond Clavel is High Precision Robotics (HPR) Parallel Robotics Design (PRD) Virtual Reality and Active Interfaces (VRAI) Medical Devices and Biomechanisms (MDB)Publications
Sélection de publications
O. Chappuis and R. Clavel. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Optomechtronic Technologies 2011, Hong Kong, China, 2011. |
Phase-shift master-slave mechanisms for high angular-speed wedge-prism systems |
F. Cosandier, V. Chatagny, A. Eichenberger, H. Baumann and R. Clavel A23-437, 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, IFTOMM, Guanajuato, Mexique, 2011. |
Optimizing the Design of the 13-Hinge Rectilinear Stage for High Straightness Translation |
P. Kobel and R. Clavel. In International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (IEEE ISAM2011), pages 67-72, Tampere, Finland, 2011. |
Micro robot for rotary desktop assembly line |
M. Richard and R. Clavel. Mechanical Sciences, 2 (Special Issue on Future directions in compliant mechanisms):99-107, 2011. |
Concept of modular flexure-based mechanisms for ultra-high precision robot design |
P. Kobel and R. Clavel. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Microfactories (IWMF2010), pages 25-29, Daejeon, Korea, 2010. |
Circular concept of a miniaturized assembly line with an integrated cleanroom |
M. Richard and R. Clavel. In Proceedings for the joint conference of the 41st International Symposium of Robotics (ISR) and the 6th German Conference on Robotics, pages 940-947, 2010. |
A new concept of modular kinematics to design ultra-high precision flexure-based robots |
R. Clavel, P. Pham, B. Lorent, B. Le Gall, M. Bouri Invited paper, Proceedings of Robotic Systems for Assembly, 3rt International Colloquium of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 562, Braunschweig April 28-29, 2008 |
New Variants of Delta Robots and Double-Tilt Platform for Assembly |
C. Canales, F. Cosandier, G. Boetsch, V. Chatagny, J.H Lee, G. Bringout and R. Clavel International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT), San Diego, USA, 2008 |
A complete manipulation platform for characterization of micro-components |
P. M�trailler, R. Brodard, Y. Stauffer, R. Frischknecht, R. Clavel Ch. 17, Book Rehabilitation Robotics, ISBN 978-3-902613-04-2, I-Tech Education and Publishing, August 2007 |
Cyberthosis: Rehabilitation Robotics With Controlled Electrical Muscle Stimulation |
I. Verettas, R. Clavel, and A. Codourey International Workshop on MicroFactories (IWMF), Tsukuba, Japon 2006 |
PocketFactory: a modular and miniature assembly chain including a clean environment |
B. Lorent, M. Dafflon, C. Joseph, R. Clavel International Symposium on Robotics (ISR), 2006 |
In situ micro gripper shaping by electro discharge machining |
N. Fazenda, E. Lubrano, S. Rossopoulos, R. Clavel Keynote Paper, 5th Chemnitz Parallel Kinematics Seminar, volume 33, Chemnitz 2006. |
Calibration of the 6 DOF High-Precision Flexure Parallel Robot �SIGMA 6� |
H. Frayssinet, M. Forlani, D. Jeannerat, R. Clavel 5th Chemnitz Parallel Kinematics Seminar, volume 33, Chemnitz 2006 |
Improving the accuracy of the 5-axis parallel kinematics machine-tool Hita-STT (Stiffness Tracking Technology) |
P. Pham, Y-J. Regamey, R. Clavel 5th Chemnitz Parallel Kinematics Seminar, volume 33, Chemnitz 2006 |
Delta Thales, a Novel Archtecture for an Orienting Device with Fixed RCM (Remote Center of Movement) and Linear Movement in Direction of the RCM |
M. Dafflon, B. Lorent, W. Driesen, and R. Clavel In 5th International Wordshop on MicroFactories (IWMF'06), 2006 |
Characterization of an inertial micro gripper based on adhesion forces |
P. Pham, Y.-J. Regamey, M. Fracheboud, R. Clavel International Symposium on Robotics, 2005 |
Orion MinAngle: A flexure-based, double-tilting parallel kinematics for ultra-high precision applications requiring high angles of rotation |
R. Clavel, P. Helmer, T. Niaritsiry, S. Rossopoulos, I. Verettas 2nd International Colloquium of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 562, Braunschweig May 10-11, 2005 |
High Precision Parallel Robots for Micro-Factory Applications |
L.Stauffer, A.W�rsch, B.G�chter, K.Siercks, I.Verettas, S.Rossopoulos, R.Clavel Optical and Lasers in engineering 43, Elsevier 2005 |
A surface-mounted device assembly technique for small optics based on laser reflow soldering |
M. Thurneysen, R. Clavel, M. Bouri, H. Frayssinet, J. Giovanola, M. Schnyder, D. Jeannerat 4th Chemnitz Parallel Kinematics Seminar, volume 24, Chemnitz 2004 |
Hita-STT, a new parallel five-axis machine tool |
H. Frayssinet, M. Thurneysen, D. Jeannerat, and R. Clavel 35th International Symposium on Robotics, 2004 |
Calibration of the 5-dof parallel kinematics HITA-STT |
F.Meili, M.Fracheboud, S.Bottinelli, M.Bieri, R.Thalmann, J-M.Breguet, R.Clavel Proc. of International Topical Conference on Precision Engineering, Micro Technology, Measurement Techniques and Equipment, Vol. 2, EUSPEN, Aachen 2003 |
High precision, low force 3D touch probe for measurements on small objects |
J-P.Bacher, C.Joseph, R.Clavel Industrial Robot: An international Journal, Vol. 29 N� 4, Emerald 2002 |
Flexures for high precision robotics |
R.Clavel R 7 710, Les Techniques de l�Ing�nieur, 7 - 1994 |
Robots Parall�les |
R.Clavel Th�se N� 925, EPFL, 1991 |
Conception d'un robot parall�le rapide � 4 degr�s de libert� |
R.Clavel EU patent N� 0250470, 17.07.1991, Priority data: 16.12.1985 |
Device for the Movement and positioning of an element in space |
Enseignement & Phd
Mechanical Engineering